3,567 research outputs found

    GASP : Geometric Association with Surface Patches

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    A fundamental challenge to sensory processing tasks in perception and robotics is the problem of obtaining data associations across views. We present a robust solution for ascertaining potentially dense surface patch (superpixel) associations, requiring just range information. Our approach involves decomposition of a view into regularized surface patches. We represent them as sequences expressing geometry invariantly over their superpixel neighborhoods, as uniquely consistent partial orderings. We match these representations through an optimal sequence comparison metric based on the Damerau-Levenshtein distance - enabling robust association with quadratic complexity (in contrast to hitherto employed joint matching formulations which are NP-complete). The approach is able to perform under wide baselines, heavy rotations, partial overlaps, significant occlusions and sensor noise. The technique does not require any priors -- motion or otherwise, and does not make restrictive assumptions on scene structure and sensor movement. It does not require appearance -- is hence more widely applicable than appearance reliant methods, and invulnerable to related ambiguities such as textureless or aliased content. We present promising qualitative and quantitative results under diverse settings, along with comparatives with popular approaches based on range as well as RGB-D data.Comment: International Conference on 3D Vision, 201

    On palimpsests in neural memory: an information theory viewpoint

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    The finite capacity of neural memory and the reconsolidation phenomenon suggest it is important to be able to update stored information as in a palimpsest, where new information overwrites old information. Moreover, changing information in memory is metabolically costly. In this paper, we suggest that information-theoretic approaches may inform the fundamental limits in constructing such a memory system. In particular, we define malleable coding, that considers not only representation length but also ease of representation update, thereby encouraging some form of recycling to convert an old codeword into a new one. Malleability cost is the difficulty of synchronizing compressed versions, and malleable codes are of particular interest when representing information and modifying the representation are both expensive. We examine the tradeoff between compression efficiency and malleability cost, under a malleability metric defined with respect to a string edit distance. This introduces a metric topology to the compressed domain. We characterize the exact set of achievable rates and malleability as the solution of a subgraph isomorphism problem. This is all done within the optimization approach to biology framework.Accepted manuscrip

    Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification

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    Grammar convergence is a method that helps discovering relationships between different grammars of the same language or different language versions. The key element of the method is the operational, transformation-based representation of those relationships. Given input grammars for convergence, they are transformed until they are structurally equal. The transformations are composed from primitive operators; properties of these operators and the composed chains provide quantitative and qualitative insight into the relationships between the grammars at hand. We describe a refined method for grammar convergence, and we use it in a major study, where we recover the relationships between all the grammars that occur in the different versions of the Java Language Specification (JLS). The relationships are represented as grammar transformation chains that capture all accidental or intended differences between the JLS grammars. This method is mechanized and driven by nominal and structural differences between pairs of grammars that are subject to asymmetric, binary convergence steps. We present the underlying operator suite for grammar transformation in detail, and we illustrate the suite with many examples of transformations on the JLS grammars. We also describe the extraction effort, which was needed to make the JLS grammars amenable to automated processing. We include substantial metadata about the convergence process for the JLS so that the effort becomes reproducible and transparent

    Nonattribution Properties of JPEG Quantization Tables

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    In digital forensics, source camera identification of digital images has drawn attention in recent years. An image does contain information of its camera and/or editing software somewhere in it. But the interest of this research is to find manufacturers (henceforth will be called make and model) of a camera using only the header information, such as quantization table and huffman table, of the JPEG encoding. Having done research on around 110, 000 images, we reached to state that For all practical purposes, using quantization and huffman tables alone to predict a camera make and model isn\u27t a viable approach . We found no correlation between quantization and huffman tables of images and makes of camera. Rather, quantization or huffman table is determined by the quality factors like resolution, RGB values, intensity etc.of an image and standard settings of the camera

    A Frame Work for Parallel String Matching- A Computational Approach with Omega Model

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    Now a day2019;s parallel string matching problem is attracted by so many researchers because of the importance in information retrieval systems. While it is very easily stated and many of the simple algorithms perform very well in practice, numerous works have been published on the subject and research is still very active. In this paper we propose a omega parallel computing model for parallel string matching. Experimental results show that, on a multi-processor system, the omega model implementation of the proposed parallel string matching algorithm can reduce string matching time by more than 40%

    The optimality of word lengths. Theoretical foundations and an empirical study

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    Zipf's law of abbreviation, namely the tendency of more frequent words to be shorter, has been viewed as a manifestation of compression, i.e. the minimization of the length of forms -- a universal principle of natural communication. Although the claim that languages are optimized has become trendy, attempts to measure the degree of optimization of languages have been rather scarce. Here we present two optimality scores that are dualy normalized, namely, they are normalized with respect to both the minimum and the random baseline. We analyze the theoretical and statistical pros and cons of these and other scores. Harnessing the best score, we quantify for the first time the degree of optimality of word lengths in languages. This indicates that languages are optimized to 62 or 67 percent on average (depending on the source) when word lengths are measured in characters, and to 65 percent on average when word lengths are measured in time. In general, spoken word durations are more optimized than written word lengths in characters. Our work paves the way to measure the degree of optimality of the vocalizations or gestures of other species, and to compare them against written, spoken, or signed human languages.Comment: On the one hand, the article has been reduced: analyses of the law of abbreviation and some of the methods have been moved to another article; appendix B has been reduced. On the other hand, various parts have been rewritten for clarity; new figures have been added to ease the understanding of the scores; new citations added. Many typos have been correcte

    Experience with a Workflow using MS Word and a DOCX to TEI Converter

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    In this contribution we summarize our experience in edition projects with the conversion from DOCX files to TEI-XML files. A tool called DOCX2TEI, developed in our team, is capable of transforming DOCX files automatically to TEI files without the need of manual post-processing of conversion results by editors. However, for this to function properly pertinent programming knowledge is required to make the necessary adaptations on DOCX2TEI. We compare DOCX2TEI with other tools capable of producing TEI files out of DOCX files. At the end of the paper we will present the lesson learned from deploying and using this tool
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