185,907 research outputs found

    The Limits of Evaluating Sustainability

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    Designing technology with sustainability in mind is becoming more and more important, especially considering future scenarios of limited resources where the world’s current lifestyle of wasteful consumption needs to change. But how can researchers believably argue that their solutions are indeed sustainable? How can consumers and technology users reliably acquire, understand, and apply information about environmental sustainability? Those questions are difficult to answer, especially in research domains where the impact on sustainability is not immediately measurable, such as sustainable HCI. The evaluation of sustainability is an ongoing problem that is often glossed over, but we believe the community needs to intensify its efforts to articulate its evaluation methods to other disciplines and external stakeholders. Even if those disciplines and stakeholders understand the importance of designing for sustainability, we need convincing arguments – such as validation through thorough evaluations – to showcase why a specific design solution works in the real world. In this paper, we analyze this problem by highlighting examples of sustainable HCI research in which evaluation of sustainability failed. We also look at previous research that sought to address this issue and discuss how their solutions can be generalized – and when they might fail. While we do not have the final answer, our intention is to start a discussion as to why sustainable HCI research is oftentimes not doing enough to justify the validity of its solutions. We close our paper by suggesting a few examples of what we believe to be potential ways to address those issues and take action to improve the evaluation of sustainability

    Die Entwicklung der Konzeption der Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse

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    This article concerns limits and development possibilities of the sustainability analysis concept. Discussed are the qualitative sustainability measurement, and connections to the methodological basis of development assessment and the essence of evaluating sustainability. At first the sustainability definition is tackled, followed by an analysis of the nature of sustainability. The third section highlights the requirements for decision making that guarantees sustainabilit

    Support scheme of food processing firms: a driving force for rural development?

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    The agri-food sector was given remarkable amounts of funding by all German federal states in the framework of the Measure g 'Improving Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products' within the rural development programs. Based on literature and data we obtained by evaluating this program we identified some indicators representative for illustration of sustainable development. Apart from project data we used the official statistics and the method of case studies. Via selected indicators we received some signs of sustainable development in enterprises of the agri-food industry that also influence the development of rural areas. Some statements are restricted because net effects can not be determined. The need for subsidies is discussed as well as possibilities and limits of case studies. --Sustainability,economic development,case studies,subsidies

    Politikrelevante Nachhaltigkeitsforschung : Anforderungsprofil fĂŒr Forschungsförderer, Forschende und Praxispartner aus der Politik zur Verbesserung und Sicherung von ForschungsqualitĂ€t - ein Wegweiser

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    Research aimed at helping to solve pressing societal problems must meet specific quality requirements: The knowledge it produces must not only be sound but also useable. This is particularly true of research that aims at bringing specific knowledge to bear on policy issues relating to sustainable development. This guide provides detailed actor-specific requirements profiles for this type of “policy relevant sustainability research.” This guide is aimed at research funding agencies and contracting entities, researchers themselves and policymakers1 who participate directly in the research process. It can be used both for cases where the research funding agency/contracting entity and the policymaker are different institutions or where they are identical. However, policy consulting by specialized agencies that do not perform original research is not addressed. The requirements profiles serve two functions. First of all, they should function as a guide for the three stakeholder groups, aiding them in their efforts to increase and ensure the quality of research processes and research outcomes. And, secondly, they should improve the reflexive communication among stakeholders regarding the means and the goals of research... The results presented here are part of a research and development project (Research Code Number: 3711 11 701) funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The project was carried out by the Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE, project management), the Institute for Ecological Economy Research and the Environmental Policy Research Center for of the Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin (FFU) (project duration: 09/2011-01/2013). The aim of the project was to develop concepts that can be used to increase the relevance of sustainability research for the design of environmental policy in Germany. In addition to the requirements profiles for a policy relevant sustainability research presented in this guide, recommendations, based on empirical studies, have been developed regarding how the coordination between different government departments with respect to funding such research can be optimized. The project's final report will be available starting March 2013 from the UBA.orschung, die einen unmittelbaren Beitrag zur Lösung drĂ€ngender gesellschaft-licher Probleme leisten will, muss sich besonderen QualitĂ€tsanforderungen stellen: Sie soll nicht nur gesichertes, sondern auch anwendbares Wissen bereithalten. Dies gilt besonders fĂŒr Forschung, die darauf zielt, Politik in Fragen nachhaltiger Ent-wicklung mit spezifischem Wissen zu unterstĂŒtzen. FĂŒr diesen Typ einer „politik-relevanten Nachhaltigkeitsforschung“ prĂ€sentiert der vorliegende Wegweiser ein detailliertes Anforderungsprofil. Der Wegweiser richtet sich an Förderer oder Auftraggeber einer solchen Forschung, an die Forschenden selbst und an Akteure aus der Politik1, die sich direkt an For-schungsprozessen beteiligen. Er kann dabei sowohl fĂŒr den Fall genutzt werden, dass Forschungsförderer oder Auftraggeber und politische Praxispartner verschie-dene Institutionen sind, als auch fĂŒr den Fall, dass sie identisch sind. Politische Beratung durch spezialisierte Agenturen, die keine eigene Forschung leisten, wird dagegen nicht adressiert. Die im Detail ausgearbeiteten Anforderungen haben zwei Funktionen. Sie sollen zum einen den drei genannten Akteursgruppen als Orientierung dienen, wie sie dazu beitragen können, die QualitĂ€t von Forschungsprozessen und Forschungs-ergebnissen zu erhöhen und zu sichern. Zum anderen sollen sie die reflexive Kommunikation zwischen den Akteuren ĂŒber Mittel und Zwecke der Forschung verbessern.... Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen eines vom Bundesministe-rium fĂŒr Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) und dem Umwelt-bundesamt (UBA) finanzierten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens erarbeitet (Forschungskennzahl 3711 11 701). Das Vorhaben wurde vom Institut fĂŒr sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE, Vorhabenleitung), dem Institut fĂŒr ökologische Wirt-schaftsforschung (IÖW) und dem Forschungszentrum fĂŒr Umweltpolitik der Freien UniversitĂ€t Berlin (FFU) durchgefĂŒhrt (Laufzeit: 09/2011–01/2013). Ziel des Vorhabens war es, Konzepte zu entwickeln, mit deren Hilfe die Relevanz der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung fĂŒr die Gestaltung von Umweltpolitik in Deutschland erhöht werden kann. Neben dem hier vorgestellten Anforderungsprofil fĂŒr eine politikrelevante Nachhaltigkeitsforschung wurden auf Basis empirischer Erhebun-gen auch Empfehlungen erarbeitet, wie die Abstimmung zwischen verschiedenen Bundesressorts bei der Förderung von Nachhaltigkeitsforschung optimiert werden kann. Der Abschlussbericht des Vorhabens kann ab MĂ€rz 2013 ĂŒber das UBA bezo-gen werden

    The ethics of responsible acting - a systemic perspective

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    This paper stems from work with research in organic farming, especially the philosophy and methodology of systemic research. In this work, the relations between science and values are pivotal issues of inquiry. The presentation will include the following topics: – sustainability and precautionary acting – conceptions of nature and of the relationship between human and nature – the historical extension of ethics – moral responsibility and moral considerability – moral significance and concepts of value – two paths of extending moral considerability – a cybernetic model of ethical acting – four dimensions of extension of ethics – towards a systemic ethic

    What is the place of democracy in recreation ecology?

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    What should be monitored and who decides has been debated for as long as recreation ecology has been with us. The early work on planning frameworks advocates consulting with visitors to determine what conditions are important to them and then derive resource and social indicators from this information. Any associated standards are then similarly set with visitors’ input. At the same time, recreation ecologists have selected indicators that allow measurement and predictions regarding the relationships between resource and social conditions and levels of visitor use. Where are we now regarding these choices? A democratic perspective would argue that visitors should have significant influence on indicator selection and the standards that might accompany them. But what role does this leave for scientists and institutionally derived scientific knowledge in recreation ecology? In this paper I argue that we are morally and societally bound to embrace a democratic approach to recreation ecology with scientists and managers working with visitors, and others with a vested interest in protected areas, to develop ‘practical wisdom’ that can be evoked as a central tenet of recreation ecology

    A Framework for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Road Salt Used in Winter Maintenance Operations

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    It is important to assess from a holistic perspective the sustainability of road salt widely used in winter road maintenance (WRM) operations. The importance becomes increasingly apparent in light of competing priorities faced by roadway agencies, the need for collaborative decision-making, and growing concerns over the risks that road salt poses for motor vehicles, transportation infrastructure, and the natural environment. This project introduces the concept of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), which combines Life Cycle Costing, Environmental Life Cycle Assessment, and Social Life Cycle Assessment. The combination captures the features of three pillars in sustainability: economic development, environmental preservation, and social progress. With this framework, it is possible to enable more informed and balanced decisions by considering the entire life cycle of road salt and accounting for the indirect impacts of applying road salt for snow and ice control. This project proposes a LCSA framework of road salt, which examines the three branches of LCSA, their relationships in the integrated framework, and the complexities and caveats in the LCSA. While this framework is a first step in the right direction, we envision that it will be improved and enriched by continued research and may serve as a template for the LCSA of other WRM products, technologies, and practices

    Evaluating Enterprize Delivery Using the TYPUS Metrics and the KILT Mode

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    The goal of this work is the technical, ecological, environmental and social examination of the life-cycle (LC) of any product (consumable, service, production) using the TYPUS metrics and the KILT model. The life-cycle starts when the idea of a product is born and lasts until complete dismissal through design, implementation and operation, etc. In the first phases requirements’ specification, analysis, several design steps (global plan, detailed design, assembly design, etc.) are followed by part manufacturing, assembly, testing, diagnostics and operation, advertisement, service, maintenance, etc. Then finally disassembly and dismissal are coming, but dismissal can be substituted by re-cycling (e.g. melting the metals) or re-use (used parts applications). Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of enterprise results are supported by the new models and metrics
