47 research outputs found

    The Analogous Spaces of Paul Otlet (1868-1944)

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    Linguistic Imperialism, Toponymy, Semiotics & Taxonomies: The Anglicisation of Irish place names in hegemonic library cataloguing systems

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    Background. Cataloguing systems are generally assumed to be logical, objective and non-political. In this sense they are often assumed to be rather like maps. However, assumptions around the neutrality of both are erroneous. Maps and cataloguing systems reflect and reproduce dominance and power. In Ireland the six inch to a mile mapping project in the early to mid-1800s is generally accepted as the point at which much of the Anglicisation of Irish place names was formalised. As such it is often assumed that this Anglicisation is a historic event and that similar practices do not continue into the present. Objective. This paper sought to examine how vernacular names for places are treated in a mainstream international library classification and cataloguing system. Methods. The treatment of vernacular place names vis-à-vis English was examined under the dominant Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, the Dewey Decimal Classification & Relative Index (DDC) and the Resource Description and Access (RDA) system. Results. This paper demonstrates how established international library classification and cataloguing systems continue to explicitly require English forms of names over the vernacular. Contributions. This paper reveals how library classification and cataloguing systems both reinforce the legacy of colonial oppression, and continue to assert the dominance of English. Cataloguing systems may therefore be viewed in terms of their power and purpose, and as such should not be seen as ideologically neutral

    Arquivística: novos reptos para o futuro

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    Nascida como prática empírica, tão antiga como as primeiras civilizações, a Arquivística teve umaevolução natural, moldada pelo desenvolvimento das organizações/instituições produtoras dedocumentos e, até à Revolução Francesa, trilhou um caminho ao serviço do poder e das classesdominantes, as únicas que conheciam a escrita, ditavam as leis e documentavam as ações queiam levando a cabo, para fins jurídicos, administrativos ou simplesmente para memória futura.A partir do século XIX, a Arquivística entrou numa nova fase, afirmando-se como disciplina auxiliar daHistória, no quadro do Positivismo e do desenvolvimento da ciência e, por alturas da viragem do século,a vertente tecnicista e a relação com a administração deram-lhe uma nova roupagem, libertando-aprogressivamente da tutela da História. O paradigma historicista e custodial, que se foi consolidandoao longo da centúria de oitocentos, começou a evidenciar sinais de crise, que se acentuaram a partirda 2ª metade do século XX por força da revolução tecnológica, iniciada após a 2ª Guerra Mundial.Nas últimas quatro décadas, começou a afirmar-se um novo paradigma, posicionando a Arquivística nocampo da informação e dando-lhe um estatuto de disciplina científica aplicada. Em plena era digital eem rede, os desafios que se colocam a esta disciplina não podem deixar de exigir um posicionamentocientífico, com uma fundamentação epistemológica, teórica e metodológica sólida, que a sustentee a torne operativa nos mais variados contextos em que é gerada e gerida a informação orgânica,socialmente produzida. A transição definitiva para esse novo paradigma é condição fundamentalpara a sobrevivência da Arquivística, disciplina estruturante na preservação da memória individual ecoletiva, como fator identitário dos povos e das nações que perdurarão no futuro.Born as an empirical practice, as old as the earliest civilizations, Archivistics had a natural evolution,shaped by the development of document-producing organizations / institutions, and, until theFrench Revolution, it followed a way for the service of power and the dominant classes, the onlywho knew the writing, dictated the laws and documented the actions they were carrying out, forlegal and administrative purposes or simply for future memory.From the nineteenth century onwards, Archivistics entered a new phase, affirming itself as anauxiliary discipline of History, within the framework of positivism and the development of scienceand, at the turn of the century, the technicist side and the relationship with the administration gaveit a new outfit, freeing it progressively from the tutelage of history. The historicist and custodialparadigm, which was consolidated during the century of eight hundred, began to show signs ofcrisis, which were accentuated from the second half of the twentieth century due to the technologicalrevolution, which began after the Second World War.In the last four decades, a new paradigm began to be established, positioning Archivistics in thefield of information and giving it a status of applied scientific discipline. In the midst of the digitaland in a network era, the challenges posed to this discipline can not fail to require a scientificpositioning, with a solid epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundation, to sustain itand make it operative in the most varied contexts in which organic information, socially produced, isgenerated and managed. The definitive transition to this new paradigm is a fundamental conditionfor the survival of Archivistics, a structuring discipline in the preservation of individual and collectivememory, as an identity factor for peoples and nations that will last in the future

    A construção da ciência da informação na pós-modernidade: dialética histórica

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    Trabalho bibliográfico, de natureza exploratória que procurou verificar os eventos ocorridos com a informação e a sociedade no final do século XIX e no decorrer do século XX, destacando o retrospecto histórico da constituição da Ciência da Informação, abordando a sua importância no contexto da sociedade pós-indústria. Analisam-se os valores agregados à informação, enfatizando-se a relevância dos trabalhos realizados por Paul Otlet e Vannevar Bush. A seguir, procede-se uma pesquisa sobre o desenvolvimento histórico da Ciência da Informação, orientado por uma linha cronológica dos eventos ocorridos na sociedade e na informação, que proporcionaram a construção da Ciência da Informação

    How important is computing technology for library and information science research?

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Computers in library and information science (LIS) research have been an object of study or a tool for research for at least fifty years, but how central are computers to the discipline now? This research analyses the titles, abstracts, and keywords of forty years of articles in LIS-classified journals for trends related to computing technologies. The proportion of Scopus LIS articles mentioning some aspect of computing in their title, abstract, or keywords increased steadily from 1986 to 2000, then stabilised at about two thirds, indicating a continuing dominance of computers in most LIS research. Within this general trend, many computer-related terms have peaked and then declined in popularity. For example, the proportion of Scopus LIS article titles, abstracts, or keywords that included the terms "computer" or "computing" decreased fairly steadily from about 20% in 1975 to 5% in 2013, and the proportion explicitly mentioning the web peaked at 18% in 2002. Parallel analyses suggest that computing is substantially less important in two related disciplines: education and communication, and so it should be seen as a key aspect of the LIS identity.Published versio

    Gerir e recuperar a informação noticiosa

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    The obvious answer of media corporations to the challenges posed by a society in which ICT plays a central role, was the rapid technological equipping. The changes were reflected in the news production process, which began to operate with different communication languages and, the organization procedures and information retrieval methods that became a challenge for information system managers. Despite the disinvestment in news libraries that occurred in the last decade, we can identify today a growing interest in the repositories of informational media organizations, in order to support the news production and also because the transaction of information and services can be an interesting source of economic revenue. In Portugal there are some initiatives in this sense that worth mentioning