8 research outputs found


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    [Id][En]Puslit TelimekPuslit Telimek LIPI telah menerapkan Tata Kelola TI dalam proses bisnisnya dan bermaksud mengembangkan bisnis yang sudah berjalan untuk lebih baik lagi. Namun sebelum hal ini diputuskan, diperlukan suatu kajian mendalam mengenai kesesuaian layanan TI yang tersedia terhadap prioritas bisnis, optimalisasi pembiayaan TI dan penelitian untuk membuktikan bahwa sistem yang tersedia telah dapat digunakan oleh karyawan secara produktif. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengukuran terhadap kinerja TI untuk mendeteksi permasalahan sebelum meluas dan membesar. Domain Deliver dan Support (DS) yang terdapat dalam? framework COBIT digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja TI tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilihat pada current maturity level yaitu DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4, DS5, DS6, DS7, DS8, DS9, DS10 dan DS11 berada pada tingkat kematangan Repeatable but Intuitive sedangkan DS12 dan DS13 berada pada tingkat yang lebih rendah, yakni pada tingkat kematangan Initial/Ad Hoc. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi sebuah masukan dan rekomendasi untuk peningkatan efisiensi dan efektifitas TI yang selaras dengan bisnis, dapat menjawab kebutuhan bisnis serta dapat membantu eksekutif untuk memahami dan mengelola investasi TI dalam mendukung manajemen inovasi.Kata kunci : Tata Kelola TI, Domain DS, COBIT, Maturity Level, Repeatable but Intuitive, Initial/Ad Hoc?[En]LIPI has implemented IT Governance in the business process and intends to develop a business that has been running for the better. But before this is decided, needed an in-depth study on the suitability of IT services available to business priorities, optimization of finance IT and research to prove that the systems available have been used by employees productively. Therefore we need a measurement of IT performance to detect problems before they escalate and expand. Deliver and Support domain contained in the COBIT framework is used to evaluate the performance of IT and the results can be seen on the current maturity level DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4, DS5, DS6, DS7, DS8, DS9, DS10 and DS11 are at maturity level Repeatable but Intuitive while the DS12 and DS13 are at a lower level, ie at maturity level Initial/Ad Hoc. From the results of measurements in this study is expected to be a recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of IT is aligned with business, can answer the needs of the business and can help executives to understand and manage IT investments in support of innovation management.Keywords :IT Governance, Deliver and Support Domain, COBIT, Maturity Level, Repeatable but Intuitive, Initial / Ad Ho

    Assessment of IT Governance and Process Maturity: Evidence from banking Industry

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    The aim of the current study is to evaluate and compare the IT governance maturity of Iran’s banking Industry and inform managers, who possess business knowledge and who may also be knowledgeable on the main aspects of COBIT, about the significant incremental risks this new technological advancement may expose the enterprise to if the proposals of possible controls are implemented by the prospective consumer enterprises to mitigate the incremental risks of cloud computing. To achieve this implications of IT governance framework and COBIT 4.1 were employed. Using data from 17 large publicly-owned and privately-owned banks. The results indicate that privately-owned banks have higher maturity rank in implementation of IT and business strategies compared to publicly-owned banks

    Analisis Perencanaan Peningkatan Infrastruktur Tik Di Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

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    Abstract      The need for support of IT (Information Technology) is now considered increasingly important in achieving competitive advantage for a company or organization. Exploiting the advantages of IT needs the ability to manage IT resources into an effective IT governance so as to create efficient business processes and excel in achieving the vision of an organization. Organizations should have full awareness in seeing any benefits to be achieved through IT, therefore it takes the role of management in making IT investments that are right for their organization's needs.  A good IT project should follow four basic stages include (1) planning, (2) procurement, (3) implementation, and (4) surveillance. If the organization can manage all four stages well, it can certainly benefit from IT investments more dominant intangible can be perceived by all IT human resources. This study aimed to analyze the planning of infrastructure improvement of Information and Communication Technology at the State Polytechnic of Balikpapan. Methods of research conducted through several phases ranging from the needs analysis, to determine the exact needs of the ICT infrastructure for the current business model and future with reference to a best practice recommendation. From the analysis showed Poltekba need support technology infrastructure (hardware) that can increase network capacity, data, and IT security in the campus environment.Keywords : Infrastructure TIK, Improving TIK, TIK AbstrakKebutuhan akan dukungan keunggulan TI (Teknologi Informasi) saat ini dirasakan semakin penting dalam mencapai keunggulan kompetitif bagi sebuah perusahaan atau organisasi. Pemanfaatan keunggulan TI membutuhkan kemampuan dalam mengelola sumber daya TI kedalam sebuah tata kelola TI yang efektif sehingga dapat menciptakan  proses bisnis yang efisien dan unggul dalam mencapai visi sebuah organisasi. Organisasi harus memiliki kesadaran penuh dalam melihat setiap manfaat yang bisa diraih melalui TI, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan peran serta manajemen dalam melakukan investasi TI yang tepat bagi kebutuhan organisasi mereka. Sebuah proyek TI yang baik harus mengikuti empat tahap dasar diantaranya (1) perencanaan, (2) pengadaan, (3) pengimplementasian dan (4) pengawasan. Apabila organisasi dapat mengelola keempat tahapan tersebut dengan baik dapat dipastikan keuntungan dari investasi TI yang lebih dominan bersifat intangible dapat dirasakan oleh seluruh SDM TI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan peningkatan infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan mulai dari analisis kebutuhan, sampai dengan penentuan kebutuhan infrastruktur TIK yang tepat untuk model bisnis saat ini dan masa depan dengan mengacu rekomendasi sebuah best practice. Dari hasil analisa menunjukkan Poltekba membutuhkan dukungan infrastruktur teknologi (hardware) yang dapat meningkatakan kemampuan jaringan, data dan kemanan TI di lingkungan kampus.Kata Kunci : Infrastruktur TIK, Peningkatan TIK, TI

    Kajian tadbir urus teknologi maklumat organisasi awam di Gorontao-Indonesia

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    The concept of information technology (IT) governance has become a trend in public organizations sector in most countries. However, the implementation of IT governance in Indonesia continues to face problems and challenges, including weak understanding and assessment processes activities based on IT implementation. In addition, empirical studies related to IT governance within public organizations in Indonesia are limited. The main objective of this study is to develop an IT governance model in public organizations in Gorontalo, Indonesia. This study adapted the Control Objective for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) model which conformed to the principles of management of IT resources that form the basis of IT governance in Indonesia by studying the contribution factors of implementation IT governance in public organizations. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods which involved questionnaires, interviews, observations and documents. Quantitative data was collected via questionnaires that were distributed to 367 and the return rate was 90.6 percent. This data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the research model and test the proposed research hypotheses. Semi-structured interviews were used to obtain the management's views about IT governance activities and their implementation. Observations and documents analysis were used to observe how the activities and find data, information and resources for implementation of IT governance. The results show that the proposed model conforms to COBIT. The study also proves that COBIT together with the goal of and the principles of IT resource management that form the basis of IT governance in Indonesia has managed to enrich the model in describing understanding and implementation of IT governance. The results of this study contribute to knowledge to best practice of IT governance. This study can be used as a guide the best practice IT governance in Indonesia in the futur

    Kerangka Kerja Untuk Audit Dan Penentuan Prioritas Rekomendasi Perbaikan Pada Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Cobit 5 Dan Algoritma Genetika

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    Pengelolaan teknologi informasi pada suatu perusahaan membutuhkan suatu perencanaan tata kelola yang baik untuk menjalankan proses TI agar berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan bisnis perusahaan. Peneliti melakukan audit tata kelola TI di PT PLN Area Kediri menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT 5 pada domain yang memiliki proses EDM01, EDM02, APO01, APO02, APO03, APO04, APO08, BAI02, BAI03, BAI05, BAI06, BAI07, DSS03, DSS04, DSS05, dan DSS06 untuk mendapat hasil rekomendasi perbaikan dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Dalam pemilihan rekomendasi perbaikan yang dihasilkan pada evaluasi tata kelola TI menggunakan Kerangka Kerja COBIT 5 di PLN Kediri terdapat kendala dalam menentukan prioritas pemilihan rekomendasi perbaikan pada domain yang dievaluasi. Penulis mengusulkan suatu Kerangka Kerja yang menggabungkan Kerangka Kerja COBIT 5 dalam evaluasi tata kelola IT, dan menerapkan algoritma genetika sebagai salah satu cabang dari algoritma evolusi dan merupakan metode yang biasa digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu pencarian nilai dalam sebuah masalah optimasi. Algoritma ini bekerja dengan sebuah populasi yang terdiri dari kromosom-kromosom, masing-masing kromosom merepresentasikan sebuah solusi yang mungkin bagi persoalan yang ada. Dalam hal ini kromosom dilambangkan dengan sebuah nilai fitness yang akan digunakan untuk mencari solusi terbaik. Dengan memanfaatkan algoritma genetika untuk memilih rekomendasi perbaikan terbaik berdasarkan parameter biaya dan waktu. Kontribusi pada penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu Kerangka Kerja baru yang dapat digunakan dalam mengevaluasi tatakelola TI dan menentukan rekomendasi perbaikan. Sejauh ini belum terdapat penelitian terkait Kerangka Kerja yang menggunakan COBIT 5 dan GA dalam melakukan evaluasi tata kelola TI dan menentuka prioritas rekomendasi perbaikan didalamnya


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    Currently, organizations move from the need to produce high rates of profitability, by the satisfaction of their customers, partners or employees, and by the maintenance of high levels of competitiveness to enable them to face competition and ensure their survival. With the evolution of Information Systems and the Information Technology, increasingly organizations based its activities on these systems and technologies. There are several guidelines oriented to the management and control certain sectors of Information Technology like ISO 9001 standard, ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), ISO 27001 standard, CMM (Capability Maturity Model), COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations) but the COBIT – Control Objectives for Information and Technology is the framework that covers all activities related to Information Technologies for the IT Governance. Considering the stated advantages of COBIT we present in this study the main benefits of using it for IT Governance in a High Public Portuguese Educational Institution. As part of the applicability of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001 standard certification), it was implemented the COBIT guidelines first to ensure the certification and next to implement mechanisms to make the IT Governance especially to manage and control the IT and IS. The Institution has improved significantly the quality of services, reduce the execution time of tasks in about 25%, monitor and control more efficiency the technological infrastructure, reduce 30% in the number of incidents resolved and finalized by the various informatics departments and reduce 10% in the number of incidents reopened

    It governance evaluation: Adapting and adopting the COBIT framework for public sector organisations

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    This thesis examined the potential to develop an IT governance evaluation framework for an Australian state public sector and identified factors that would positively influence the adoption of the adapted framework. Using four linked studies the research revealed that an adapted framework for the evaluation of IT governance could be derived from best-practice models to fit the specific needs of individual organisations or sectors. The findings contribute to improving the ease of use, enhance usefulness, and increase the intent to adopt IT governance frameworks within a public sector context