9 research outputs found

    Service Orchestration for Collaboration Patterns

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    This article describes a structuring of groupware services that allows end users to orchestrate the provided services in order to match their collaboration patterns. Our approach is based on the notion that different forms of collaboration require different combinations of groupware services, and that these provided services are the most important aspect of a groupware system for its users. Based on an analysis of a series of high-level collaboration patterns from the healthcare domain we illustrate where flexibility in groupware service design is needed. The resulting structuring has been evaluated by experts using scenarios and has been implemented in a proof-of-concept demonstrator

    Computergestützte berufliche Weiterbildung von Sportlehrkräften

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    15 Jahre nach Bologna zeigt der Blick in die Lehreraus- und -weiterbildung, dass die Verankerung digitaler Bildungstechnologien und Lernangebote bisher wenig durchgreifend erfolgte. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird ein computergestütztes Lehr-/Lernarrangement vorgestellt, das unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Forschung und der Besonderheit des Unterrichtsfachs Sport konzipiert wurde. Auf Basis des Learning-Management-Systems moodle wurde ein Plug-In entwickelt, das die Annotation und Kommentierung von Unterrichtsvideoaufzeichnungen ermöglicht. Didaktisch wird dabei ein transaktiver Wissens- und Kompetenzaufbau fokussiert, der den Teilnehmer/innen das Aufbrechen prototypischer Handlungsstrukturen ermöglicht soll

    The Impact of User Involvement on Information System Projects

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    Information systems (IS) development has been studied from many perspectives. Information systems are being viewed as a service as the economy shifts from being industrial-based to service-based. This shift is motivating the business user to become more involved with the development of the system. The once clear roles of user-as-specifier and IT professional-as-developer are blurring. This research addresses three objectives. First, we survey the actual business users themselves for their perception of activities and satisfaction with the completed system. Second, we analyze the separation of business requirements into two constructs representing the functional and presentation dimensions of these requirements to advance our understanding of user involvement on information system projects. Third, we explore the combinations of user characteristics and their activities that can improve IS project performance. A new comprehensive model is proposed to represent the business user as an active participant in system development. A survey instrument is developed from a widespread literature review of IS project performance, user involvement and project management. The instrument was tested to ensure its ease of completion and its comprehensibility. The revised instrument was sent to 3,419 U.S. business users in multiple industries from which 205 valid surveys were received. Structural Equation Modeling was used to validate the measurements and analyze the hypotheses and the overall model. The results confirm some previous findings and document new discoveries regarding the users, their activities and the impact on user satisfactio

    The Impact of User Involvement on Information System Projects

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    Information systems (IS) development has been studied from many perspectives. Information systems are being viewed as a service as the economy shifts from being industrial-based to service-based. This shift is motivating the business user to become more involved with the development of the system. The once clear roles of user-as-specifier and IT professional-as-developer are blurring. This research addresses three objectives. First, we survey the actual business users themselves for their perception of activities and satisfaction with the completed system. Second, we analyze the separation of business requirements into two constructs representing the functional and presentation dimensions of these requirements to advance our understanding of user involvement on information system projects. Third, we explore the combinations of user characteristics and their activities that can improve IS project performance. A new comprehensive model is proposed to represent the business user as an active participant in system development. A survey instrument is developed from a widespread literature review of IS project performance, user involvement and project management. The instrument was tested to ensure its ease of completion and its comprehensibility. The revised instrument was sent to 3,419 U.S. business users in multiple industries from which 205 valid surveys were received. Structural Equation Modeling was used to validate the measurements and analyze the hypotheses and the overall model. The results confirm some previous findings and document new discoveries regarding the users, their activities and the impact on user satisfactio

    The Impact of User Involvement on Information System Projects

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    Information systems (IS) development has been studied from many perspectives. Information systems are being viewed as a service as the economy shifts from being industrial-based to service-based. This shift is motivating the business user to become more involved with the development of the system. The once clear roles of user-as-specifier and IT professional-as-developer are blurring. This research addresses three objectives. First, we survey the actual business users themselves for their perception of activities and satisfaction with the completed system. Second, we analyze the separation of business requirements into two constructs representing the functional and presentation dimensions of these requirements to advance our understanding of user involvement on information system projects. Third, we explore the combinations of user characteristics and their activities that can improve IS project performance. A new comprehensive model is proposed to represent the business user as an active participant in system development. A survey instrument is developed from a widespread literature review of IS project performance, user involvement and project management. The instrument was tested to ensure its ease of completion and its comprehensibility. The revised instrument was sent to 3,419 U.S. business users in multiple industries from which 205 valid surveys were received. Structural Equation Modeling was used to validate the measurements and analyze the hypotheses and the overall model. The results confirm some previous findings and document new discoveries regarding the users, their activities and the impact on user satisfactio

    Hur kvalitetssäkring påverkas av agila arbetsmetoder

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    Uppsatsen hade syftet att presentera kvalitetssäkringsbrister som eventuellt uppstod vid användandet av agila arbetsmetoder i utvecklingsprojekt. För att identifiera vad som ansågs vitalt för kvalitetssäkring inom agila utvecklingsprojekt utfördes en litteraturstudie som således ledde till framtagandet av en rad centrala beståndsdelar. Utifrån de identifierade centrala beståndsdelarna arbetade vi fram ett ramverk. Detta ramverk användes som grund för framtagandet av en modell som kunde appliceras på en empirisk studie. Den empiriska kvalitativa studien utgick ifrån två fall som arbetade utefter agila arbetsmetoder och vårt ramverk med tillhörande modell applicerades på studien. Resultatet visade att en rad beståndsdelar inte uppfylldes och därmed ledde till brister av kvalitetssäkring i den slutgiltiga produkten. Sambanden mellan resultat och litteratur diskuterades för att analysera de kvalitetssäkringsbrister som uppstod. Vidare forskning av liknande karaktär kan använda sig av det ramverk och den modell vår uppsats tog fram

    Evolving practices of end user articulation in software co-design

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    The work is focused on new techniques and practices that support end user to get involved in software co-design. Social networks, variations of self-documentation and new interactive technologies enable new forms of user involvement in software development projects. The potential of new practices and also the issues that come with these methods will be reflected.Die Arbeit thematisiert neue Technologien und Praktiken zur Unterstützung der Nutzereinbindung im Software Co-Design. Soziale Netzwerke, Variationen der Selbstdokumentation und neue interaktive Technologien ermöglichen neue Formen der Beteiligung an Software Entwicklungsprojekten. Das Potential neuer Praktiken und auch die Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung solcher Methoden werden reflektiert