890 research outputs found

    A medida da «satisfação» dos «utilizadores finais» de sistemas de informação na banca em Portugal: análise e ensaio interpretativo

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    A presente comunicação tem como principal objectivo apresentar a metodologia e os resultados básicos de um estudo realizado em meados da década de «90» sobre o ambiente de utilizadores finais de sistemas de informação/tecnologias de informação (SI/TI) - end-user computing - no sector bancário em Portugal (Serviços Centrais e Balcões). Aborda-se, basicamente, a problemática da «satisfação» do utilizador de sistemas informáticos (aplicações). Esta investigação constituiu o ponto de partida para uma outra, em curso, relativa ao mesmo tema e sector, mas considerando agora, fundamentalmente, os efeitos da difusão da Internet e tecnologias associadas. A medida da «satisfação do utilizador final» de sistemas de informação constitui uma «proxy», em geral, da performance das organizações.This paper aims to present the methodology and the basic results emerging from a study developed in the middle of the 90s on the end-user computing environment within the Portuguese banking industry (Central Services and Branches). We analysed, basically, the measurement of end-user computing satisfaction (software). This research represented the starting point for another one, already in progress, concerning the same topic and industry, but now, taking into account, fundamentally, the diffusion effects of Internet and other associated technologies. The measurement of end-user computing satisfaction constitutes a proxy, in general, for firm performance

    End user development: Satisfaction with tools and satisfaction with applications

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    This study explored the relationship between end user developers’ perceptions of their applications and their perceptions of the tools used to create them. Satisfaction with a user developed application was found to be significantly correlated with satisfaction with the tool used to create the application. The role of experience in this relationship was also explored, and possible implications of the findings are discussed

    Analysis of Factor in User Intention to Use the Covid-19 Tracking Application

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    Science and technology can be collaborated to create an application that can help to track the contacts of COVID-19 patients. Smartphone-based contact tracing applications have been adopted by more than 50 countries. One of which is in Indonesia. In March 2020, Indonesia launched a mobile application to track the contact of COVID-19 patients namely PeduliLindungi.  During its usage, users find some issues about PeduliLindungi, such as potential data leaks, data misuse, and data inaccuracies. This research is aimed to develop a conceptual model to analyze factors that affect user intentions in using the PeduliLindungi application. The proposed conceptual model is the integration of EUCS, DeLone and McLean that is equipped by the system security variables. There were 288 respondents. The data is processed using SmartPLS 3.0. According to the results of the analysis, the proposed conceptual model has 83.1 percent for its accuracy. User satisfaction and system security give a positive and significant impact on user intentions.  The variables of content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness give a positive and significant impact on user satisfaction. On the other hand, the system security has no positive and significant impact on user satisfaction. Meanwhile, user satisfaction and system security itself affects the user's intentions in using the PeduliLindungi application

    End User Computing and Information Security: a Retrospective Look at the De-centralisation of Data Processing and Emerging Organisational Information Risk

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    Information security assured on centralised systems through application of principles previously established for paper-based systems. The advent of personal computing and distributed computing potentially turned that model upside down. It seems that the eagerness of organisations for encouraging technology (Availability part of the CIA acronym) seemed to take precedence over the finer meaning of Confidentiality and Integrity, in spite of (in the UK, at least) changes to legislation. The huge increase in portable data storage capacities ensured that what may have been perceived as a minor irritant in the 1980s became a potential nightmare scenario by 2007, which caused two government reports to report “systemic failure”. This paper looks at the development of end-user computing, and suggests that the problem occurred because of a lack of information risk assessment over many year


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    ABSTRAKPemerintah sangat bertanggung jawab terhadap keberadaan dan keselamatan warga negara nya di luar negeri. Kementerian Luar Negeri mengeluarkan sebuah aplikasi Safe Travel merupakan inovasi terbaru dalam upaya melindungi WNI di luar negeri. Melalui inovasi ini, Kemlu berharap warga negara indonesia (WNI) yang sedang berada di luar negeri tidak akan merasa ‘sendirian’, Kementerian Luar Negeri akan selalu mendampingi dalam memberi pelayanan dan perlindungan bagi WNI. Dengan adanya aplikasi Safe Travel dari Kemlu ini, WNI bisa menggali informasi lebih lengkap secara mudah dalam satu aplikasi. Fitur–fitur dalam aplikasi Safe Travel Kemlu diharapkan membantu WNI dalam mengenal negara tujuannya. Tapi dalam perjalannya aplikasi ini belum ada yang meneliti tetang bagaimana kepuasan user dalam menggunakan aplikasi ini. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah desain user interface aplikasi Safe Travel yang telah ada pada google play store dengan responden sejumlah 115 orang responden. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari kuesioner kepada pengguna aplikasi Safe Travel yang kemudian diolah secara statistik dengan menggunakan rentang kategori dan persentase melalui skala Likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan seluruh dimensi independen (indikator) EUCS, terdiri atas Content (Isi), Format (laporan), Accurancy (ketepatan), Timeliness (kecepatan waktu penyajian), Ease of Use (mudah digunakan), yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kepuasan user aplikasi Safe Travel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan user terhadap desain user interface secara keseluruhan termasuk ke dalam kategori setuju dan merasa puas menggunakan aplikasi Safe Travel, dengan nilai persentase sebesar : a. Dimensi Isi (Content), Safe Travel memberikan informasi yang sangat memenuhi kebutuhan user dengan sebesar 97%, b. Akurat (Accuracy), Safe Travel tidak sering terjadi error dengan fungsi nya sebesar 88%, serta tombol sesuai fungsi nya sebesar 85%, c. Tampilan (Format), Safe Travel memiliki komposisi warna sebesar 93%, d. Kemudahan Pengguna (Ease of Use), menyatakan bahwa Safe Travel sangat mudah digunakan oleh orang awam sebesar 100% yang termasuk kedalam kategori sangat setuju, e. Ketepatan Waktu (Timeliness), Safe Travel sangat mudah di unduh dengan memperoleh 100% responden yang menyatakan sangat setuju.Kata Kunci : Aplikasi Android, EUCS, Desain User Interface, Safe Travel

    Avaliando o nível de satisfação dos usuários finais do Sistema Integrado de Administração Financeira do Governo Federal (SIAFI): um estudo de caso

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    Evaluating the impact of technology investments is a complex task. I examine whether the end-user satisfaction is a valid measurement of technology performance in the public sector. I evaluated information system users in the Integrated System of the Federal Government Financial Administration (SIAFI). The Siafi system supports Brazilian federal government entities. Using a survey, I collected data from 77 users. I used the model and the instrument developed by Doll and Torkzadeh (1988). I used confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the data. The survey results validated the model used for technology employed in the public sector.Avaliar o impacto de investimentos em tecnologia é uma tarefa complexa. Esta pesquisa analisa se a mensuração do nível de satisfação dos usuários é válida para compreender o desempenho de uma tecnologia utilizada no setor público. O objeto de estudo escolhido foi o Sistema Integrado de Administração Financeira do Governo Federal - SIAFI. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa foi realizado através de uma survey da qual participaram 77 usuários. Para isto, foram utilizados o modelo e o instrumento desenvolvidos por Doll e Torkzadeh (1988). A técnica estatística empregada foi a análise fatorial confirmatória. Os resultados da pesquisa validaram o modelo utilizado para uma tecnologia empregada no setor público

    The application development process: What role does it play in the success of an application for the user developer?

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    End user development of applications forms a significant part of organisational systems development. This study investigates the role that developing an application plays in the eventual success of the application for the user developer. The results of this study suggest that the process of developing an application not only predisposes an end user developer to be more satisfied with the application than they would be if it were developed by another end user, but also leads them to perform better with it. Thus the results of the study highlight the contribution of the process of application development to application success

    Metode Pieces Framework Pada Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

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    Abstrak: Sistem informasi mempunyai peran penting dalam menghasilkan informasi bagi semua tingkatan manajemen. Analis perlu mengetahui keperluan informasi yang diinginkan manajemen agar informasi yang dihasilkan oleh sistem informasi dapat berfungsi dan tepat bagi manajemen. Proses evaluasi terhadap kinerja dari sistem informasi diperlukan untuk mengetahui apakah sistem informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Evaluasi sistem informasi dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang berbeda dan pada tingkatan yang berbeda, tergantung pada tujuan evaluasinya. Dalam melakukan kegiatan analisis dan evaluasi sistem informasi, terdapat beberapa metode atau model analisis yang dapat digunakan salah satunya adalah model analisis PIECES Framework. Untuk mempermudah evaluasi, ditawarkan cara analisis dengan kerangka PIECES Framework yang menguraikan ke dalam 6 fokus analisis kelemahan yaitu Performance, Information and Data, Economy, Control and Security, Eficiency dan Service. Tujuan penelitan ini untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan, mengetahui kelemahan serta kekuatan dan menganalisis komponen-komponen yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan, yang terdapat pada sistem informasi perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan daftar pernyataan yang diberikan kepada responden yang merupakan pengguna sistem informasi perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong, domain Performance, Information & Data, Economics, Control & Security, Efficiency, dan Service, semua berada pada kategori puas, artinya penerapan sistem informasi perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong, yang saat ini digunakan dilingkungan Kampus sudah dapat diterima sesuai dengan kerangka PIECES Framework.   Kata kunci: kepuasan pengguna, PIECES Framework, website.   Abstract: Information systems have an important role in producing information for all levels of management. Analysts need to know necessity of the information that management wants so that the information generated by the information system can function and be appropriate for management. The process of evaluating performance of the information system is needed to determine whether the information system at the University of Muhammadiyah Sorong is running as it should. Information systems evaluation can be carried out in different ways and at different levels, depending on objective of the evaluation. In carrying out information system analysis and evaluation activities, there are several methods or analysis models that can be used, one of which is the PIECES Framework analysis model. To simplify the evaluation, an analysis method is offered with the PIECES Framework which describes the 6 focus of weakness analysis, that are Performance, Information and Data, Economy, Control and Security, Efficiency and Service. The purpose of this research is to measure the level of satisfaction, find out the strengths, weaknesses and analyze the components that need to be improved the quality of service, which is contained in the library information system of the Muhammadiyah University of Sorong. Based on the results of the calculation of the list of statements given to respondents who are users of the library information system at the Muhammadiyah University of Sorong, the domain of Performance, Information & Data, Economics, Control & Security, Efficiency and Service, all of in the satisfied category, meaning that the application of the library information system at the Muhammadiyah University of Sorong , which is currently being used in the campus environment is acceptable in accordance with the PIECES Framework.   Keywords: user satisfaction, PIECES Framework, website