12 research outputs found

    Minmax Strongly Connected Subgraphs with Node Penalties

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    We propose an O(min{m+nlogn,mlog∗n}) to find a minmax strongly connected spanningsubgraph of a digraph with n nodes and m arcs. A generalization of this problemcalled theminmax strongly connected subgraph problem with node penalties is also considered.An O(mlogn) algorithm is proposed to solve this general problem. We also discussways to improve the average complexity of this algorithm

    Bottleneck Paths and Trees and Deterministic Graphical Games

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    Gabow and Tarjan showed that the Bottleneck Path (BP) problem, i.e., finding a path between a given source and a given target in a weighted directed graph whose largest edge weight is minimized, as well as the Bottleneck spanning tree (BST) problem, i.e., finding a directed spanning tree rooted at a given vertex whose largest edge weight is minimized, can both be solved deterministically in O(m * log^*(n)) time, where m is the number of edges and n is the number of vertices in the graph. We present a slightly improved randomized algorithm for these problems with an expected running time of O(m * beta(m,n)), where beta(m,n) = min{k >= 1 | log^{(k)}n = n * log^{(k)} * n, for some constant k, the expected running time of the new algorithm is O(m). Our algorithm, as that of Gabow and Tarjan, work in the comparison model. We also observe that in the word-RAM model, both problems can be solved deterministically in O(m) time. Finally, we solve an open problem of Andersson et al., giving a deterministic O(m)-time comparison-based algorithm for solving deterministic 2-player turn-based zero-sum terminal payoff games, also known as Deterministic Graphical Games (DGG)

    Bounded-Angle Minimum Spanning Trees

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    Motivated by the connectivity problem in wireless networks with directional antennas, we study bounded-angle spanning trees. Let P be a set of points in the plane and let ? be an angle. An ?-ST of P is a spanning tree of the complete Euclidean graph on P with the property that all edges incident to each point p ? P lie in a wedge of angle ? centered at p. We study the following closely related problems for ? = 120 degrees (however, our approximation ratios hold for any ? ? 120 degrees). 1) The ?-minimum spanning tree problem asks for an ?-ST of minimum sum of edge lengths. Among many interesting results, Aschner and Katz (ICALP 2014) proved the NP-hardness of this problem and presented a 6-approximation algorithm. Their algorithm finds an ?-ST of length at most 6 times the length of the minimum spanning tree (MST). By adopting a somewhat similar approach and using different proof techniques we improve this ratio to 16/3. 2) To examine what is possible with non-uniform wedge angles, we define an ??-ST to be a spanning tree with the property that incident edges to all points lie in wedges of average angle ?. We present an algorithm to find an ??-ST whose largest edge-length and sum of edge lengths are at most 2 and 1.5 times (respectively) those of the MST. These ratios are better than any achievable when all wedges have angle ?. Our algorithm runs in linear time after computing the MST