286,546 research outputs found

    The Number of Independent Sets in a Regular Graph

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    We show that the number of independent sets in an N-vertex, d-regular graph is at most (2^{d+1} - 1)^{N/2d}, where the bound is sharp for a disjoint union of complete d-regular bipartite graphs. This settles a conjecture of Alon in 1991 and Kahn in 2001. Kahn proved the bound when the graph is assumed to be bipartite. We give a short proof that reduces the general case to the bipartite case. Our method also works for a weighted generalization, i.e., an upper bound for the independence polynomial of a regular graph.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted by Combin. Probab. Compu

    Counting Independent Sets and Colorings on Random Regular Bipartite Graphs

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    We give a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) to count the number of independent sets on almost every Delta-regular bipartite graph if Delta >= 53. In the weighted case, for all sufficiently large integers Delta and weight parameters lambda = Omega~ (1/(Delta)), we also obtain an FPTAS on almost every Delta-regular bipartite graph. Our technique is based on the recent work of Jenssen, Keevash and Perkins (SODA, 2019) and we also apply it to confirm an open question raised there: For all q >= 3 and sufficiently large integers Delta=Delta(q), there is an FPTAS to count the number of q-colorings on almost every Delta-regular bipartite graph

    The Bipartite Swapping Trick on Graph Homomorphisms

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    We provide an upper bound to the number of graph homomorphisms from GG to HH, where HH is a fixed graph with certain properties, and GG varies over all NN-vertex, dd-regular graphs. This result generalizes a recently resolved conjecture of Alon and Kahn on the number of independent sets. We build on the work of Galvin and Tetali, who studied the number of graph homomorphisms from GG to HH when HH is bipartite. We also apply our techniques to graph colorings and stable set polytopes.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in SIAM J. Discrete Mat

    Minimizing the number of independent sets in triangle-free regular graphs

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    Recently, Davies, Jenssen, Perkins, and Roberts gave a very nice proof of the result (due, in various parts, to Kahn, Galvin-Tetali, and Zhao) that the independence polynomial of a dd-regular graph is maximized by disjoint copies of Kd,dK_{d,d}. Their proof uses linear programming bounds on the distribution of a cleverly chosen random variable. In this paper, we use this method to give lower bounds on the independence polynomial of regular graphs. We also give new bounds on the number of independent sets in triangle-free regular graphs
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