24 research outputs found

    Healthcare 4.0: Trends, Challenges and Benefits

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    The Fourth Industry Revolution, known as Industry 4.0, refers to the forces that are transforming industry, including the healthcare industry, where it has been termed Healthcare 4.0. Though lagging other industries in the adoption of new innovative technologies, the healthcare industry is embracing the potential benefits that arise from new innovative technologies. New trends revealed both in the academic literature and by industry practice show that researchers and practitioners are becoming more aware of the benefits technology can bring to an industry as complex as the healthcare industry. The object of the study is to identify the challenges, trends and gaps in the existing body of research with regard to Healthcare 4.0. In this study, a systematic literature review on Healthcare 4.0 research papers was conducted to identify trends, challenges and the perceived benefits that may arise from it. This paper found that there is a need to conduct more empirical studies in this area. It, further, identified the need to implement practical procedures in the industry to get feedback from patients and healthcare participants in order to promote the adoption of new Healthcare 4.0 technologie

    The Understanding and Readiness of Malaysian Contractors to Apply Additive Manufacturing Technology in Construction Industry

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    One of key technology in industrial revolution 4.0, additive manufacturing, has a potential great influence to construction industry in the future. Construction players especially contractors are expected to involve widely and directly with the technology but their understanding about the technology are unidentified. In the same time, Malaysian’s construction industry appears lack to embrace for technology that might lead the local industry be uncompetitive if it cannot engage with the new technology. The research is prepared to study the contractors understanding and readiness of additive manufacturing within the scope of a Malaysian state’s construction industry, Penang. Literature reviews have been conducted to understand about the additive manufacturing technology, its impact and future prospect in construction industry and further produced a set of survey questions, distributed to contractors and analyzed using mean score. The outcome has identified that the local contractors do not have understanding and not ready for addictive manufacturing technology. The study suggested that the authorities can learn the AM adoption rate among contractors and further formulate strategies for them to venture into the technology

    Industry 4.0:use of digitalization in healthcare

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    The primary objective of this chapter is to examine the AI applications for healthcare 4.0. Using a wide range of contemporary technologies, such as digitization, artificial intelligence, user response data (ergonomics), human psychology, the internet of things, machine learning, big data mining, and augmented reality, one of the great success stories of our day is healthcare. Worldwide life expectancy has increased due to the tremendous advancements in medical research. But when people live longer, healthcare systems must deal with more people needing their services, more money spent on them, and a staff that finds it more challenging to care for patients. A healthy, productive society depends heavily on the healthcare industry, making it one of the most critical industries in the larger big data environment. Artificial intelligence (AI), which builds on automation, has the potential to transform healthcare and assist in addressing some of the issues mentioned above. AI can support healthcare professionals, including physicians and nurses, in their day-to-day jobs. Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve patient outcomes by enhancing the quality of life and preventive care and producing more accurate diagnoses and treatment regimens. This book provides an overview of the most recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) applications in biomedicine, encompassing pharmaceutical processing, disease diagnosis, patient monitoring, biomedical information, and biomedical research. A summary of the most recent developments in the use of AI in healthcare is also provided, along with a road map for creating safe, dependable, and efficient AI systems and a discussion of potential future directions for AI-assisted healthcare systems. Numerous uses of AI exist in the medical field. Healthcare 4.0 has brought about a paradigm shift in the healthcare industry, drawing inspiration from Industry 4.0. Therefore, how the digital revolution in healthcare will affect the quality of medical care is still being determined. This study results will help the new researchers and healthcare institutions

    Blame It on the Blockchain: Cryptocurrencies Boom Amidst Global Regulations

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    Blockchain technologies created the most valuable digital currency in the world; Bitcoin. Bitcoin uses a Blockchain to be decentralized and widely accessible: Blockchains work by recording all transactions into online ledgers that are saved onto many separate blocks across the internet. Coins that use Blockchain technology are inherently difficult to modify, and transactions are permanently recorded because of the redundancy and reliability of the Blockchain system. So, this widely-available means of exchange has gained appeal as an online alternative to traditional currencies and securities. Blockchain coins gain popularity as currencies where there is reason to doubt the existing traditional currencies that are in place. These coins gain popularity as securities in countries where securities are highly regulated because of challenges in applying those regulations to Blockchain technologies. Because of this appeal, Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular all around the world, and countries must now respond to the new sizeable Cryptocurrency markets within their economies. However, the process of exerting jurisdiction over Blockchain coins raises several hurtles that countries must address to avoid losing out to decentralization. This note seeks to evaluate regulations and proposed future measures that several countries have taken to control this new technology. The efficacity of these regulations will be measured against the goals of the relevant governing bodies, and their shortcomings will be identified. Ultimately, this note endeavors to provide an overview of effective Cryptocurrency regulation to provide a framework for countries to adapt themselves to the Blockchain

    La Industria 4.0 en perspectiva argentina: desafíos, obstáculos y escenarios posibles

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    El trabajo analiza las posibilidades de desarrollo de la Industria 4.0 (I4.0) en Argentina. Luego de considerar los factores internacionales, nacionales y estructurales/sistémicos que pueden operar como obstaculizadores, se proponen tres escenarios posibles sobre los que puede orientarse el desarrollo de la I4.0 en el país. A continuación, son articulados con distintos instrumentos de política pública que operan en cuatro niveles, y contribuyen a la concreción de dichos escenarios. Estos niveles son: a) macroeconómico, b) sectorial, c) sistema de ciencia, tecnología e innovación, y d) sistema nacional de innovación. El objetivo de este cruce es construir un mapa de opciones posibles para el desarrollo de la I4.0, a los fines de contar con un insumo que permita comprender a qué tipo de orientación estratégica aportan diferentes instrumentos de política pública. La propuesta se enmarca dentro de un debate teórico de carácter más amplio, sobre el cual el trabajo busca intervenir por medio de reflexionar sobre las características actuales del paradigma tecno-económico ligado a las TIC, y las posibilidades de desarrollo (o crecimiento de la dependencia estructural) que enfrentan países como Argentina en esta etapa del modo de desarrollo informacional.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ


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     Neste trabalho são abordados os potenciais ganhos da Indústria 4.0, a adoção de ferramentas que congreguem sistemas de interligação de equipamentos dentro de uma cadeia produtiva à rede, permitindo o controle da produção à distância. Estes processos geram uma grande quantidade de dados, que precisam ser geridos e interpretados para viabilizar uma melhor visualização e programação dos processos produtivos. O objetivo geral deste artigo é o de identificar novos métodos para ampliar a produtividade na indústria, dentro do conceito da Indústria 4.0, demonstrando formas de utilização de suas ferramentas, demonstradas em exemplos e bibliografias sobre o tema. Com os processos cada vez mais automatizados, almeja-se sempre a otimização da produção e redução dos custos, assim como o aumento da produtividade, otimizando o ciclo nos processos fabris. Pode-se concluir que um dos benefícios da Indústria 4.0 é o aumento da capacidade produtiva, redução de defeitos, e a flexibilização da linha de produção, pelos processos automatizados, permitindo uma produção de diversos produtos em pequenas quantidades com os mesmos lucros de uma produção em massa.

    The fourth industrial revolution skills that teach the Colombian educational system

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    Este documento presenta los resultados del proceso investigativo denominado “El área de Tecnología e Informática en la Educación Media Colombiana y la 4RI” que, dentro de sus objetivos, pretendía determinar qué habilidades de Cuarta Revolución Industrial debe formar el sistema escolar colombiano, para enfrentar con éxito la 4RI.  Se empleó el paradigma socio crítico, con  diseño de investigación acción participativa, permitiendo plantear una propuesta para la transformación de los Estándares de Competencias del Área de Tecnología e Informática. Los hallazgos muestran, que se deben desarrollar habilidades técnicas de 4RI tales como, diseño tecnológico, programación, diseño y construcción de circuitos, desarrollo web, manejo y análisis de datos y diseño 3D; además se deben incluir de manera transversal, las habilidades blandas de tipo social, cognitivo, personal e intercultural; el éxito en la implementación de la propuesta resultante, esta sujeto a la adopción de la misma por parte  del Ministerio de Educación Nacional.This document presents the results of the investigative process called "The area of Technology and Computing in Colombian Secondary Education and the 4RI" that within its objectives, intended to determine what skills of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4RI) should be taught by the Colombian educational system, to successfully face the 4RI. The socio-critical paradigm was used, with a community action research design, that allowed to create a proposal for the transformation of the Qualified Standards Goals of the Technology and Computing Area. The findings show that the development of technical skills such as use of 4RI technologies, technological design, programming, circuit design and construction, web development, data management and mining, and 3D design should be included; In addition, soft skills of a social, cognitive, personal and intercultural nature must be included transversally; the success in the implementation of the resulting proposal is subject to its adoption by the Ministry of National Education

    Az Aktív Idősödés Indexe (AAI) : Az internet szerepe az AAI-ben

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    A tanulmány ismerteti az Aktív Idősödés Mutatóját (AAI), mely az összetett jóléti mutatók közül az egyik legújabban konstruált index. Az AAI négy tartományból és összesen 22 résztartományból (azaz 22 indikátorból) épül fel. Az index értéke jól jelzi az idősödésben rejlő potenciálokat és az öregedéshez kapcsolódó szakpolitika eredményességét. Az EU országai közti sorrend pedig megmutatja az egyes országok öregedéssel kapcsolatos eredményeinek relatív nagyságát. Mivel az első AAI indexet 2010-re számszerűsítették, ezért az induló koncepciók többsége igen nagy valószínűséggel jelenleg is elfogadható. Az AAI internethasználatra vonatkozó összetevőjét illetően azonban a tanulmány szerzőinek véleménye szerint új megközelítés szükséges. Ennek oka, hogy az utóbbi évtizedben felgyorsult IV. ipari forradalom következtében az idősebbek vonatkozásában is megnőtt az internethasználat jelentősége, továbbá változott az internethasználat tartalma

    Az Aktív Idősödés Indexe (AAI. Az internet szerepe az AAI-ben

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    A tanulmány ismerteti az Aktív Idősödés Mutatóját (AAI), mely az összetett jóléti mutatók közül az egyik legújabban konstruált index. Az AAI négy tartományból és összesen 22 résztartományból (azaz 22 indikátorból) épül fel. Az index értéke jól jelzi az idősödésben rejlő potenciálokat és az öregedéshez kapcsolódó szakpolitika eredményességét. Az EU országai közti sorrend pedig megmutatja az egyes országok öregedéssel kapcsolatos eredményeinek relatív nagyságát. Mivel az első AAI indexet 2010-re számszerűsítették, ezért az induló koncepciók többsége igen nagy valószínűséggel jelenleg is elfogadható. Az AAI internethasználatra vonatkozó összetevőjét illetően azonban a tanulmány szerzőinek véleménye szerint új megközelítés szükséges. Ennek oka, hogy az utóbbi évtizedben felgyorsult IV. ipari forradalom következtében az idősebbek vonatkozásában is megnőtt az internethasználat jelentősége, továbbá változott az internethasználat tartalma