2 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Students’ Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes through Guided Discovery Model Assisted Video and Interactive Simulation

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    This study aims to (1) implement the Guided Discovery Learning Model Assisted Video and Interactive Simulation (GDM-VIS) in physics learning on the concept of statistical fluids; (2) identify the relationship between students’ motivation and learning outcomes. This research is a pre-experimental research employing One Shoot Case Study design. The learning model and instruments that have been developed were used in a class of 38 students before the distance learning was applied. The data of learning motivation were obtained through motivation questionnaire, while learning outcome data were obtained by means of a conceptual understanding test instrument. To see whether there is a correlation between students’ motivation and learning outcomes, the Bivariate Pearson analysis with SPSS was used. Based on the results of the analysis, the value obtained based on the value or relationship (R) was 0.613. Furthermore, the coefficient of determination (R Square) was 0.375, meaning that the effect of learning motivation with the application of GDM-VIS toward concept understanding is 37.5%. Based on the Output Coefficients, decision making in a simple regression test, and based on the significance value of the Coefficients table, it was obtained that the significance value was 0.00 0.05, which means that the application of the Guided Discovery Learning Model Assisted with Video and Interactive Simulation affects the students’ concept understanding. This study implies that the learning using simulations with systematic stages can improve the quality of learning

    Pengembangan instrumen pembelajaran fisika dengan model penemuan terbimbing berbantuan simulasi interaktif dan dampaknya terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan Guided Discovery Model Assisted by Interactive Simulation (GDM-IS) untuk mengidentifikasi dampaknya terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa pada konsep fluida statis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan 4D untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran namun hanya dilakukan 3 tahap yaitu Define, Design, dan Development. Pada tahapan development, dilakukan validasi terhadap perangkat pembelajaran GDM-IS yang telah dikembangkan yang meliputi RPP, Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD), Media Pembelajaran serta lembar pengamatan keterampilan proses sains. Uji coba terbatas menggunakan desain penelitian One Shoot Case Study. Dalam desain ini instrumen pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan digunakan dalam satu kelas sebagai sampel sebanyak 38 peserta didik. Data keterampilan proses sains diambil melalui observasi oleh dua orang pengamat. Berdasarkan analisis hasil validasi penilaiant terdadapi RPP, LKPD dan media berada pada persentasi diatas 80% yang masuk dalam kategori valid (baik). Selain itu data keterampilan proses desain siswa berada pada persentase di atas 80% dengan kategori sangat. Abstract. This study aims to develop a learning tool with Guided Discovery Model Assisted by Interactive Simulation (GDM-IS) to identify its impact on students' science skills processes on the concept of statistical fluids. This research uses the 4D development method to produce learning tools, but only 3 stages are carried out, namely Define, Design, and Development. At the development stage, validation is carried out on the GDM-IS learning tools that have been developed which include RPP, Student Worksheets (LKPD) and Learning Media. Limited trial using the One Shoot Case Study research design. The learning instrument design that has been developed in one class is a sample of 38 students. The process of science data skills is taken through observation by two observers. Based on the analysis of the results of the validation of the assessment against RPP, student worksheets and media are at a percentage above 80% which is included in the valid (good) category. In addition, the data on the design process skills of students were in the proportion above 80% in the very category