126,373 research outputs found

    The synchronous Logical Execution Time paradigm

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    International audienceReal-Time industrial systems are not so much of those that have to perform tasks incredibly fast, but in a timepredictable manner; they rather focus on meeting previously specified timing requirements in a provable way. Consequently, time must be taken into account from the very start of the design. However, exact timing constants may not be available yet inearly design stages as they may depend on the target. In answer, formalisms based on the Multiform Logical Time have been introduced to abstract real-time durations. The Synchronous-Reactive (SR) approach introduced a discretized abstraction of time on which computations happen logically instantaneously. Contrary to SR, Logical Execution Time (LET) mandates to specify the actual logical duration a task has to fulfill. This allows a more efficient compilation, at the price of a lower expressiveness. Classical LET (i.e. as introduced in Giotto/TDL) sticks to uniform pseudo-physical time, i.e. based on one logical clock mapped to the real-time. In this paper, we introduce a new paradigm called synchronous Logical Execution Time (sLET) that builds upon both SR and LET paradigms. It keeps the idea of logical durations coming from the LET paradigm, while having logical instants based on logical clocks. This extends the expressivity of LET, as time is totally abstracted as sequences of events. The various schedulings provide physically timedversions that, while having distinct non-functional properties (in terms of performance mostly), remain mutually functionally equivalent (in the logical time realm). A particular instance, where computations are executed ”in a single instant”, and then time is advanced (as in classical event-driven simulation), can lead to a direct translation into synchronous formalisms (in our case Esterel). We started inquiring how this could open new ways of verification and analysis on PsyC program

    Scheduling Replica Voting in Fixed-Priority Real-Time Systems

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    Reliability and safety are mandatory requirements for safety-critical embedded systems. The design of a fault-tolerant system is required in many fields (e.g., railway, automotive, avionics) and redundancy helps in achieving this goal. Redundant systems typically leverage voting techniques applied to the outputs produced by tasks to detect and even tolerate failures. This paper studies the integration of distributed voting protocols in fixed-priority real-time systems from a scheduling perspective. It analyzes two scheduling strategies for implementing voting. One is attractive and friendly for software developers and based on suspending the task execution until the replica provides the data to be voted. The other one is inspired by the Logical Execution Time (LET) paradigm and requires introducing additional tasks in the system to accomplish voting-related activities. Queuing and delays introduced by inter-replica communication interfaces are also analyzed. Experimental results are finally presented to compare the two strategies, showing that LET-inspired voting is much more predictable and hence more suitable than the other strategy for fixed-priority real-time systems

    Monitoring-Oriented Programming: A Tool-Supported Methodology for Higher Quality Object-Oriented Software

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    This paper presents a tool-supported methodological paradigm for object-oriented software development, called monitoring-oriented programming and abbreviated MOP, in which runtime monitoring is a basic software design principle. The general idea underlying MOP is that software developers insert specifications in their code via annotations. Actual monitoring code is automatically synthesized from these annotations before compilation and integrated at appropriate places in the program, according to user-defined configuration attributes. This way, the specification is checked at runtime against the implementation. Moreover, violations and/or validations of specifications can trigger user-defined code at any points in the program, in particular recovery code, outputting or sending messages, or raising exceptions. The MOP paradigm does not promote or enforce any specific formalism to specify requirements: it allows the users to plug-in their favorite or domain-specific specification formalisms via logic plug-in modules. There are two major technical challenges that MOP supporting tools unavoidably face: monitor synthesis and monitor integration. The former is heavily dependent on the specification formalism and comes as part of the corresponding logic plug-in, while the latter is uniform for all specification formalisms and depends only on the target programming language. An experimental prototype tool, called Java-MOP, is also discussed, which currently supports most but not all of the desired MOP features. MOP aims at reducing the gap between formal specification and implementation, by integrating the two and allowing them together to form a system

    An Autonomous Engine for Services Configuration and Deployment.

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    The runtime management of the infrastructure providing service-based systems is a complex task, up to the point where manual operation struggles to be cost effective. As the functionality is provided by a set of dynamically composed distributed services, in order to achieve a management objective multiple operations have to be applied over the distributed elements of the managed infrastructure. Moreover, the manager must cope with the highly heterogeneous characteristics and management interfaces of the runtime resources. With this in mind, this paper proposes to support the configuration and deployment of services with an automated closed control loop. The automation is enabled by the definition of a generic information model, which captures all the information relevant to the management of the services with the same abstractions, describing the runtime elements, service dependencies, and business objectives. On top of that, a technique based on satisfiability is described which automatically diagnoses the state of the managed environment and obtains the required changes for correcting it (e.g., installation, service binding, update, or configuration). The results from a set of case studies extracted from the banking domain are provided to validate the feasibility of this propos

    Optimizing simulation on shared-memory platforms: The smart cities case

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    Modern advancements in computing architectures have been accompanied by new emergent paradigms to run Parallel Discrete Event Simulation models efficiently. Indeed, many new paradigms to effectively use the available underlying hardware have been proposed in the literature. Among these, the Share-Everything paradigm tackles massively-parallel shared-memory machines, in order to support speculative simulation by taking into account the limits and benefits related to this family of architectures. Previous results have shown how this paradigm outperforms traditional speculative strategies (such as data-separated Time Warp systems) whenever the granularity of executed events is small. In this paper, we show performance implications of this simulation-engine organization when the simulation models have a variable granularity. To this end, we have selected a traffic model, tailored for smart cities-oriented simulation. Our assessment illustrates the effects of the various tuning parameters related to the approach, opening to a higher understanding of this innovative paradigm

    DALiuGE: A Graph Execution Framework for Harnessing the Astronomical Data Deluge

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    The Data Activated Liu Graph Engine - DALiuGE - is an execution framework for processing large astronomical datasets at a scale required by the Square Kilometre Array Phase 1 (SKA1). It includes an interface for expressing complex data reduction pipelines consisting of both data sets and algorithmic components and an implementation run-time to execute such pipelines on distributed resources. By mapping the logical view of a pipeline to its physical realisation, DALiuGE separates the concerns of multiple stakeholders, allowing them to collectively optimise large-scale data processing solutions in a coherent manner. The execution in DALiuGE is data-activated, where each individual data item autonomously triggers the processing on itself. Such decentralisation also makes the execution framework very scalable and flexible, supporting pipeline sizes ranging from less than ten tasks running on a laptop to tens of millions of concurrent tasks on the second fastest supercomputer in the world. DALiuGE has been used in production for reducing interferometry data sets from the Karl E. Jansky Very Large Array and the Mingantu Ultrawide Spectral Radioheliograph; and is being developed as the execution framework prototype for the Science Data Processor (SDP) consortium of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescope. This paper presents a technical overview of DALiuGE and discusses case studies from the CHILES and MUSER projects that use DALiuGE to execute production pipelines. In a companion paper, we provide in-depth analysis of DALiuGE's scalability to very large numbers of tasks on two supercomputing facilities.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, currently under review by Astronomy and Computin