7 research outputs found

    Методика оценки эффективности передачи мультимедийных данных

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    Представлена разработка методики оценки эффективности передачи мультимедийных данных на основе совокупного анализа параметров оценки качества мультимедийных данных с точки зрения двух подходов: базируясь на параметрах качества обслуживания сети (от англ. Quality of Service, QoS) и базируясь на анализе параметров закодированного мультимедийного контента (от англ. Quality of Experience, QoE


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    Enhancement of Adaptive Forward Error Correction Mechanism for Video Transmission Over Wireless Local Area Network

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    Video transmission over the wireless network faces many challenges. The most critical challenge is related to packet loss. To overcome the problem of packet loss, Forward Error Correction is used by adding extra packets known as redundant packet or parity packet. Currently, FEC mechanisms have been adopted together with Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) mechanism to overcome packet losses and avoid network congestion in various wireless network conditions. The number of FEC packets need to be generated effectively because wireless network usually has varying network conditions. In the current Adaptive FEC mechanism, the FEC packets are decided by the average queue length and average packet retransmission times. The Adaptive FEC mechanisms have been proposed to suit the network condition by generating FEC packets adaptively in the wireless network. However, the current Adaptive FEC mechanism has some major drawbacks such as the reduction of recovery performance which injects too many excessive FEC packets into the network. This is not flexible enough to adapt with varying wireless network condition. Therefore, the enhancement of Adaptive FEC mechanism (AFEC) known as Enhanced Adaptive FEC (EnAFEC) has been proposed. The aim is to improve recovery performance on the current Adaptive FEC mechanism by injecting FEC packets dynamically based on varying wireless network conditions. The EnAFEC mechanism is implemented in the simulation environment using Network Simulator 2 (NS-2). Performance evaluations are also carried out. The EnAFEC was tested with the random uniform error model. The results from experiments and performance analyses showed that EnAFEC mechanism outperformed the other Adaptive FEC mechanism in terms of recovery efficiency. Based on the findings, the optimal amount of FEC generated by EnAFEC mechanism can recover high packet loss and produce good video quality

    QoS performance analysis of bit rate video streaming in next generation networks using TCP, UDP and a TCP+UDP hybrid

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    The growth in users streaming videos on the Internet has led to increased demand for improved video quality and reception. In next generation networks (NGNs), such as 3G and 4G LTE, quality of service (QoS) implementation is one of the ways in which good video quality and good video reception can be achieved. QoS mainly involves following an industry-wide set of standard metrics and mechanisms to achieve high-quality network performance in respect of video streaming. Adopting routing and communication protocols is one way QoS is implemented in NGNs. This article describes QoS of bit rate video streaming, and QoS performance analysis of video streaming, in relation to the main network transport protocols, namely transmission control protocol (TCP) and user datagram protocol (UDP). A simulation test bed was set up using OPNET modeller 14.5. In this setup, a network topology was created and duplicated three times, in order to configure two simulation scenarios (each using the distinct protocols), and a third simulation scenario using both protocols in hybrid form. The findings in the simulations indicated that, when a network is configured with both TCP and UDP protocols in video streaming, there is a positive change in the degree of performance in terms of the QoS of videostreaming applications, unlike when the protocols are used independently.CA2016www.wits.ac.za/linkcentre/aji

    Implementation and validation of an adaptive FEC machanism for video transmission

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    This research focuses on investigating the FEC mechanism as an error recovery over a wireless network.The existing adaptive FEC mechanism faces a major drawback, which is the reduction of recovery performance by injecting too many excessive FEC packets into the network. Thus, this paper proposes the implementation of an enhanced adaptive FEC (EnAFEC) mechanism for video transmission together with its validation process.There are two propositions in the EnAFEC enhancement, which include block length adaptation and implementation, and suitable smoothing factor value determination.The EnAFEC adjusts the FEC packets based on the wireless network condition so that excessive FEC packets can be reduced.The proposed enhancement is implemented in a simulation environment using the NS-2 network simulation.The simulation results show that EnAFEC generates less FEC packets than the other types of adaptive FEC (EAFEC and Mend FEC).In addition, a validation phase is also conducted to verify that the proposed enhancement is functioning correctly, and represents a real network situation.In the validation phase, the results obtained from the simulation are compared to the outputs of the other adaptive FEC mechanisms.The validation results show that the mechanism is successfully implemented in NS2 since the number of packet loss falls under the overlapping confidence intervals

    Perceptually Optimized Visualization on Autostereoscopic 3D Displays

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    The family of displays, which aims to visualize a 3D scene with realistic depth, are known as "3D displays". Due to technical limitations and design decisions, such displays create visible distortions, which are interpreted by the human vision as artefacts. In absence of visual reference (e.g. the original scene is not available for comparison) one can improve the perceived quality of the representations by making the distortions less visible. This thesis proposes a number of signal processing techniques for decreasing the visibility of artefacts on 3D displays. The visual perception of depth is discussed, and the properties (depth cues) of a scene which the brain uses for assessing an image in 3D are identified. Following the physiology of vision, a taxonomy of 3D artefacts is proposed. The taxonomy classifies the artefacts based on their origin and on the way they are interpreted by the human visual system. The principles of operation of the most popular types of 3D displays are explained. Based on the display operation principles, 3D displays are modelled as a signal processing channel. The model is used to explain the process of introducing distortions. It also allows one to identify which optical properties of a display are most relevant to the creation of artefacts. A set of optical properties for dual-view and multiview 3D displays are identified, and a methodology for measuring them is introduced. The measurement methodology allows one to derive the angular visibility and crosstalk of each display element without the need for precision measurement equipment. Based on the measurements, a methodology for creating a quality profile of 3D displays is proposed. The quality profile can be either simulated using the angular brightness function or directly measured from a series of photographs. A comparative study introducing the measurement results on the visual quality and position of the sweet-spots of eleven 3D displays of different types is presented. Knowing the sweet-spot position and the quality profile allows for easy comparison between 3D displays. The shape and size of the passband allows depth and textures of a 3D content to be optimized for a given 3D display. Based on knowledge of 3D artefact visibility and an understanding of distortions introduced by 3D displays, a number of signal processing techniques for artefact mitigation are created. A methodology for creating anti-aliasing filters for 3D displays is proposed. For multiview displays, the methodology is extended towards so-called passband optimization which addresses Moiré, fixed-pattern-noise and ghosting artefacts, which are characteristic for such displays. Additionally, design of tuneable anti-aliasing filters is presented, along with a framework which allows the user to select the so-called 3d sharpness parameter according to his or her preferences. Finally, a set of real-time algorithms for view-point-based optimization are presented. These algorithms require active user-tracking, which is implemented as a combination of face and eye-tracking. Once the observer position is known, the image on a stereoscopic display is optimised for the derived observation angle and distance. For multiview displays, the combination of precise light re-direction and less-precise face-tracking is used for extending the head parallax. For some user-tracking algorithms, implementation details are given, regarding execution of the algorithm on a mobile device or on desktop computer with graphical accelerator