7 research outputs found

    Millennial tourist emotional experience in technological engagement at destination

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    Millennial is known to be the generations that strongly empowered by technologies that apparently had altered the pattern of their consumption habits to shape a new form of tourist market. The great incursion of technology on Millennial does not only mediates the experience formation at destination, instead provide added value and emotional impact through its cognitive stimulation and experience co-creation possibilities. As the key instrument for experience enhancement, mobile technologies support users' needs of on-site information, virtually connect tourism providers and consumers, and unfold destination uniqueness. These in turn allow co-creation of tourist experience through satisfaction of Millennial's addiction of connectivity. Virtual connectivity seems to create new form of affective attachment, through which Millennial are emotionally bonded to the place due to the intensity of technological engagement. Consequently, instead of tourist-destination encounter per se, technological experience is potentially classified as the third aspects that dictate experience development, especially among Millennial travellers. Existing literatures indicates that Millennial strong engagement with virtual platform is capable to manipulate their on-site emotional experience, which apparently changing the conventional way of tourist experiencing the destination. Nevertheless, the significant of Millennial's technological engagement towards their destination emotional experience is still open for debates. Pertaining to this situation, this conceptual paper is attempted to understand the influence of technology in the enhancement of emotional experience, specifically among Millennial travellers, in better understanding the evolving demand of the new generations tourist from psychological perspective

    Geo-based technologies, tourists and bushfires in northern Australia

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    This paper analyses how the use of geo-based technologies can play a role in the safety of tourism operations and tourist travel — especially in the case of bushfires. The study uses data from 42 qualitative interviews with tourists, tourism operators and other stakeholders in the remote Kununurra area of Western Australia carried out in 2012 and 2013. We contend that the spatiotemporal nature of tourism has stimulated considerable development in a range of geo - based technologies. The paper argues that geo-based technologies are an integral part of fire suppression and mitigation practices, and that tourists’ familiarity with geo-based technologies makes these technologies an effective mode of fi re safety information for independent tourists, especially those travelling in remote an d regional areas of Australia. A key finding, from a thematic analysis of the data, is the importance and relevance of real - time fire warning information for tourist operators and independent tourists, along with an observation that tourists and tourism operators are particularly interested in using the new user - friendly MyFireWatch website. This finding draws a parallel with the high use of geospatial technologies in the tourism industry by both tourism operators and tourists themselves. Further, this paper also calls attention to outback tourism and the importance of a ‘loci of responsibility’ between emergency services, tourism operators and the independent tourist in times of bushfire and other emergencies in remote Australia

    Tourism interpretation: an overview of its influence and research trend

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    Tourist's understanding and interest towards destination, especially urban tourism cities, is highly subjected to its interpretation that concern about tourist information acquisition. Tourism interpretation reveals significance of destination, instils emotional value, and consequently creates meanings to tourist. Existing literatures indicates that interpretation would significantly deepened tourist's destination insight, and improves travel experience. From the psychological perspective, personal connection with destination can be established when there is a good match between tourist expectation and interpretation provided. As tourist experience is highly psychological and cognitive in nature, quality interpretation is crucial in manipulating experience development. Specifically in urban destination, complexity of urban environment complicates tourist spatial cognition process. With technological engagement, it does give positive influence to the quality of interpretation, which may psychologically manipulate the way tourist perceives the destination. Witnessing the evolution in interpretation system, there is a need to relook on the impact of interpretation and understand its current research trend to apprehend the future direction of interpretation system development. Thus this review paper is intended to firstly unveil the importance of effective interpretation system in enhancing tourist travel experience and secondly to review the research trend in tourism interpretation within the research literature in the recent ten years

    Uso do telemóvel: influência do uso do telemóvel no quotidiano das pessoas

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    A utilização do smartphone na sociedade tem vindo a crescer através da introdução de novos dispositivos móveis no mercado e da rápida evolução das tecnologias para fazer com que este dispositivo móvel perca as funções principais de efetuar chamadas e enviar mensagens e adquira também as funções de um computador com uma baixa capacidade de processamento. Grande parte da responsabilidade da adição destas novas funcionalidades ao telemóvel caraterístico foi das empresas de telecomunicações com as campanhas de marketing, pois se as pessoas adquirissem um telemóvel melhor davam mais dados móveis, mas também das empresas de desenvolvimento de smartphones e das aplicações que iriam ser instaladas no mesmo. Com este novo dispositivo no mercado, as pessoas têm a tendência de o querer adquirir visto que chegam à conclusão que com poucos clicks conseguem efetuar algumas funções que anteriormente apenas conseguiam se estivessem no computador. Esta aquisição trouxe inúmeras vantagens na vida das pessoas, tanto a nível pessoal como profissional como o facto de poderem andar mais organizados e em permanente contato com o meio social, mas também desvantagens como a dependência e o excesso de utilização. Esta dissertação mostra qual é a influência que o telemóvel tem no quotidiano das pessoas, nomeadamente se consegue fazer com que as pessoas se tornem dependentes do mesmo sem se aperceberem. Assim, foi realizado um estudo exploratório com um processo metodológico quantitativo, através da aplicação de questionários, tendo-se verificado que: as pessoas utilizam o smartphone para facilitar as suas tarefas diárias; as pessoas utilizam o smartphone com mais ou com menos frequência dependendo das situações em que se encontram; o smartphone tem vindo a ter um crescente peso na vida das pessoas e o mesmo torna as pessoas dependentes nas mais variadas tarefas que queiram desempenharThe use of smartphones in society has been growing through the introduction of new mobile devices in the market and the rapid evolution of technologies to make this mobile device lose the main function of making calls, send messages and also acquire the functions of a computer with a low processing capacity. Much of the responsibility for adding these new features to the mobile phone was the telecommunications companies that with the marketing campaigns, where people bought a mobile phone gave more mobile data, but also smartphone development companies and the applications that would be installed on it. With this new device on the market, people tend to acquire it and once they come to the conclusion that with a few clicks that can perform some functions that they previously could only do if they were on the computer. This acquisition has brought many advantages in people’s life’s, personal and professional lives such as the fact that they can live in a more organized way and in permanent contact with social environment, but also disadvantages such as dependence and overuse. This dissertation shows the influence that the mobile phone has on the daily lives of people, especially if it can cause dependence on the same without realizing it. Thus, an exploratory study was carried out with a quantitative methodological process, through the application of questionnaires, and it was verified that: people use the smartphone to facilitate their daily tasks; people use their smartphone more or less often depending on the situation they are in; the smartphone has been growing in people's lives and it has made people dependent on the most varied tasks they want to play

    The effects of information, interaction and design qualities of travel and tour websites on Malaysian tourists’ usage satisfaction

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships and effects of information, interaction and design qualities of travel and tour websites on Malaysian tourists’ usage satisfaction. This study adopted a convenience sampling method, employing self‐administered online questionnaire approach targeting Malaysian tourists who have used any travel and tour websites. The 200 samples obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 26. Information and interaction qualities of travel and tour websites were found to be significant factors to tourists’ usage satisfaction. Future studies could investigate the rural population in Malaysia as access and coverage to technology may be limited

    Mapeando a experiência turística em trens através do design centrado no ser humano: descobrindo necessidades e desejos para uma futura aplicação móvel

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    Mestrado em Comunicação MultimédiaThe presented research elicits the behaviour, needs and desires, in addition to future needs, of tourists during the tourist experience through the use of trains in Belgium, with a focus on the future creation of a mobile application that supports not only the collection and use of information during the train trip, but also some factors related to the anticipation and on-site experience. Three different qualitative user research methodologies were planned and carried out: observations, focus group interviews and board games as generative tool. In addition, Personas and context scenarios were developed in order to start bridging the research-design gap. This study was developed during a mobility program between University of Aveiro and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. It is written in English, which represented a challenge to the researcher, who is Brazilian and has Portuguese as the mother tongue.O trabalho de investigação aqui apresentado expõe as necessidades, desejos e necessidades futuras de turistas durante a experiência turística através do uso de trens na Bélgica, com foco na futura criação de uma aplicação móvel que suporte não somente a obtenção e uso da informação durante a viagem férrea, mas também alguns fatores relacionados com as fases de antecipação e experiência no destino. Para isso, foram planejadas e executadas três metodologias qualitativas de pesquisa do usuário distintas: observações, entrevistas de grupo focal e jogos de mesa como ferramenta geradora de ideias. Além disso, foram desenvolvidos Personas e cenários de contexto com o objetivo de iniciar a transição entre o processo de pesquisa e design. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em um programa de mobilidade entre a Universidade de Aveiro e Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Está redigido em Inglês, o que representou um desafio para o pesquisador, que é brasileiro e tem português como idioma oficial

    A utilização de smartphones numa experiência turística em Portugal : estudo sobre a participação nos media sociais através de aplicações para dispositivos móveis

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    Doutoramento conjunto, em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas DigitaisO turismo é uma das maiores indústrias do mundo que gera receitas muito elevadas, sendo uma das principais áreas de atividade económica num número alargado de países e, por isso, torna-se essencial prestar um serviço eficiente e eficaz aproveitando, sempre que possível, as soluções e tendências tecnológicas disponíveis. A utilização dos media sociais através dos smartphones numa experiência turística vai acrescentar valor não só às viagens dos utilizadores como também ao turismo em si, pois há uma troca de experiências e opiniões entre todos os intervenientes. A presente investigação tem por objetivo geral identificar as atividades participativas realizadas por portugueses nos media sociais em smartphones nas diversas fases de uma experiência turística em Portugal, ou seja, no antes, no durante e no depois da mesma. Como hipóteses de investigação admite-se que as atividades realizadas em media sociais, o tipo de media publicado e partilhado da autoria do próprio utilizador e da autoria de terceiros e as aplicações utilizadas em smartphones diferem consoante a fase da experiência turística em que o utilizador se encontra. Assim, tornou-se essencial questionar sobre quais as atividades que são realizadas por portugueses a nível de partilha de informação através de smartphones numa experiência turística em Portugal. Apresenta-se uma análise e reflexão crítica sobre a importância da utilização dos media sociais em smartphones numa experiência turística. Primeiro procedendo-se a uma revisão do estado da arte sobre a problemática da investigação tendo como base os conceitos chave definidos anteriormente, para posteriormente fazer o estudo não só de aplicações portuguesas gratuitas para smartphones que utilizam o sistema operativo Android e que de alguma forma acrescentam valor a uma experiência turística de um utilizador, através de uma grelha de observação, mas, também, o estudo da utilização dos media sociais em smartphones numa experiência turística em Portugal, através de um inquérito por questionário. Um dos objetivos desta investigação é contribuir para o estudo e compreensão das dinâmicas de interação, a nível da partilha de informação, que os utilizadores mais recorrem nas diferentes fases de uma experiência turística e obter indicações, que se esperam úteis, sobre boas práticas e estratégias que podem ser adotadas por entidades turísticas com o objetivo de incluir os media sociais nas suas atividades de marketing e comunicação.Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world and is a major source of income in many countries and, as such, it should take advantage of the advances in technology in order to improve efficient services in real time to tourists, a necessity in this industry. The use of social media and user participation via smartphones not only has lead to an enrichment of tourism experiences but it has also added multilevel value to tourism itself, due to the richness achieved in the exchange of opinions and experiences. The intention of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the participatory activities that take place by Portuguese in social media via smartphones before, during and after stages of a tourism experience. As a research hypotheses it is assumed that the activities in social media, the type of media published and shared and the applications used via smartphones differs depending on the stage of the tourism experience. Hence, the following research question was defined: "What activities related with sharing information are performed via smartphones before, during and after a tourism experience by Portuguese tourists in Portugal?". This document presents an analysis and critical reflection about the importance of using social media via smartphones in a tourism experience. In order to support this investigation we have made the necessary bibliographic revision about those concepts. Then we have made two studies: a study about free Portuguese applications for smartphones that use the Android operating system and somehow add value to a tourism experience through an observation grid; and, a study about the use of social media via smartphones on a tourism experience in Portugal through a questionnaire survey. As a result of this research it is expected to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics and interaction of sharing information on the different stages of a tourism experience and to obtain useful insights on good practices and strategies that can be adopted by tourism entities with the purpose of including social media in their communication and marketing activities on mobile devices