19,088 research outputs found

    Empirical Studies on Online Information Privacy Concerns: Literature Review and an Integrative Framework

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    In the e-commerce environment, individuals’ concerns for online information privacy play critical roles in determining their intention to use the Internet to provide personal information for services and transactions. Understanding this relationship has important implications for e-commerce. Despite much research in this area, an overarching picture of the relationship between information privacy concerns and the antecedent and consequence factors is yet to be drawn. Based on a review on empirical studies in this area, this research summarizes the conceptualizations of privacy concerns and the antecedents and consequences. An integrative framework is developed to illustrate the relationships between the factors. In this framework, a person’s concern for information privacy regarding a specific e-commerce website is distinguished from his/her concern for information privacy regarding the general e-commerce environment. These two forms of privacy concerns have distinct impacts on a person’s online behavior. Their relationships with multiple antecedent and consequence factors are analyzed

    Information disclosure of social media users: Does control over personal information, user awareness and security notices matter?

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to bridge the gap in the existing literature by exploring the antecedents of information disclosure of social media users. In particular, the paper investigates the link between information disclosure, control over personal information, user awareness and security notices in the social context, all of which are shown to be different from existing studies in e-commerce environments. Design/methodology/approach – The authors collected and analysed data from 514 social network users. The model is estimated using ordinary least squares and robust standard errors are estimated using the Huber-White sandwich estimators. Findings – The results show that in social networking contexts, control over personal information is negatively and statistically associated with information disclosure. However, both user awareness and security notices have a positive statistical effect on information disclosure. Originality/value – Whilst research on issues of individual information privacy in e-commerce is plentiful, the area of social networking and privacy protection remains under-explored. This paper provides a useful model for analysing information disclosure behaviour on social networks. The authors discuss the practical implications of the findings for actors in social media interactions

    The Willingness to Disclose Personal Information to a Website : The Role of Website Personality, Context Sensitivity and Self-Congruity

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    Nowadays, consumer data collection is crucial for companies; however, what determines the individual’s disposition to disclose data is not well investigated. This study analyses the willingness to disclose personal information to a website online and the variables that influence it. Some previous research developed a model that can describe what can impact willingness; however, several variables are not considered. In particular, this study introduces the impact of website personality, context sensitivity and self-congruity on the disclosure of personal information to a website. The study first considers the previous literature to clarify the existing findings, organize the information and outline the gap. Then 275 people are exposed to an experimental design 2x2. Four different stimuli are created, where the manipulated variables are context sensitivity, sensitive or not, and the website personality, genuine or enthusiastic. The participants filled out a questionnaire after being exposed to the stimulus. The data collected are then analysed to get new insights and test the hypotheses. The results show that a sensitive context and a genuine website increase the individual disposition to disclose personal information to a website online. Moreover, self-congruity increases the willingness to disclose personal information online when the website operates in a non-sensitive context. However, there is no interaction between the website personality and the context sensitivity, meaning that different contexts do not require certain websites, reinforcing the differentiating role of website personality.nhhma

    Consumer intent to disclose personal information in ecommerce: a comparison of Estonia and the United States

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    2014 Fall.An online survey conducted among participants in the US (n=248) and Estonia (n=225) examined willingness to disclose and perceived risks pertaining to disclosing personally identifying information (PII, also referred to as personal data in Europe) in ecommerce, as well as attitude toward disclosure in general, and anxiety disclosing personal data. Additionally, the study investigated how willingness to disclose and perceived risk of disclosing personal data were affected by demographic variables, trust in the Internet and trust in institutions, the Big Five personality dimensions found in the psychology literature (neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion), and four sets of perceived shopping benefits (opportunity benefits, bargain benefits, purchase benefits, and expected privacy benefits). Despite Estonia's advanced adoption and progressive policies and practices toward the Internet, Americans were more willing to disclose, exhibited more positive attitudes, demonstrated less anxiety, and were less concerned about perceived risks. For Estonians, ecommerce experience, perceived purchase benefits, and trust in the Internet and institutions were significant predictors of willingness to disclose personal data. Americans who perceived purchase benefits were found to be the most likely to disclose PII, while Americans with lower levels of education were also more willing to disclose. The study utilized a 17-item list of potential disclosure items (name, email address, etc.) and showed these can be categorized reliably into six sub-indices: contact information, payment information, life history information, financial/medical information, work-related information, and online account information. Further, a reliable efficient, 20-item scale was developed that can be deployed in future studies investigating the Big Five personality traits. Online disclosure consciousness (ODC) was introduced as a framework to conceptualize and empirically measure the gap between one's willingness to disclose and perceived risk pertaining to the overall 17-item index used in the study, the sub-indices, and particular items. Using 7-point Likert-type measures, the results showed significant gaps among participants both within and across nations. A 5-scenario online disclosure consciousness model is presented to explain the tradeoffs involved in making a disclosure decision, with absolute willingness to disclose and absolute perceived risk on the two extremes and theoretical midpoint where the two competing motivations cancel themselves out. Changes in a person's position along the continuum are posited to be influenced by marketers' initiatives, personal experiences, and external factors. Implications for theory, consumers, marketing practice, and public policy are discussed. The findings suggest that willingness to disclose and risk aversion can and should be analyzed empirically together. Thus, the ODC model provides an alternative conceptualization to the ideas of the privacy paradox, privacy calculus, and privacy cost-benefit ratios found in the literature. The study suggests consumers have a responsibility to educate themselves about online disclosure practices and how to protect their privacy. The findings also suggest marketers and policy makers should recognize that data disclosed online are not all equally sensitive to consumers. However, fostering trust, reducing risks, and promoting benefits are essential to the future of ecommerce

    Critical factors for implementing and diffusing sustainable Product-Service Systems: Insights from innovation studies and companies' experiences

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Journal for Cleaner Production. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2012 Elsevier B.V.Eco-efficient Product-Service System (PSS) innovations represent a promising approach to sustainability. However the adoption of such business strategies is still very limited because it often involves significant corporate, cultural and regulatory barriers. An important challenge is not only to conceive eco-efficient PSS concepts, but also to understand the contextual conditions that facilitate their societal embedding, and which strategies and development pathways are the most appropriate. The combination of theoretical insights from innovation studies (in particular Strategic Niche Management and Transition Management) and a case studies research (exploring the innovation journeys made by six companies in introducing their eco-efficient PSS innovations in the market) is used to investigate the factors that influence the implementation and diffusion of this kind of innovations. The article provides a structured overview of these factors, grouping them in four clusters: implementation of socio-technical experiments; establishment of a broad network of actors; building up of a shared project vision; creation of room for broad and reflexive learning processes. Based on these results it is argued that a broader and more strategic system approach should be adopted by companies. Companies should focus not only on the PSS solution and its value chain, but also on the contextual conditions that may favour or hinder the societal embedding of the PSS itself. The article concludes by outlining a key area for future research

    Privacy concerns and benefits of engagement with social media-enabled apps: A privacy calculus perspective

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    Privacy threats in a social media-enabled application (app) can originate from either the institution or other app users. Although privacy in social media is well studied, the role of social (peer) privacy concerns is largely unknown and most privacy studies on mobile apps focus on initial adoption and ignore long-term behavioral outcomes. Drawing on the privacy calculus theory, this study examines the impact of both institutional and social privacy concerns on long-term user engagement with social media-enabled apps. Findings from the analysis of 354 survey responses reveal that both institutional and social privacy concerns decrease engagement. Regarding the antecedents, the perceived sensitivity of information increases institutional privacy concerns. However, social privacy concerns are influenced by the perception of risk and control. Moreover, while the impacts of social and enjoyment benefits are expectedly positive, the perception of efficiency benefits decreases engagement. These findings are further investigated and validated through a follow-up text analysis study, suggesting that users who enjoy the functionality of these apps are more likely to express social privacy concerns and minimize their engagement. This study contributes to the literature of privacy on mobile apps by unraveling the intricate dynamics of privacy concerns and benefits in the social mobile era

    Continued Usage and Location Disclosure of Location-Based Applications: A Necessity for Location Intelligence

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    Location-based applications (LBA) have been widely accepted and used for different purposes ranging from navigation to dating or gaming. Most LBAs ask users to provide access to location data for more efficient and personalized location-based services. Location intelligence as an emerging area of business intelligence relies heavily on disclosing location information by users. This research builds a continuance usage and location disclosure model from the expectation-confirmation perspective. The effect of benefit expectations on usefulness and satisfaction is hypothesized. In addition, the positive effect of usefulness on satisfaction and continuance intention is postulated. After collecting survey data from main LBA users, the results of the analysis support the proposed model. Findings contribute to the current literature in business intelligence by focusing on location disclosure behavior in the context of LBAs and the necessity of this type of information for location intelligence

    The Privacy Paradox: Factors influencing information disclosure in the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in South Africa

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been acknowledged as one of the most innovative forms of technology since the computer, because of the influence it can have on multiple sectors of physical and virtual environments. The growth of IoT is expected to continue, by 2020 the number of connected devices is estimated to reach 50 billion. Recent developments in IoT provide an unprecedented opportunity for personalised services and other benefits. To exploit these potential benefits as best as possible, individuals are willing to provide their personal information despite potential privacy breaches. Therefore, this paper examines factors that influence the willingness to disclose personal information in the use of IoT in South Africa (SA) with the use of the privacy calculus as the theoretical underpinnings of this research. The privacy calculus accentuates that a risk-benefit trade off occurs when an individual decides to disclose their personal information, however, it is assumed that there are more factors than perceived risks and perceived benefits that influence information disclosure. After analysing previous literature, this study identified the following factors; information sensitivity, privacy concerns, social influence, perceived benefits, (perceived) privacy risks and privacy knowledge as possible key tenants in relation to willingness to disclose personal information. This research took on an objective ontological view, with the underlying epistemological stance being positivistic. The research incorporated a deductive approach, employing the use of a conceptual model which was constructed from a combination of studies orientated around privacy, the privacy calculus and the privacy paradox. Data for this research was collected using the quantitative research approach, through the use of an anonymous online questionnaire, where the targeted population was narrowed down to the general public residing within SA that make use of IoT devices and/or services. Data was collected using Qualtrics and analysed using SmartPLS 3. SmartPLS 3 was used to test for correlations between the factors which influence information disclosure in the use of IoT by utilising the complete bootstrapping method. A key finding was that the privacy paradox is apparent within SA, where individuals pursue enjoyment and predominantly use IoT for leisure purposes, while individuals are more likely to adopt self-withdrawal tendencies when faced with heightened privacy concerns or potential risks
