33 research outputs found

    Social reproduction theory revisited

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    Social reproduction theory names at least two distinct traditions, one of which has a long history in educational research. Social reproduction theory in education emerged out of a concern with education’s relationship to capitalist inequalities. By contrast, social reproduction feminism developed out of feminist interventions regarding the role of women’s unpaid care-work in the reproduction of capitalism. In this paper, we suggest that the renewed energy surrounding social reproduction feminism provides an opportunity to revisit social reproduction theorizing in education. We review the fields’ histories and ready the ground for an integrated framework. At the heart of this integration is a feminist analysis of reproductive labor in its contradictory relationship to capitalism. Expanding the analysis from the reproduction of capitalist relations to the reproduction of life under capitalism, this approach avoids the pitfalls of determinism and attends to students’ participation and teachers’ work in the contested labor of social reproduction

    La Salle Explorers 1953-1954

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    Uses and Abuses of Class Separatism

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    There are uses and abuses of class separatism. It draws clear lines of demarcation, helps sort the ideal from the material, and finds issues that cut across a lot of differences. But it gets abused, and the abuse is rooted in its mistake about relations of production. My contention, having done this assessment of class separatism, is that the abuses are actually a feature, not a bug, in class separatism as a concept of relations of production. Individual and structural elements are each necessary and sufficient elements of relations of production. The trouble starts when organizers and intellectuals place more weight on one rather than the other

    Security Enhancement in Cloud Environment using Secure Secret Key Sharing

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    Securing the data in distributed cloud system is considered one of the major concern for the cloud customers who faces security risks. The data leakage or data tampering are widely used by attackers to extract the private information of other users who shares the confidential data through virtualization. This paper presents Secure Secret Sharing (SSS) technique which is being recognized as one of the leading method to secure the sensitive data. It shares encrypted data over cloud and generated secret key is split into different parts distributed to qualified participants (Qn) only which is analyzed by malicious checkers. It verifies the clients based on their previous performances, whether these users proved to be authorized participant or not. The key computation is evaluated by the Key handler (KH) called trusted party which manages authorized control list, encryption/decryption and reconstruction of key shares. The Lagrange’s interpolation method is used to reconstruct the secret from shares. The experimental results shows that the proposed secure data sharing algorithm not only provides excellent security and performance, but also achieves better key management and data confidentiality than previous countermeasures. It improves the security by using secure VM placement and evaluated based on time consumption and probability computation to prove the efficacy of our algorithm. Experiments are performed on cloudsim based on following parameters i.e. time computation of key generation; response time and encryption/decryption. The experimental results demonstrate that this method can effectively reduce the risks and improves the security and time consumption up to 27.81% and 43.61% over existing algorithms

    The Physics and Metaphysics of Piano Playing: Twelve Fundamental Principles

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    I have hereunder summarized ten principles that are required for a performance to be correct. I have added two more requirements that need to be fulfilled if there is to be great music

    Evangelical Visitor - November 25, 1970 Vol. LXXXIII. No. 22.

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    Vol. LXXXIII. No. 22

    Rotunda - Vol 65, No 16 - Feb 18, 1986

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