5,125 research outputs found

    A Profunctorial Scott Semantics

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    In this paper, we study the bicategory of profunctors with the free finite coproduct pseudo-comonad and show that it constitutes a model of linear logic that generalizes the Scott model. We formalize the connection between the two models as a change of base for enriched categories which induces a pseudo-functor that preserves all the linear logic structure. We prove that morphisms in the co-Kleisli bicategory correspond to the concept of strongly finitary functors (sifted colimits preserving functors) between presheaf categories. We further show that this model provides solutions of recursive type equations which provides 2-dimensional models of the pure lambda calculus and we also exhibit a fixed point operator on terms

    Stabilized profunctors and stable species of structures

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    We introduce a bicategorical model of linear logic which is a novel variation of the bicategory of groupoids, profunctors, and natural transformations. Our model is obtained by endowing groupoids with additional structure, called a kit, to stabilize the profunctors by controlling the freeness of the groupoid action on profunctor elements. The theory of generalized species of structures, based on profunctors, is refined to a new theory of \emph{stable species} of structures between groupoids with Boolean kits. Generalized species are in correspondence with analytic functors between presheaf categories; in our refined model, stable species are shown to be in correspondence with restrictions of analytic functors, which we characterize as being stable, to full subcategories of stabilized presheaves. Our motivating example is the class of finitary polynomial functors between categories of indexed sets, also known as normal functors, that arises from kits enforcing free actions. We show that the bicategory of groupoids with Boolean kits, stable species, and natural transformations is cartesian closed. This makes essential use of the logical structure of Boolean kits and explains the well-known failure of cartesian closure for the bicategory of finitary polynomial functors between categories of set-indexed families and cartesian natural transformations. The paper additionally develops the model of classical linear logic underlying the cartesian closed structure and clarifies the connection to stable domain theory.Comment: FSCD 2022 special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science, minor changes (incorporated reviewers comments

    Introduction to Categories and Categorical Logic

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    The aim of these notes is to provide a succinct, accessible introduction to some of the basic ideas of category theory and categorical logic. The notes are based on a lecture course given at Oxford over the past few years. They contain numerous exercises, and hopefully will prove useful for self-study by those seeking a first introduction to the subject, with fairly minimal prerequisites. The coverage is by no means comprehensive, but should provide a good basis for further study; a guide to further reading is included. The main prerequisite is a basic familiarity with the elements of discrete mathematics: sets, relations and functions. An Appendix contains a summary of what we will need, and it may be useful to review this first. In addition, some prior exposure to abstract algebra - vector spaces and linear maps, or groups and group homomorphisms - would be helpful.Comment: 96 page

    A Linear/Producer/Consumer Model of Classical Linear Logic

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    This paper defines a new proof- and category-theoretic framework for classical linear logic that separates reasoning into one linear regime and two persistent regimes corresponding to ! and ?. The resulting linear/producer/consumer (LPC) logic puts the three classes of propositions on the same semantic footing, following Benton's linear/non-linear formulation of intuitionistic linear logic. Semantically, LPC corresponds to a system of three categories connected by adjunctions reflecting the linear/producer/consumer structure. The paper's metatheoretic results include admissibility theorems for the cut and duality rules, and a translation of the LPC logic into category theory. The work also presents several concrete instances of the LPC model.Comment: In Proceedings LINEARITY 2014, arXiv:1502.0441

    A Linear Category of Polynomial Diagrams

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    We present a categorical model for intuitionistic linear logic where objects are polynomial diagrams and morphisms are simulation diagrams. The multiplicative structure (tensor product and its adjoint) can be defined in any locally cartesian closed category, whereas the additive (product and coproduct) and exponential Tensor-comonoid comonad) structures require additional properties and are only developed in the category Set, where the objects and morphisms have natural interpretations in terms of games, simulation and strategies.Comment: 20 page

    A bifibrational reconstruction of Lawvere's presheaf hyperdoctrine

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    Combining insights from the study of type refinement systems and of monoidal closed chiralities, we show how to reconstruct Lawvere's hyperdoctrine of presheaves using a full and faithful embedding into a monoidal closed bifibration living now over the compact closed category of small categories and distributors. Besides revealing dualities which are not immediately apparent in the traditional presentation of the presheaf hyperdoctrine, this reconstruction leads us to an axiomatic treatment of directed equality predicates (modelled by hom presheaves), realizing a vision initially set out by Lawvere (1970). It also leads to a simple calculus of string diagrams (representing presheaves) that is highly reminiscent of C. S. Peirce's existential graphs for predicate logic, refining an earlier interpretation of existential graphs in terms of Boolean hyperdoctrines by Brady and Trimble. Finally, we illustrate how this work extends to a bifibrational setting a number of fundamental ideas of linear logic.Comment: Identical to the final version of the paper as appears in proceedings of LICS 2016, formatted for on-screen readin
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