4 research outputs found

    Sofia City Tourist Image In Selected Social Media

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    The pandemic situation greatly changed the entire tourism sector and influenced the digital search and importance of the tourist destination image and presence in social media. Moreover, the virtual trips, open galleries and museums for virtual tours are expected to generate future interest and enhance the tourist arrivals in post-pandemic era. At the same time the identification of recognizable image-making attractions at destination level is complex process and difficult measure and manage. The purpose of the study is to identify and evaluate the presence of major tourist attractions in different digital channels – social media and platforms, as recognizable image-making sites about capital city. The methodology is primary data analysis of freely shared digital content based on key words and hashtags used in social media such as Instagram, Pinterest, Flikr. The data was gathered manually from 15th Apr 2015-15th May 2021 and 17000 posts in total were analysed for this study. The impact of the content was evaluated by type of pictures, major attractions and number of likes, comments and shares on the post. The results showed that there is limited number of digital contents related to the selected specific key words. There is no clear image of the Sofia city in the analysed social channels


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    Tourism is one of the sectors that contribute in improving the country's economy, including Indonesia. The tourism sector is concerned with the hospitality industry, where the growth of the hospitality industry is inseparable from the development of the tourism sector, and vice versa. West Java is one area as tourist destinations that has a natural beauty and provide the hotel resort. The revisit intention to the tourism industry has been accepted as an important phenomenon in marketing management, it shows that customer experience management able to influence customer decision to return. In addition, customer value can be one of the important strategies owned by the hotel industry in order to be able to increase the customer satisfaction and revisit intention. This study aims to analyze the effect of customer experience management on the revisit intention by using mediator variables of customer value and customer satisfaction. The study used quantitative method. The study conducted in several resort hotels in West Java, the study population is resort hotel visitors. This study used probability sampling technique with cluster sampling method, a total of 490 hotels’ customer participated as respondents of this study. The analysis technique used Sequential Equation Modeling (SEM), LISREL as tools of this research. The findings of this study indicate that customer experience management has an influence on customer value and customer satisfaction and able to impact on the revisit intention at resort hotels in West Java. The conclusions of the research results have implications for hotel service providers, particularly resort hotels and government, Keywords: Customer Experience Management, Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Resort Hotel, Revisit Intention, Tourism Industry, Pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang berkontribusi meningkatkan perekonomian negara, termasuk Indonesia. Sektor pariwisata berkaitan dengan industri perhotelan, dimana pertumbuhan industri perhotelan tidak lepas dari perkembangan sektor pariwisata, dan sebaliknya. Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu wilayah sebagai destinasi wisata yang memiliki keindahan alam dan menyajikan fasilitas hotel resort. Intensi kunjungan ulang pada industri pariwisata telah diterima sebagai suatu fenomena penting dalam manajemen pemasaran, hal tersebut menunjukkan manajemen pengalaman pelanggan mampu mempengaruhi keputusan pelanggan untuk berkunjung kembali. Selain itu, nilai pelanggan dapat menjadi salah satu strategi industri hotel agar mampu meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan intensi kunjungn ulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh manajemen pengalaman pelangganterhadapintensi kunjungan ulangdengan menggunakan variabel mediasinilai pelanggan, dankepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di beberapa hotel resort di Jawa Barat, populasi penelitian ini adalah pengunjung hotel resort. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampel probability dengan penarikan cluster sampling, sebanyak 490 pelanggan hotel berpartisipasi sebagai responden penelitian ini. Teknik analisis menggunakan Sequential Equation Modelling (SEM), dengan menggunakan LISREL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen pengalaman pelangganberpengaruh terhadap nilai pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan serta mampu memberikan dampak terhadap intensi kunjungan ulang pada hotel resort di Jawa Barat. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian berimplikasi terhadap penyedia jasa hotel, khususnya hotel resort dan pemerintah, Kata Kunci: Manajemen Pengalaman Pelanggan, Nilai Pelanggan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Hotel Resort, Intensi Kunjungan Ulang, Industri Pariwisata

    An Exploratory Study of Value Added Services

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    Purpose: Using data from 104 countries over a six-year period (2009-2014), this study proposes a value-added predictor in service industries based on the eight indicators of the prosperity index, namely economy, entrepreneurship and opportunity, governance, education, health, safety and security, personal freedom, and social capital. Design/methodology/approach: The fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) and complexity theory, a relatively novel approach for developing and testing the conceptual model, are used for asymmetric modelling of value added in service industries, and the predictive validity of the proposed configural model is tested. Findings: Apart from advancing method and theory, this study simulates causal conditions (i.e., recipes) leading to both high and low scores of the value added of services. The configural conditions indicating a high/low level of value added in service industries can be used as a guiding strategy for marketers, investors and policy makers. Originality/value: An analysis of worldwide data provides complex models demonstrating both how to regulate country conditions to achieve a high value-added score and select a foreign country for investment that offers a high level of value added service

    Assessing The Web-based Destination Marketing Activities: A Relationship Marketing Perspective

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    Innovations in information technology have played an important role in the way business is conducted. Technology innovations have great impact on tourism destination marketing organizations such as convention and visitor bureaus, since they are highly dependent on information and timely distribution of it to the public. Information technology innovations such as the Internet allow CVBs to perform their marketing functions in a more efficient manner. The implementation of web-based marketing functions is impacted by organizational characteristics that either foster or hinder their implementation (Thong, 1999; Tornatzky & Fleischer, 1990; Wang & Fesenmaier, 2006; Zhu & Kraemer, 2005). Information technology innovations have been adopted by organizations in different levels of sophistication. Since the main function of a CVB is the promotion of a destination technologies that facilitate this process are important to this type of organization. Unfortunately, the marketing practice of American CVBs is still dominated by principles of mass marketing by communicating the same message to all consumers. As a result, the use of websites by American CVB has been limited to information provision functions and has lost opportunities to build relationship with customers through additional web-based marketing activities. This study proposes that CVBs should use web-based marketing activities to attract and retain relationships with customers. This study provides two main contributions to the existing literature: a) examines web-based marketing functions from a relationship marketing perspective and b) examines the impact of organizational characteristics on the sophistication level of web-based marketing functions. The use and effectiveness of web functions and its applications were examined. The results showed that the majority of the CVBs focus the use of their website to provide information. A standard multiple regression was used to investigate the impact of the organizational factors on the different web functions. The results of the regression show that size, financial resources and management team\u27s technological expertise are the only factors that impact the level of web functions implemented by CVBs