9 research outputs found

    Diskless supercomputers: Scalable, reliable I/O for the Tera-Op technology base

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    Computing is seeing an unprecedented improvement in performance; over the last five years there has been an order-of-magnitude improvement in the speeds of workstation CPU's. At least another order of magnitude seems likely in the next five years, to machines with 500 MIPS or more. The goal of the ARPA Teraop program is to realize even larger, more powerful machines, executing as many as a trillion operations per second. Unfortunately, we have seen no comparable breakthroughs in I/O performance; the speeds of I/O devices and the hardware and software architectures for managing them have not changed substantially in many years. We have completed a program of research to demonstrate hardware and software I/O architectures capable of supporting the kinds of internetworked 'visualization' workstations and supercomputers that will appear in the mid 1990s. The project had three overall goals: high performance, high reliability, and scalable, multipurpose system

    Robo-line storage: Low latency, high capacity storage systems over geographically distributed networks

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    Rapid advances in high performance computing are making possible more complete and accurate computer-based modeling of complex physical phenomena, such as weather front interactions, dynamics of chemical reactions, numerical aerodynamic analysis of airframes, and ocean-land-atmosphere interactions. Many of these 'grand challenge' applications are as demanding of the underlying storage system, in terms of their capacity and bandwidth requirements, as they are on the computational power of the processor. A global view of the Earth's ocean chlorophyll and land vegetation requires over 2 terabytes of raw satellite image data. In this paper, we describe our planned research program in high capacity, high bandwidth storage systems. The project has four overall goals. First, we will examine new methods for high capacity storage systems, made possible by low cost, small form factor magnetic and optical tape systems. Second, access to the storage system will be low latency and high bandwidth. To achieve this, we must interleave data transfer at all levels of the storage system, including devices, controllers, servers, and communications links. Latency will be reduced by extensive caching throughout the storage hierarchy. Third, we will provide effective management of a storage hierarchy, extending the techniques already developed for the Log Structured File System. Finally, we will construct a protototype high capacity file server, suitable for use on the National Research and Education Network (NREN). Such research must be a Cornerstone of any coherent program in high performance computing and communications

    Redundant disk arrays: Reliable, parallel secondary storage

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    During the past decade, advances in processor and memory technology have given rise to increases in computational performance that far outstrip increases in the performance of secondary storage technology. Coupled with emerging small-disk technology, disk arrays provide the cost, volume, and capacity of current disk subsystems, by leveraging parallelism, many times their performance. Unfortunately, arrays of small disks may have much higher failure rates than the single large disks they replace. Redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID) use simple redundancy schemes to provide high data reliability. The data encoding, performance, and reliability of redundant disk arrays are investigated. Organizing redundant data into a disk array is treated as a coding problem. Among alternatives examined, codes as simple as parity are shown to effectively correct single, self-identifying disk failures

    Logging and Recovery in a Highly Concurrent Database

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    This report addresses the problem of fault tolerance to system failures for database systems that are to run on highly concurrent computers. It assumes that, in general, an application may have a wide distribution in the lifetimes of its transactions. Logging remains the method of choice for ensuring fault tolerance. Generational garbage collection techniques manage the limited disk space reserved for log information; this technique does not require periodic checkpoints and is well suited for applications with a broad range of transaction lifetimes. An arbitrarily large collection of parallel log streams provide the necessary disk bandwidth

    The global intelligent file system framework.

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    "Since its inception the Internet has grown rapidly in both size and importance in our everyday lives. The Internet today is the preliminary model of what is commonly called the global information infrastructure. However, at the moment this "infrastructure" is considered to be an addition to our computer, and is not an integrated part of a file system which is essentially a "local information infrastructure" of a computer. Advancements in the sizes of disks in computers, network bandwidth and the types of media available mean users now keep large amounts of files in their personal data storage spaces, with little or no additional support for the organisation, searching or sharing of this data. The hierarchical model of file system storage is no longer the most effective way of organising and categorising files and information. Relying largely on the user, rather than the computer, being efficient and organised its inflexible nature renders it unsuitable for the meaningful coordination of an increasing bulk of divergent file types that users deal with on a daily basis. The work presented in this thesis describes a new paradigm for file storage, management and retrieval. Providing globally integrated document emplacement and administration, the GIFS (Global Intelligent File System) framework offers the necessary architecture for transparently directing the storage, access, sharing, manipulation, and security of files across interconnected computers. To address the discrepancy between user actions and computer actions, GIFS provides each user with a "Virtual Secretary" to reduce the cognitive workload and remove the time-consuming task of information organisation from the user. The Secretary is supported by a knowledge base and a collection of intelligent agents, which are programs that manage and process the data collected, and work behind the scenes aiding gradual proliferation of knowledge. The Virtual Secretary is responsible for providing fast and accurate assistance to aid users who wish to create, store, retrieve, share, secure and collaborate on their files. Through both system prototyping and performance simulation it is demonstrated that it is desirable as well as feasible to deploy a knowledge base in supporting an intelligent user interface that acts like a human assistant who handles paperwork, looks after filing, security and so on. This work provides the contribution of a new framework and architecture to the field of files systems and document management as well as focusing on reducing the burden placed upon users through everyday usage of computer systems. Such a framework has the potential to be evolved into a highly intelligent assistant to a user over a period of service and the introduction of additional agents, and provides the basis for advancements in file system and organisational technologies.

    The Design of a High-Integrity Disk Management Subsystem

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    This dissertation describes and experimentally evaluates the design of the Logical Disk, a disk management subsystem that guarantees the integrity of data stored on disk even after system failures, while still providing performance competitive to other storage systems. Current storage systems that use the hard disk as storage medium, such as file systems, often do not provide sufficient protection against loss of data after a system failure. The designers of such systems are afraid that the amount of effort necessary for data protection would also result in too much loss of performance. The Logical Disk uses many different techniques to guarantee data integrity, including the support to execute multiple commands as one atomic action and avoiding `in-place updates' at all times. The techniques used to provide competitive performance include the technique of combining many, small write commands into one large, sequential, and thus efficient, write to disk, and clustering the data on disk continuously and automatically.Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor]Jonge, W. de [Copromotor

    The LFS Storage Manager

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    Advances in computer system technology in the areas of CPUs, disk subsystems, and volatile RAM memory are combining to create performance problems existing file systems are ill-equipped to solve. This paper identifies the problems of using the existing UNIX file systems on 1990's technology and presents an alternative file system design that can use disks an order-of-magnitude more efficiently for typical UNIX workloads. The design, named LFS for log-structured file system, treats the disk as a segmented append-only log. This allows LFS to write many small changes to disk in a single large I/O while still maintaining the fast file reads of existing file systems. In addition, the logstructured approach allows near instantaneous file system crash recovery without coupling CPU and disk performance with synchronous disk writes. This paper describes and justifies the major data structures and algorithms of the LFS design. We compare an implementation of LFS in the Sprite distributed operati..