3,404 research outputs found

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    mm-Wave Data Transmission and Measurement Techniques: A Holistic Approach

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    The ever-increasing demand on data services places unprecedented technical requirements on networks capacity. With wireless systems having significant roles in broadband delivery, innovative approaches to their development are imperative. By leveraging new spectral resources available at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies, future systems can utilize new signal structures and new system architectures in order to achieve long-term sustainable solutions.This thesis proposes the holistic development of efficient and cost-effective techniques and systems which make high-speed data transmission at mm-wave feasible. In this paradigm, system designs, signal processing, and measurement techniques work toward a single goal; to achieve satisfactory system level key performance indicators (KPIs). Two intimately-related objectives are simultaneously addressed: the realization of efficient mm-wave data transmission and the development of measurement techniques to enable and assist the design and evaluation of mm-wave circuits.The standard approach to increase spectral efficiency is to increase the modulation order at the cost of higher transmission power. To improve upon this, a signal structure called spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) is utilized. SEFDM adds an additional dimension of continuously tunable spectral efficiency enhancement. Two new variants of SEFDM are implemented and experimentally demonstrated, where both variants are shown to outperform standard signals.A low-cost low-complexity mm-wave transmitter architecture is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A simple phase retarder predistorter and a frequency multiplier are utilized to successfully generate spectrally efficient mm-wave signals while simultaneously mitigating various issues found in conventional mm-wave systems.A measurement technique to characterize circuits and components under antenna array mutual coupling effects is proposed and demonstrated. With minimal setup requirement, the technique effectively and conveniently maps prescribed transmission scenarios to the measurement environment and offers evaluations of the components in terms of relevant KPIs in addition to conventional metrics.Finally, a technique to estimate transmission and reflection coefficients is proposed and demonstrated. In one variant, the technique enables the coefficients to be estimated using wideband modulated signals, suitable for implementation in measurements performed under real usage scenarios. In another variant, the technique enhances the precision of noisy S-parameter measurements, suitable for characterizations of wideband mm-wave components

    Effects of dance therapy on balance, gait and neuro-psychological performances in patients with Parkinson's disease and postural instability

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    Postural Instability (PI) is a core feature of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and a major cause of falls and disabilities. Impairment of executive functions has been called as an aggravating factor on motor performances. Dance therapy has been shown effective for improving gait and has been suggested as an alternative rehabilitative method. To evaluate gait performance, spatial-temporal (S-T) gait parameters and cognitive performances in a cohort of patients with PD and PI modifications in balance after a cycle of dance therapy

    An audio-visual system for object-based audio : from recording to listening

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    Object-based audio is an emerging representation for audio content, where content is represented in a reproduction format-agnostic way and, thus, produced once for consumption on many different kinds of devices. This affords new opportunities for immersive, personalized, and interactive listening experiences. This paper introduces an end-to-end object-based spatial audio pipeline, from sound recording to listening. A high-level system architecture is proposed, which includes novel audiovisual interfaces to support object-based capture and listenertracked rendering, and incorporates a proposed component for objectification, that is, recording content directly into an object-based form. Text-based and extensible metadata enable communication between the system components. An open architecture for object rendering is also proposed. The system’s capabilities are evaluated in two parts. First, listener-tracked reproduction of metadata automatically estimated from two moving talkers is evaluated using an objective binaural localization model. Second, object-based scene capture with audio extracted using blind source separation (to remix between two talkers) and beamforming (to remix a recording of a jazz group) is evaluate

    Self-Organized Coverage and Capacity Optimization for Cellular Mobile Networks

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    ï»żDie zur ErfĂŒllung der zu erwartenden Steigerungen ĂŒbertragener Datenmengen notwendige grĂ¶ĂŸere HeterogenitĂ€t und steigende Anzahl von Zellen werden in der Zukunft zu einer deutlich höheren KomplexitĂ€t bei Planung und Optimierung von Funknetzen fĂŒhren. ZusĂ€tzlich erfordern rĂ€umliche und zeitliche Änderungen der Lastverteilung eine dynamische Anpassung von Funkabdeckung und -kapazitĂ€t (Coverage-Capacity-Optimization, CCO). Aktuelle Planungs- und Optimierungsverfahren sind hochgradig von menschlichem Einfluss abhĂ€ngig, was sie zeitaufwĂ€ndig und teuer macht. Aus diesen Grnden treffen AnsĂ€tze zur besseren Automatisierung des Netzwerkmanagements sowohl in der Industrie, als auch der Forschung auf groes Interesse.Selbstorganisationstechniken (SO) haben das Potential, viele der aktuell durch Menschen gesteuerten AblĂ€ufe zu automatisieren. Ihnen wird daher eine zentrale Rolle bei der Realisierung eines einfachen und effizienten Netzwerkmanagements zugeschrieben. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit selbstorganisierter Optimierung von Abdeckung und ÜbertragungskapazitĂ€t in Funkzellennetzwerken. Der Parameter der Wahl hierfĂŒr ist die Antennenneigung. Die zahlreichen vorhandenen AnsĂ€tze hierfĂŒr befassen sich mit dem Einsatz heuristischer Algorithmen in der Netzwerkplanung. Im Gegensatz dazu betrachtet diese Arbeit den verteilten Einsatz entsprechender Optimierungsverfahren in den betreffenden Netzwerkknoten. Durch diesen Ansatz können zentrale Fehlerquellen (Single Point of Failure) und Skalierbarkeitsprobleme in den kommenden heterogenen Netzwerken mit hoher Knotendichte vermieden werden.Diese Arbeit stellt einen "Fuzzy Q-Learning (FQL)"-basierten Ansatz vor, ein einfaches Maschinenlernverfahren mit einer effektiven Abstraktion kontinuierlicher Eingabeparameter. Das CCO-Problem wird als Multi-Agenten-Lernproblem modelliert, in dem jede Zelle versucht, ihre optimale Handlungsstrategie (d.h. die optimale Anpassung der Antennenneigung) zu lernen. Die entstehende Dynamik der Interaktion mehrerer Agenten macht die Fragestellung interessant. Die Arbeit betrachtet verschiedene Aspekte des Problems, wie beispielsweise den Unterschied zwischen egoistischen und kooperativen Lernverfahren, verteiltem und zentralisiertem Lernen, sowie die Auswirkungen einer gleichzeitigen Modifikation der Antennenneigung auf verschiedenen Knoten und deren Effekt auf die Lerneffizienz.Die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der betrachteten Verfahren wird mittels eine LTE-Systemsimulators evaluiert. Dabei werden sowohl gleichmĂ€ĂŸig verteilte Zellen, als auch Zellen ungleicher GrĂ¶ĂŸe betrachtet. Die entwickelten AnsĂ€tze werden mit bekannten Lösungen aus der Literatur verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die vorgeschlagenen Lösungen effektiv auf Änderungen im Netzwerk und der Umgebung reagieren können. Zellen stellen sich selbsttĂ€tig schnell auf AusfĂ€lle und Inbetriebnahmen benachbarter Systeme ein und passen ihre Antennenneigung geeignet an um die Gesamtleistung des Netzes zu verbessern. Die vorgestellten Lernverfahren erreichen eine bis zu 30 Prozent verbesserte Leistung als bereits bekannte AnsĂ€tze. Die Verbesserungen steigen mit der NetzwerkgrĂ¶ĂŸe.The challenging task of cellular network planning and optimization will become more and more complex because of the expected heterogeneity and enormous number of cells required to meet the traffic demands of coming years. Moreover, the spatio-temporal variations in the traffic patterns of cellular networks require their coverage and capacity to be adapted dynamically. The current network planning and optimization procedures are highly manual, which makes them very time consuming and resource inefficient. For these reasons, there is a strong interest in industry and academics alike to enhance the degree of automation in network management. Especially, the idea of Self-Organization (SO) is seen as the key to simplified and efficient cellular network management by automating most of the current manual procedures. In this thesis, we study the self-organized coverage and capacity optimization of cellular mobile networks using antenna tilt adaptations. Although, this problem is widely studied in literature but most of the present work focuses on heuristic algorithms for network planning tool automation. In our study we want to minimize this reliance on these centralized tools and empower the network elements for their own optimization. This way we can avoid the single point of failure and scalability issues in the emerging heterogeneous and densely deployed networks.In this thesis, we focus on Fuzzy Q-Learning (FQL), a machine learning technique that provides a simple learning mechanism and an effective abstraction level for continuous domain variables. We model the coverage-capacity optimization as a multi-agent learning problem where each cell is trying to learn its optimal action policy i.e. the antenna tilt adjustments. The network dynamics and the behavior of multiple learning agents makes it a highly interesting problem. We look into different aspects of this problem like the effect of selfish learning vs. cooperative learning, distributed vs. centralized learning as well as the effect of simultaneous parallel antenna tilt adaptations by multiple agents and its effect on the learning efficiency.We evaluate the performance of the proposed learning schemes using a system level LTE simulator. We test our schemes in regular hexagonal cell deployment as well as in irregular cell deployment. We also compare our results to a relevant learning scheme from literature. The results show that the proposed learning schemes can effectively respond to the network and environmental dynamics in an autonomous way. The cells can quickly respond to the cell outages and deployments and can re-adjust their antenna tilts to improve the overall network performance. Additionally the proposed learning schemes can achieve up to 30 percent better performance than the available scheme from literature and these gains increases with the increasing network size

    Effects of errorless learning on the acquisition of velopharyngeal movement control

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    Session 1pSC - Speech Communication: Cross-Linguistic Studies of Speech Sound Learning of the Languages of Hong Kong (Poster Session)The implicit motor learning literature suggests a benefit for learning if errors are minimized during practice. This study investigated whether the same principle holds for learning velopharyngeal movement control. Normal speaking participants learned to produce hypernasal speech in either an errorless learning condition (in which the possibility for errors was limited) or an errorful learning condition (in which the possibility for errors was not limited). Nasality level of the participants’ speech was measured by nasometer and reflected by nasalance scores (in %). Errorless learners practiced producing hypernasal speech with a threshold nasalance score of 10% at the beginning, which gradually increased to a threshold of 50% at the end. The same set of threshold targets were presented to errorful learners but in a reversed order. Errors were defined by the proportion of speech with a nasalance score below the threshold. The results showed that, relative to errorful learners, errorless learners displayed fewer errors (50.7% vs. 17.7%) and a higher mean nasalance score (31.3% vs. 46.7%) during the acquisition phase. Furthermore, errorless learners outperformed errorful learners in both retention and novel transfer tests. Acknowledgment: Supported by The University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Theme for Sciences of Learning © 2012 Acoustical Society of Americapublished_or_final_versio
