15 research outputs found

    Lead-lag relationship between Bitcoin and Ethereum: evidence from hourly and daily data

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    This paper investigates lead-lag relationship between heavyweight cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum. Traditional studies of information flow between markets preponderate on cash vs. futures, whereby researchers are interested in the stabilizing impact of futures on spot markets. While interest in the same relationship in the nascent cryptocurrency sphere is emerging, little is known regarding price leadership between these assets. In this paper, we employ a battery of statistical tests—VECM, Granger Causality, ARMA, ARDL and Wavelet Coherence—to identify price leadership between the two crypto heavyweights Bitcoin and Ethereum. Based on one year hourly and daily data from August 2017 through to September 2018, our tests yield varied results but largely suggest bi-directional causality between the two assets. Moreover, the results indicate that intraday crypto traders can barely exploit Bitcoin-Ethereum hourly or daily price discovery process to their advantage

    An Information Systems Perspective on Digital Currencies: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Digital currencies (DC) continue to gain public and research attention as an alternative paradigm of currency, its value and exchange. Because of the growing DC research in the Information Systems (IS) domain, it is necessary to distinguish between existing DC research coverage and areas for future exploration. This article offers an up to date review of IS research on digital currencies in terms of the locus and focus of issues , theories, methods, and findings in order to provide direction for future research. The study uses a systematic literature review method to examine IS articles published between 2010 and 2016. The review identified eighteen articles in highly ranked IS journals and conferences. Based on results from our investigation, we chart out end-user, organisation, and systems related future research directions

    Cryptocurrencies in the New Economy

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     Developments in internet-based payment platforms employing the blockchain technology known as “cryptocurrencies” contributed their integration in the official payment systems. Because of the growing interest in cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to review existing cryptocurrency research literature and determine areas for future studies. This study gives an up to date summary of accessible literature on cryptocurrencies according to their subject of issues, theories, methods, and findings and provides direction for future research. A systematic literature review was carried out to examine accessible academic and reliable publications between 2010 and 2018. Based on results research limitations for individual, organizational, ecosystemic and discourse approaches are identified and the study concluded that there are still insufficient and uncovered issues related to the cryptocurrencies notably from a legal and regulatory point of view.


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    Bitcoin as the first and still most important decentralized cryptocurrency has gained wide popu-larity due to the steep rise of its price during the second half of 2017. Because of its digital na-ture, Bitcoin cannot be valuated exclusively with fundamental approaches, which is why factors such as investor sentiment have become a common alternative to capture its performance. In this work, we studied whether and how the sale of Bitcoins from the insolvency assets of Mt.Gox, which represent about 1.1% of the current global total, relates to Bitcoin price movements. We used social media sentiment analysis of Twitter data to examine how investors are influenced in their decision to buy or sell Bitcoin when confronted with the trade actions of Nobuaki Koba-yashi, the trustee in charge of the Mt.Gox case. We built a vector error correction model to ana-lyze the long-run relationship between cointegrated variables. Our analysis confirms the posi-tive association of Bitcoin performance with positive Twitter sentiment and tweet volume and the negative association with negative sentiment. We further found empirical evidence that Mt.Gox selloff events have a lasting negative impact on the Bitcoin price and that we can measure this effect by Twitter sentiment and tweet volume

    Bitcoin and Volatility: Does the Media Play a Role?

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    The worlds first successful crypto currency (Bitcoin) has gained a lot of attention both positive and negative. The main issue keeping Bitcoin from being fully accepted by the public is its high volatility and unpredictability. This research provides an empirical analysis that offers insights into the factors that cause Bitcoin to maintain a high price volatility. The primary goal of the research is to determine whether or not the media plays a role on Bitcoin volatility. Our model uses ordinary least squares regression analysis to support the findings of previous research that generally uses GARCH models. The results show that Bitcoin volatility is primarily correlated with Google trends search data. Furthermore we find that negative news announcements have a significant positive correlation with Bitcoin volatility; whereas, economic health indicator variables yield insignificant results. Although our analysis suggest Bitcoin is an unsafe investment tool, we propose a number of future research possibilities that should enhance our understanding of crypto currencies so that they can eventually be utilized to their fullest potential

    Crypto-sentiment Detection in Malay Text Using Language Models with an Attention Mechanism

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    Background: Due to the increased interest in cryptocurrencies, opinions on cryptocurrency-related topics are shared on news and social media. The enormous amount of sentiment data that is frequently released makes data processing and analytics on such important issues more challenging. In addition, the present sentiment models in the cryptocurrency domain are primarily focused on English with minimal work on Malay language, further complicating problems. Objective: The performance of the sentiment regression model to forecast sentiment scores for Malay news and tweets is examined in this study. Methods: Malay news headlines and tweets on Bitcoin and Ethereum are used as the input. A hybrid Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding (XLNet) language model in combination with Bidirectional-Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU) deep learning model is applied in the proposed sentiment regression implementation. The effectiveness of the proposed sentiment regression model is also investigated using the multi-head self-attention mechanism. Then, a comparison analysis using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) is carried out. Results: The experimental results demonstrate that the number of attention heads is vital in improving the XLNet-GRU sentiment model performance. There are slight improvements of 0.03 in the adjusted R2 values with an average MAE of 0.163 (Malay news) and 0.174 (Malay tweets). In addition, an average RMSE of 0.267 and 0.255 were obtained respectively for Malay news and tweets, which show that the proposed XLNet-GRU sentiment model outperforms the BERT sentiment model with lesser prediction errors. Conclusion: The proposed model contributes to predicting sentiment on cryptocurrency. Moreover, this study also introduced two carefully curated Malay corpora, CryptoSentiNews-Malay and CryptoSentiTweets-Malay, which are extracted from news and tweets, respectively. Further works to enhance Malay news and tweets corpora on cryptocurrency-related issues will be expended with implementing the proposed XLNet Bi-GRU deep learning model for greater financial insight. Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Deep learning model, Malay text, Sentiment analysis, Sentiment regression mode

    Cryptocurrency Investing Examined

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    In this work we examine the largest 100 cryptocurrency return series ranging from 2015 to early 2018. We concentrate our analysis on daily returns and find several interesting stylized facts. First, principal components analysis reveals a complex return generating process. As we examine our data in the most recent year, we find that surprisingly more than one principal component appears to explain the cross-sectional variation in returns. Second, similar to hedge fund returns, cryptocurrency returns suffer from the “beta-in-the-tails” hidden risk. Third, we find that predicting cryptocurrency movements with machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms is marginally attractive with variation in predictability power per cryptocurrency. Fourth, lower volatile cryptocurrencies are slightly more predictable than more volatile ones. Fifth, evidence exists that efficacy of distinct information sets varies across machine learning algorithms, showing that predictability may be much more complex given a set of machine learning algorithms. Finally, short-term predictability is very tenuous, which suggests that near-term cryptocurrency markets are semi-strong form efficient and therefore, day trading cryptocurrencies may be very challenging. Keywords: cryptocurrency, blockchain, machine learning, bitcoin, beta-in-the-tails, risk

    Decrypting Bitcoin Prices and Adoption Rates using Google Search

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    In this paper, I analyze Bitcoin price formation and adoption rates at a global and national level. In determining Bitcoin prices, I consider contemporaneous and lagged values of traditional determinants of currencies, such as inflation and industrial production, and digital currency specific factors, primarily public interest. Using monthly time-series data across five years (2011 – 2016), I find that global public interest in Bitcoin, measured by Google searches for the keyword ‘Bitcoin,’ has a positive and significant impact on Bitcoin prices. I extend the analysis to a country level by employing a proxy for adoption rates, represented by the number of local Bitcoin client downloads, which is a useful predictor of prices. I examine pooled data across 12 countries to show that searches for ‘Bitcoin’ can be used to predict adoption rates and, consequently, prices. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first academic article to study Bitcoin usage at a national level. I find that contemporaneous values of traditionally used macroeconomic determinants of currency prices, except inflation, do not have a significant impact on Bitcoin prices

    Applied Data Science Approaches in FinTech: Innovative Models for Bitcoin Price Dynamics

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    Living in a data-intensive environment is a natural consequence to the continuous innovations and technological advancements, that created countless opportunities for addressing domain-specific challenges following the Data Science approach. The main objective of this thesis is to present applied Data Science approaches in FinTech, focusing on proposing innovative descriptive and predictive models for studying and exploring Bitcoin Price Dynamics and Bitcoin Price Prediction. With reference to the research area of Bitcoin Price Dynamics, two models are proposed. The first model is a Network Vector Autoregressive model that explains the dynamics of Bitcoin prices, based on a correlation network Vector Autoregressive process that models interconnections between Bitcoin prices from different exchange markets and classical assets prices. The empirical findings show that Bitcoin prices from different markets are highly interrelated, as in an efficiently integrated market, with prices from larger and/or more connected exchange markets driving other prices. The results confirm that Bitcoin prices are unrelated with classical market prices, thus, supporting the diversification benefit property of Bitcoin. The proposed model can predict Bitcoin prices with an error rate of about 11% of the average price. The second proposed model is a Hidden Markov Model that explains the observed time dynamics of Bitcoin prices from different exchange markets, by means of the latent time dynamics of a predefined number of hidden states, to model regime switches between different price vectors, going from "bear'' to "stable'' and "bear'' times. Structured with three hidden states and a diagonal variance-covariance matrix, the model proves that the first hidden state is concentrated in the initial time period where Bitcoin was relatively new and its prices were barely increasing, the second hidden state is mostly concentrated in a period where Bitcoin prices were steadily increasing, while the third hidden state is mostly concentrated in the last period where Bitcoin prices witnessed a high rate of volatility. Moreover, the model shows a good predictive performance when implemented on an out of sample dataset, compared to the same model structured with a full variance-covariance matrix. The third and final proposed model, falls within the area of Bitcoin Price Prediction. A Hybrid Hidden Markov Model and Genetic Algorithm Optimized Long Short Term Memory Network is proposed, aiming at predicting Bitcoin prices accurately, by introducing new features that are not usually considered in the literature. Moreover, to compare the performance of the proposed model to other models, a more traditional ARIMA model has been implemented, as well as a conventional Genetic Algorithm-optimized Long Short Term Memory Network. With a mean squared error of 33.888, a root mean squared error of 5.821 and a mean absolute error of 2.510, the proposed model achieves the lowest errors among all the implemented models, which proves its effectiveness in predicting Bitcoin prices

    Understanding the Relationship between Online Discussions and Bitcoin Return and Volume: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis

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    This thesis examines Bitcoin related discussions on Bitcointalk.com over the 2013-2022 period. Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling algorithm, we discover eight distinct topics: Mining, Regulation, Investment/trading, Public perception, Bitcoin’s nature, Wallet, Payment, and Other. Importantly, we find differences in relations between different topics’ sentiment, disagreement (proxy for uncertainty) and hype (proxy for attention) on one hand and Bitcoin return and trading volume on the other hand. Specifically, among all topics, only the sentiment and disagreement of Investment/trading topic have significant contemporaneous relation with Bitcoin return. In addition, sentiment and disagreement of several topics, such as Mining and Wallet, show significant relationships with Bitcoin return only on the tails of the return distribution (bullish and bearish markets). In contrast, sentiment, disagreement, and hype of each topic show significant relation with Bitcoin volume across the entire distribution. In addition, whereas hype has a positive relation with trading volume in a low-volume market, this relation becomes negative in a high-volume market