61,047 research outputs found

    The Do-Not-Call Registry Model is Not the Answer to Spam, 22 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 79 (2003)

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    This article discusses why a system to combat unwanted Internet spam, or junk e-mail, should not be modeled after the Do-Not-Call registry developed to curtail telemarketing phone calls. The Do-Not-Call registry is an opt-out system where consumers must place their phone numbers on a list that designates them as consumers unwilling to accept telemarketing calls. In the Internet spam context, this article argues that to force Internet users to place their e-mail addresses on a similar do-not-spam list could lead to potential problems. For example, if a would-be spammer was to get a hold of that list, she or he would have a list of virtually guaranteed to be valid e-mail addresses. Instead of using an opt-out system, this article suggests the implementation of an opt-in system to control spam. In this instance, consumers would place their e-mail addresses on a list only if they wish to receive unsolicited e-mail. Further augmenting the opt-in system, the article suggests the assessment of fines for spam offenders and as an incentive for Web site maintainers to ensure the security of e-mail addresses received from their Web site visitors

    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    Fintech and Secured Transactions Systems of the Future

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    Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur pedagoger tänker kring sitt förhållningssätt i konflikter och vilka effekter de tror att förhållningssättet kan få i barngruppen. Studiens metod har varit kvalitativa intervjuer där sex pedagoger från olika förskolor har deltagit. Resultatet visade att deltagarna hela tiden reflekterar över sitt förhållningssätt till konflikter och varför konflikter uppstår. Något som alla deltagare belyste var att det är viktigt att barnen ges verktyg för att klara konflikter själva. Flera olika strategier kunde ses på hur konflikthantering går till men mycket handlar om bemötande, förklaringar och att alla i slutändan ska känna sig nöjda. Alla deltagande ansåg att konflikter är lärande men på olika plan. Bland annat handlar det om ett lärande utifrån den gemensamma respekt man bör ha mot varandra men även det sociala samspelet nämns. De slutsatser som kan dras är att konflikthantering i förskolan är en viktig del där pedagogens förhållningssätt påverkar konfliktens utgång. Att ge barnen verktyg för att klara konflikter själva ses som en bra start och en central del i konflikthantering hos deltagarna

    Regional Address Registries, Governance and Internet Freedom

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    Regional Internet Address Registries (RIRs) are private, nonprofit and transnational governance entities that evolved organically with the growth of the Internet to manage and coordinate Internet Protocol addresses. The RIR's management of Internet address resources is becoming more contentious and more central to global debates over Internet governance. This is happening because of two transformational problems: 1) the depletion of the IPv4 address space; and 2) the attempt to introduce more security into the Internet routing system. We call these problems "transformational" because they raise the stakes of the RIR's policy decisions, make RIR processes more formal and institutionalized, and have the potential to create new, more centralized control mechanisms over Internet service providers and users. A danger in this transition is that the higher stakes and centralized control mechanisms become magnets for political contention, just as ICANN's control of the DNS root did. In order to avoid a repeat of the problems of ICANN, we need to think carefully about the relationship between RIRs, governments, and Internet freedom. In particular, we need to shield RIRs from interference by national governments, and strengthen and institutionalize their status as neutral technical coordinators with limited influence over other areas of Internet governance

    The internet and public–private governance in the European Union

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    The EU plays a significant role in public policy aspects of Internet governance, having created in the late 1990s the dot eu Internet Top Level Domain (TLD). This enables users to register names under a European online address label. This paper explores key public policy issues in the emergent governance system for dot eu, because it provides an interesting case of new European transnational private governance. Specifically, dot eu governance is a reconciliation resulting from a governance cultural clash between the European regulatory state and what can be described broadly as the Internet community. The EU has customised the governance of dot eu towards a public–private dispersed agencification model. The paper extends the evidence base on agencification within trans-European regulatory networks and the emergence of private transnational network governance characterised by self-regulation

    Establishing an Internet Based Paediatric Cancer Registration and Communication System for the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network

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    Cancer registration has developed in Europe over the last 50 years, and in the last decade intensive joint activities between the European Cancer Registries, in response to the need of pan-European harmonization of registration practices, have taken place. The Hungarian Paediatric Cancer Registry has been functioning as the database of the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network since 1971, aiming to follow the incidence and the treatment efficacy of malignant diseases.The goals of this globally unique open source information system are the following: 1) to raise the quality of the registration system to the European level by developing an Internet-based registration and communication system, modernizing the database, establishing automatic statistical analyses and adding an Internet website, 2) to support clinical epidemiological studies that we conduct with international collaborators on detailed analyses of the characteristics of patients and their diseases, evaluation of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, prevention programs, and long-term quality of life and side effects.The benefits of the development of the Internet-based registration and communication system are as follows: a) introduction of an Internet-based case reporting system, b) modernization of the registry database according to international recommendations, c) automatic statistical summaries, encrypted mail systems, document repository, d) application of data security and privacy standards, e) establishment of a website and compilation of educational materials.The overall objective of this scientific project is to contribute towards the improvement of cancer prevention and cancer care for the benefit of the public in general and of cancer patients in particular