179 research outputs found

    Boole's Method I. A Modern Version

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    A rigorous, modern version of Boole's algebra of logic is presented, based partly on the 1890s treatment of Ernst Schroder

    Depicting Negation in Diagrammatic Logic: Legacy and Prospects

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    Here are considered the conditions under which the method of diagrams is liable to include non-classical logics, among which the spatial representation of non-bivalent negation. This will be done with two intended purposes, namely: a review of the main concepts involved in the definition of logical negation; an explanation of the epistemological obstacles against the introduction of non-classical negations within diagrammatic logic

    Paradoxes and Their Resolutions

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    Paradoxes and their Resolutions is a ‘thematic compilation’ by Avi Sion. It collects in one volume the essays that he has written in the past (over a period of some 27 years) on this subject. It comprises expositions and resolutions of many (though not all) ancient and modern paradoxes, including: the Protagoras-Euathlus paradox (Athens, 5th Cent. BCE), the Liar paradox and the Sorites paradox (both attributed to Eubulides of Miletus, 4th Cent. BCE), Russell’s paradox (UK, 1901) and its derivatives the Barber paradox and the Master Catalogue paradox (also by Russell), Grelling’s paradox (Germany, 1908), Hempel's paradox of confirmation (USA, 1940s), and Goodman’s paradox of prediction (USA, 1955). This volume also presents and comments on some of the antinomic discourse found in some Buddhist texts (namely, in Nagarjuna, India, 2nd Cent. CE; and in the Diamond Sutra, date unknown, but probably in an early century CE)

    The limits and possibilities of ICT in education

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    I will begin this article by clarifying the concept of Educational Technology and its related terms. I will then go on to analyse the more conclusive results of research in this field in order to describe the projects in which I have been involved, where technology was used to produce innovation. This article does not mention any cognitive or educational “revolutionary experience”, since this would surpass the limits of what technology is capable of accomplishing. Part of the education of the new generations has to be conservative, i.e., the experience and knowledge constructed by earlier generations has to be passed down. Disciplinary knowledge is an exemplary condensation of human effort and talent. How can technology support the transmission and acquisition of such knowledge? Besides being capable of using technology, should the new generations not also have a rational and educated discourse on the subject? Is this not the role of the school also? These are some of the main issues I wish to address

    Genus and family : concepts and natural groupings

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    Tribune: Genus and Family: Concepts and Natural Groupings

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    A little over two hundred and fifty years ago Linnaeus (= Linne) began to maneuver his concepts of animal arrangement into Aristotle’s logic of classes. Twenty-three years elapsed between the publication of his first and tenth editions of Systema naturae. The tenth edition (1758) is the acknowledged starting point of zoological nomenclature. Often forgotten but highly significant is the fact that he spent those intervening twenty years orchestrating the then known animals into the world of philosophy

    Operations of Classification Thinking in Students Working on Verbal Tasks.

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    Modern science features a contradiction in the study of classification features proper to thinking in children and adolescents, as well as a lack of knowledge about its features in educated adults). The authors have developed and tested a new experimental method for detecting the functioning of a number of logic operations classes on verbal material. The experiment involved university students majoring in mathematics (n=217 of the logic of classes as isolated, but they rarely use them as a means of solving classification problems on the verbal material. We have also found that the students use various operations with logic of classes with different degrees of success. The article can be used to assess the ability and readiness of future teachers to identify and put into practice the purposes of logical thinking formation in students