1,893 research outputs found

    The Parameterized Complexity of Dependency Detection in Relational Databases

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    We study the parameterized complexity of classical problems that arise in the profiling of relational data. Namely, we characterize the complexity of detecting unique column combinations (candidate keys), functional dependencies, and inclusion dependencies with the solution size as parameter. While the discovery of uniques and functional dependencies, respectively, turns out to be W[2]-complete, the detection of inclusion dependencies is one of the first natural problems proven to be complete for the class W[3]. As a side effect, our reductions give insights into the complexity of enumerating all minimal unique column combinations or functional dependencies

    Computational Complexity And Algorithms For Dirty Data Evaluation And Repairing

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    In this dissertation, we study the dirty data evaluation and repairing problem in relational database. Dirty data is usually inconsistent, inaccurate, incomplete and stale. Existing methods and theories of consistency describe using integrity constraints, such as data dependencies. However, integrity constraints are good at detection but not at evaluating the degree of data inconsistency and cannot guide the data repairing. This dissertation first studies the computational complexity of and algorithms for the database inconsistency evaluation. We define and use the minimum tuple deletion to evaluate the database inconsistency. For such minimum tuple deletion problem, we study the relationship between the size of rule set and its computational complexity. We show that the minimum tuple deletion problem is NP-hard to approximate the minimum tuple deletion within 17/16 if given three functional dependencies and four attributes involved. A near optimal approximated algorithm for computing the minimum tuple deletion is proposed with a ratio of 2 − 1/2r , where r is the number of given functional dependencies. To guide the data repairing, this dissertation also investigates the data repairing method by using query feedbacks, formally studies two decision problems, functional dependency restricted deletion and insertion propagation problem, corresponding to the feedbacks of deletion and insertion. A comprehensive analysis on both combined and data complexity of the cases is provided by considering different relational operators and feedback types. We have identified the intractable and tractable cases to picture the complexity hierarchy of these problems, and provided the efficient algorithm on these tractable cases. Two improvements are proposed, one focuses on figuring out the minimum vertex cover in conflict graph to improve the upper bound of tuple deletion problem, and the other one is a better dichotomy for deletion and insertion propagation problems at the absence of functional dependencies from the point of respectively considering data, combined and parameterized complexities

    Toward Concept-Based Text Understanding and Mining

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    There is a huge amount of text information in the world, written in natural languages. Most of the text information is hard to access compared with other well-structured information sources such as relational databases. This is because reading and understanding text requires the ability to disambiguate text fragments at several levels, syntactically and semantically, abstracting away details and using background knowledge in a variety of ways. One possible solution to these problems is to implement a framework of concept-based text understanding and mining, that is, a mechanism of analyzing and integrating segregated information, and a framework of organizing, indexing, accessing textual information centered around real-world concepts. A fundamental difficulty toward this goal is caused by the concept ambiguity of natural language. In text, the real-world entities are referred using their names. The variability in writing a given concept, along with the fact that different concepts/enities may have very similar writings, poses a significant challenge to progress in text understanding and mining. Supporting concept-based natural language understanding requires resolving conceptual ambiguity, and in particular, identifying whether different mentions of real world entities, within and across documents, actually represent the same concept. This thesis systematically studies this fundamental problem. We study and propose different machine learning techniques to address different aspects of this problem and show that as more information can be exploited, the learning techniques developed accordingly, can continuously improve the identification accuracy. In addition, we extend our global probabilistic model to address a significant application -- semantic integration between text and databases

    Joining Extractions of Regular Expressions

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    Regular expressions with capture variables, also known as "regex formulas," extract relations of spans (interval positions) from text. These relations can be further manipulated via Relational Algebra as studied in the context of document spanners, Fagin et al.'s formal framework for information extraction. We investigate the complexity of querying text by Conjunctive Queries (CQs) and Unions of CQs (UCQs) on top of regex formulas. We show that the lower bounds (NP-completeness and W[1]-hardness) from the relational world also hold in our setting; in particular, hardness hits already single-character text! Yet, the upper bounds from the relational world do not carry over. Unlike the relational world, acyclic CQs, and even gamma-acyclic CQs, are hard to compute. The source of hardness is that it may be intractable to instantiate the relation defined by a regex formula, simply because it has an exponential number of tuples. Yet, we are able to establish general upper bounds. In particular, UCQs can be evaluated with polynomial delay, provided that every CQ has a bounded number of atoms (while unions and projection can be arbitrary). Furthermore, UCQ evaluation is solvable with FPT (Fixed-Parameter Tractable) delay when the parameter is the size of the UCQ
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