49 research outputs found

    Shape description and matching using integral invariants on eccentricity transformed images

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    Matching occluded and noisy shapes is a problem frequently encountered in medical image analysis and more generally in computer vision. To keep track of changes inside the breast, for example, it is important for a computer aided detection system to establish correspondences between regions of interest. Shape transformations, computed both with integral invariants (II) and with geodesic distance, yield signatures that are invariant to isometric deformations, such as bending and articulations. Integral invariants describe the boundaries of planar shapes. However, they provide no information about where a particular feature lies on the boundary with regard to the overall shape structure. Conversely, eccentricity transforms (Ecc) can match shapes by signatures of geodesic distance histograms based on information from inside the shape; but they ignore the boundary information. We describe a method that combines the boundary signature of a shape obtained from II and structural information from the Ecc to yield results that improve on them separately

    Application of Quaternion Neural Network to Time Reversal Based Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy

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    Identification of crack positions or anomalies in materials using the time reversal based nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (TR-NEWS) is an established method. We propose a system using transducers which emit forward propagating solitonic wave and time-reversed propagating solitonic wave produced by memristers placed on a side of a rectangle and scattered by cracks in the material and received by receivers which are placed on the opposite side of the rectangle. By minimizing the difference of the scattered forward propagating wave and the scattered TR wave, we get information of the position of the crack by using the neural network technique. Route of the solitons are expressed by 2 dimensional projective quaternion functions, and parameters for getting the optimal route from signals are expected to be reduced. We consider the wave is expressed by a soliton which is conformal, and discuss symmetry protected topological impurities and gravitational effects using the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer's index theorem.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figure

    Automatic Differentiation for Inverse Problems in X-ray Imaging and Microscopy

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    Computational techniques allow breaking the limits of traditional imaging methods, such as time restrictions, resolution, and optics flaws. While simple computational methods can be enough for highly controlled microscope setups or just for previews, an increased level of complexity is instead required for advanced setups, acquisition modalities or where uncertainty is high; the need for complex computational methods clashes with rapid design and execution. In all these cases, Automatic Differentiation, one of the subtopics of Artificial Intelligence, may offer a functional solution, but only if a GPU implementation is available. In this paper, we show how a framework built to solve just one optimisation problem can be employed for many different X-ray imaging inverse problems

    The perceptual flow of phonetic feature processing

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    Cross-spectral synergy and consonant identification (A)

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    Segmentation automatique des images de tomographie conique pour la radiothérapie de la prostate

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    The use of CBCT imaging for image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), and beyond that, image-guided adaptive radiation therapy (IGART), in the context of prostate cancer is challenging due to the poor contrast and high noise in pelvic CBCT images. The principal aim of the thesis is to provide methodological contributions for automatic intra-patient image registration between the planning CT scan and the treatment CBCT scan. The first part of our contributions concerns the development of a CBCT-based prostate setup correction strategy using CT-to-CBCT rigid registration (RR). We established a comparison between different RR algorithms: (a) global RR, (b) bony RR, and (c) bony RR refined by a local RR using the prostate CTV in the CT scan expanded with 1- to-20-mm varying margins. A comprehensive statistical analysis of the quantitative and qualitative results was carried out using the whole dataset composed of 115 daily CBCT scans and 10 planning CT scans from 10 prostate cancer patients. We also defined a novel practical method to automatically estimate rectal distension occurred in the vicinity of the prostate between the CT and the CBCT scans. Using our measure of rectal distension, we evaluated the impact of rectal distension on the quality of local RR and we provided a way to predict registration failure. On this basis, we derived recommendations for clinical practice for the use of automatic RR for prostate localization on CBCT scans. The second part of the thesis provides a methodological development of a new joint segmentation and deformable registration framework. To deal with the poor contrast-to-noise ratio in CBCT images likely to misguide registration, we conceived a new metric (or enery) which included two terms: a global similarity term (the normalized cross correlation (NCC) was used, but any other one could be used instead) and a segmentation term based on a localized adaptation of the piecewise-constant region-based model of Chan-Vese using an evolving contour in the CBCT image. Our principal aim was to improve the accuracy of the registration compared with an ordinary NCC metric. Our registration algorithm is fully automatic and takes as inputs (1) the planning CT image, (2) the daily CBCT image and (3) the binary image associated with the CT image and corresponding to the organ of interest we want to segment in the CBCT image in the course of the registration process.Dans le contexte du traitement du cancer de la prostate, l’utilisation de la tomodensitométrie à faisceau conique (CBCT) pour la radiothérapie guidée par l’image, éventuellement adaptative, présente certaines difficultés en raison du faible contraste et du bruit important dans les images pelviennes. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’apporter des contributions méthodologiques pour le recalage automatique entre l’image scanner CT de référence et l’image CBCT acquise le jour du traitement. La première partie de nos contributions concerne le développement d’une stratégie de correction du positionnement du patient à l’aide du recalage rigide (RR) CT/CBCT. Nous avons comparé plusieurs algorithmes entre eux : (a) RR osseux, (b) RR osseux suivi d’un RR local dans une région qui correspond au clinical target volume (CTV) de la prostate dans l’image CT élargie d’une marge allant de 1 à 20 mm. Une analyse statistique complète des résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs utilisant toute la base de données, composée de 115 images cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) et de 10 images computed tomography (CT) de 10 patients atteints du cancer de la prostate, a été réalisée. Nous avons également défini une nouvelle méthode pratique et automatique pour estimer la distension rectale produite dans le voisinage de la prostate entre l’image CT et l’image CBCT. A l’aide de notre mesure de distension rectale, nous avons évalué l’impact de la distension rectale sur la qualité du RR local et nous avons fourni un moyen de prédire les échecs de recalage. Sur cette base, nous avons élaboré des recommandations concernant l’utilisation du RR automatique pour la localisation de la prostate sur les images CBCT en pratique clinique. La seconde partie de la thèse concerne le développement méthodologique d’une nouvelle méthode combinant le recalage déformable et la segmentation. Pour contourner le problème du faible rapport qualité/bruit dans les images CBCT qui peut induire le processus de recalage en erreur, nous avons imaginé une nouvelle énergie composée de deux termes : un terme de similarité globale (la corrélation croisée normalisée (NCC) a été utilisée, mais tout autre mesure de similarité pourrait être utilisée à la place) et un terme de segmentation qui repose sur une adaptation locale du modèle de l’image homogène par morceaux de Chan-Vese utilisant un contour actif dans l’image CBCT. Notre but principal était d’améliorer la précision du recalage comparé à une énergie constituée de la NCC seule. Notre algorithme de recalage est complètement automatique et accepte comme entrées (1) l’image CT de planification, (2) l’image CBCT du jour et (3) l’image binaire associée à l’image CT et correspondant à l’organe d’intérêt que l’on cherche à segmenter dans l’image CBCT au cours du recalage