5,807 research outputs found

    Barriers to the transition towards off-site construction in China: An Interpretive structural modeling approach

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    Off-site construction (OSC) has been recognized as an approach to transform the construction sector from a labor–intensive to a modernized and green industry. Despite a number of advantages, the development of OSC still remains its infancy in China due to various interactive barriers. Some studies have been conducted to explore the barriers to the OSC adoption. However, very few studies attempted to investigate the complex interrelationships among these barriers. In order to fill this gap, this study adopts Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) technique to explore the interrelationships amongst barriers to the OSC adoption in China. Firstly, critical barriers were identified through literature review and semi-structured interviews with various stakeholders. Then, the overall structure amongst barriers was revealed through ISM technique. By using the Matriced’ Impacts Croise's Multiplication Appliquée a UN Classement (MICMAC) technique, the barriers were classified into four groups according to their driving-power and dependence power. The results indicate that specific attentions should be given to inadequate policy and regulations, lacking knowledge and expertise, dominated traditional project process as well as low standardization. The research findings provide valuable information for policy-makers on the overall structure amongst barriers. These results shed lights on effectively developing measures to facilitate the OSC adoption in the construction sector

    Paths for New Urbanization in Chongqing, China: Study on Overall Design and Strategic Framework

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    Based on introspection about disadvantages of the traditional urbanization, the new urbanization is on the transformation and innovation of strategies with reference to the relevant successful experience all over the world. Through analyses on the consequent strategic opportunity of Chongqing pilot zone for overall reform to balance the urban and rural development, the paper expounds an overall idea on paths for new urbanization in Chongqing. And then the paper constructs a strategic framework of the paths aiming to provide a scientific and clear direction to the choice of paths for new urbanization in Chongqing.

    Appropriate Economic Space for Transnational Infrastructural Projects: Gateways, Multimodal Corridors, and Special Economic Zones

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    This study addresses three questions that arise in Asia when formulating, financing, implementing, and maintaining transnational linkages versus purely domestic connections. Firstly, how is optimal economic space to be defined as a useful starting point? Secondly, how can relevant criteria be developed to define the emerging spatial economy and identify efficient transnational transport networks? Thirdly, what are the main investment opportunities in physical infrastructure that would result in more efficient and effective regional cooperation and integration (making special reference to the potential role of cross-border special economic zones (SEZs) or their equivalents)?asia transnational infrastructure; asia regional cooperation

    City branding in China's Northeastern region

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    The past decade has seen a surge in the use of city branding, which is used to attract specific target groups of investors, high-tech green firms and talented workforce and reflects a desired shift from old, polluting manufacturing industries to new, clean service industries. Previous studies in the Chinese mega-city regions Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta a

    An Analysis on the Development Model of China’s County-level E-commerce

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    Based on the case studies of e-commerce activities in six counties of China’s eastern, middle and western regions respectively, this paper has probed into the characteristics of e-commerce development of each county, which are then classified into four development models of county-level e-commerce in China, featuring the integration and aggregation of resources endowment and production factors. The paper further analyzes the key factors contributing to the success of county-level e-commerce development, in a bid to provide reference and guidance for other counties in their e-commerce activities

    A New Belt and Road Framework Method Based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for Industrial Applications

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    A network called the Internet of things (IoT) enables data communication amongst all autonomous inanimate devices. It is a network that enables users to practice object communication. Its development marks a significant turning point in digital technologies. The IoT is growing, and with it, the amount of research being done on its foundation. The western region's economic growth should take advantage of this growth and find a path that works for it. There are many flaws and issues in the accounting system of enterprises as a consequence of the development of internal management aspects. In order to aid the west area's quick development, this article is focused on the optimization of the financial growth trajectory of that region against the "Belt and Road" framework. The interaction development route of related industries and modern urbanization is presented in this research. The future total GDP and per capita GDP of the west area are studied and reported using simulated data. According to the data, the west area's total GDP and per capita GDP will expand annually over the following 4 years and afterwards continue to grow

    Research on Rural Tourism Product Development from the Perspective of Education—A Case Study of Huangu Town, Ziyang County, Shaanxi Province

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    Nowadays, the rapid development of rural tourism for the economic development of rural areas. However, with the trend of increasingly diversified, personalized and experiential tourism demands of tourists, rural tourism products have different degrees of “lag” in resource development, business philosophy, service level and other links. At the same time, educational tourism, as a new form of special tourism, is favored by the tourism market, but it also faces “bottleneck” problems such as shortage of tourism resources and single form of activities. This paper tries to combine rural tourism with educational tourism from the perspective of education. Starting from the idea that educational tourism develops in rural areas to excavate the cultural connotation of rural tourism resources and improve the product level, this paper studies the development of rural educational tourism products under the background of experience economy. And through the empirical study of Huangu Town area in Shaanxi Province to demonstrate and guide the development effect of rural educational tourism products in concrete practice

    Research on Vitality and Sustainable Development of Urban Villages from the Urban Perspective

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    北九州市立大学博士(工学)China's urban development has shifted from rapid urbanization to stock development with urban renewal as the main focus, but the backward facilities and inefficient allocation of public resources in urban villages make it difficult to support sustainable urban development, leading to a decline in the quality of life of residents and dissipation of urban vitality. Urban vitality is an important indicator of healthy and sustainable urban development, and it is of great significance to study the impacts of urban villages on vitality, to re-conceptualize the value of urban villages, and to explore the development path of urban villages for the sustainable development of cities. This study takes urban villages and urban vitality as the research object and proposes a quantifiable and replicable framework for the adaptation of urban villages in Shenzhen. After assessing Shenzhen's vitality in terms of economic, social, and cultural aspects, a regression model is developed to analyze the relationship between vitality and the built environment. Finally, an empirical case study is conducted. It is hoped that this will deepen the community's understanding of urban villages and provide a theoretical basis for the long-term revitalization and sustainable development of cities.doctoral thesi

    Economic growth pattern in restricted areas: the case study of Kangding City in Sichuan Province

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    The construction of regional development patterns based on the main functional areas is a major strategic innovation which not only conforms to the national regional policy but also incorporates regional features. On June 8, 2011, the state council issued the National Main Function Area Planning to readjust guiding thoughts of regional development of our country. In 2013, Sichuan province formulated and published the Main Function Area Planning which divided the restricted areas into main producing areas of agricultural products and key ecological functional areas. And among them, the key ecological functional areas are the important research subject of this thesis. In light of the strategic pattern of main functional areas, the structure of regional interests has undergone a major adjustment, which means that economic devolopment pattern in restricted areas need a foundamental transformation. Such areas need to build up economic system rooted in main functions and enhance their self-sustainability. It also poses a new challenge for policymakers in these areas. Research on economic growth pattern of restricted areas has become an important topic in the study of China’s regional economic theory.A definição de padrões de desenvolvimento regionais baseados em áreas funcionais principais constitui uma inovação estratégica, que não só está de acordo com as políticas regionais, mas também permite a inclusão das características específicas de cada região. A 8 de junho de 2011as autoridades nacionais Chinesas publicaram o documento intitulado National Main Function Area Planning para reajustar, a nível nacional, as linhas estratégicas de desenvolvimento regional. Em 2013 a província de Sichuan editou e publicou o Main Function Area Planning que dividia as áreas de desenvolvimento restrito em dois tipos: áreas de produção maioritariamente agrícola e áreas funcionais ecológicas chave. O principal objeto de investigação desta tese é a segunda destas áreas. Tendo em consideração os padrões estratégicos das áreas funcionais principais, a estrutura dos interesses regionais tem sido sujeita a ajustamentos importantes, o que significa a necessidade de transformações fundamentais nos padrões de desenvolvimento económico das áreas de desenvolvimento restrito. Estas áreas necessitam de construir um sistema económico baseado nas funções principais e que seja autossustentado, o que constitui um novo desafio para as políticas públicas. Os padrões de crescimento económico em áreas de desenvolvimento restrito tornou-se um importante tópico de investigação na teoria económica regional da China