7 research outputs found

    Microwave imaging of spinning object using orbital angular momentum

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    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61571011

    SAR-Based Vibration Estimation Using the Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform

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    A vibration estimation method for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is presented based on a novel application of the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT). Small vibrations of ground targets introduce phase modulation in the SAR returned signals. With standard preprocessing of the returned signals, followed by the application of the DFRFT, the time-varying accelerations, frequencies, and displacements associated with vibrating objects can be extracted by successively estimating the quasi-instantaneous chirp rate in the phase-modulated signal in each subaperture. The performance of the proposed method is investigated quantitatively, and the measurable vibration frequencies and displacements are determined. Simulation results show that the proposed method can successfully estimate a two-component vibration at practical signal-to-noise levels. Two airborne experiments were also conducted using the Lynx SAR system in conjunction with vibrating ground test targets. The experiments demonstrated the correct estimation of a 1-Hz vibration with an amplitude of 1.5 cm and a 5-Hz vibration with an amplitude of 1.5 mm

    Implications of SAR ambiguities in estimating the motion of slow targets

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2263096This paper examines the implications pertaining to the problem of attempting to invert synthetic aperture radar (SAR) measurement data to yield unique estimates of the underlying motion of slow targets in the imaged scene. A recent analysis has demonstrated that ambiguities exist in estimating the kinematics parameters of surface targets for general bistatic SAR collection data. In particular, a procedure has been developed which generates alternate target trajectories which give the same SAR measurements as that of the true target motion. The current paper extends the earlier analysis by generating specific numeric examples of alternate target trajectories corresponding to the motion of a given slowly moving target. This slow-target case reveals the counter-intuitive result that a single SAR collection data set can be generated by target trajectories with significantly different, and possibly opposing, heading directions. For example, the true motion of a given target can be moving towards the mean radar position during the SAR collection interval, whereas a valid alternate trajectory can correspond to a target that is moving away from the radar. The present analysis demonstrates the extent of the challenges associated with attempting to estimate of the underlying motion of targets using SAR measurement data.AFRL for partial sponsorshi

    Reduction of Vibration-Induced Artifacts in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery

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    Target vibrations introduce nonstationary phase modulation, which is termed the micro-Doppler effect, into returned synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signals. This causes artifacts, or ghost targets, which appear near vibrating targets in reconstructed SAR images. Recently, a vibration estimation method based on the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFrFT) has been developed. This method is capable of estimating the instantaneous vibration accelerations and vibration frequencies. In this paper, a deghosting method for vibrating targets in SAR images is proposed. For single-component vibrations, this method first exploits the estimation results provided by the DFrFT-based vibration estimation method to reconstruct the instantaneous vibration displacements. A reference signal, whose phase is modulated by the estimated vibration displacements, is then synthesized to compensate for the vibration-induced phase modulation in returned SAR signals before forming the SAR image. The performance of the proposed method with respect to the signal-to-noise and signalto-clutter ratios is analyzed using simulations. Experimental results using the Lynx SAR system show a substantial reduction in ghosting caused by a 1.5-cm 0.8-Hz target vibration in a true SAR image

    Passive Interfering Method for InSAR Based on Circularly Moving Strong Scatterers

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    A novel jamming method based on circularly moving strong scatterers is proposed. The jamming signal model is presented first, and the corresponding imaging results are derived through a range-Doppler algorithm. Detailed analysis shows that the proposed method can decrease the correlation, produce interferometric phase bias, result in failure of phase unwrapping, and reduce the accuracy of the digital elevation model. Simulation results are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Remote Vibration Estimation Using Displaced-Phase-Center Antenna SAR for Strong Clutter Environments

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    It has been previously demonstrated that it is possible to perform remote vibrometry using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in conjunction with the discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFrFT). Specifically, the DFrFT estimates the chirp parameters (related to the instantaneous acceleration of a vibrating object) of a slow-time signal associated with the SAR image. However, ground clutter surrounding a vibrating object introduces uncertainties in the estimate of the chirp parameter retrieved via the DFrFT method. To overcome this shortcoming, various techniques based on subspace decomposition of the SAR slow-time signal have been developed. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these techniques is limited to values of signal-to-clutter ratio ≥5 dB. In this paper, a new vibrometry technique based on displaced-phase-center antenna (DPCA) SAR is proposed. The main characteristic of a DPCA-SAR is that the clutter signal can be canceled, ideally, while retaining information on the instantaneous position and velocity of a target. In this paper, a novel method based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is introduced for performing vibrometry using the slow-time signal of a DPCA-SAR. The DPCA-SAR signal model for a vibrating target, the mathematical characterization of the EKF technique, and vibration estimation results for various types of vibration dynamics are presented