124 research outputs found

    Improving cache locality for thread-level speculation

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    Architectural Enhancements for Data Transport in Datacenter Systems

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    Datacenter systems run myriad applications, which frequently communicate with each other and/or Input/Output (I/O) devices—including network adapters, storage devices, and accelerators. Due to the growing speed of I/O devices and the emergence of microservice-based programming models, the I/O software stacks have become a critical factor in end-to-end communication performance. As such, I/O software stacks have been evolving rapidly in recent years. Datacenters rely on fast, efficient “Software Data Planes”, which orchestrate data transfer between applications and I/O devices. The goal of this dissertation is to enhance the performance, efficiency, and scalability of software data planes by diagnosing their existing issues and addressing them through hardware-software solutions. In the first step, I characterize challenges of modern software data planes, which bypass the operating system kernel to avoid associated overheads. Since traditional interrupts and system calls cannot be delivered to user code without kernel assistance, kernel-bypass data planes use spinning cores on I/O queues to identify work/data arrival. Spin-polling obviously wastes CPU cycles on checking empty queues; however, I show that it entails even more drawbacks: (1) Full-tilt spinning cores perform more (useless) polling work when there is less work pending in the queues. (2) Spin-polling scales poorly with the number of polled queues due to processor cache capacity constraints, especially when traffic is unbalanced. (3) Spin-polling also scales poorly with the number of cores due to the overhead of polling and operation rate limits. (4) Whereas shared queues can mitigate load imbalance and head-of-line blocking, synchronization overheads of spinning on them limit their potential benefits. Next, I propose a notification accelerator, dubbed HyperPlane, which replaces spin-polling in software data planes. Design principles of HyperPlane are: (1) not iterating on empty I/O queues to find work/data in ready ones, (2) blocking/halting when all queues are empty rather than spinning fruitlessly, and (3) allowing multiple cores to efficiently monitor a shared set of queues. These principles lead to queue scalability, work proportionality, and enjoying theoretical merits of shared queues. HyperPlane is realized with a programming model front-end and a hardware microarchitecture back-end. Evaluation of HyperPlane shows its significant advantage in terms of throughput, average/tail latency, and energy efficiency over a state-of-the-art spin-polling-based software data plane, with very small power and area overheads. Finally, I focus on the data transfer aspect in software data planes. Cache misses incurred by accessing I/O data are a major bottleneck in software data planes. Despite considerable efforts put into delivering I/O data directly to the last-level cache, some access latency is still exposed. Cores cannot prefetch such data to nearer caches in today's systems because of the complex access pattern of data buffers and the lack of an appropriate notification mechanism that can trigger the prefetch operations. As such, I propose HyperData, a data transfer accelerator based on targeted prefetching. HyperData prefetches exact (rather than predicted) data buffers (or a required subset to avoid cache pollution) to the L1 cache of the consumer core at the right time. Prefetching can be done for both core-peripheral and core-core communications. HyperData's prefetcher is programmable and supports various queue formats—namely, direct (regular), indirect (Virtio), and multi-consumer queues. I show that with a minor overhead, HyperData effectively hides data access latency in software data planes, thereby improving both application- and system-level performance and efficiency.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169826/1/hosseing_1.pd

    Energy Efficient Load Latency Tolerance: Single-Thread Performance for the Multi-Core Era

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    Around 2003, newly activated power constraints caused single-thread performance growth to slow dramatically. The multi-core era was born with an emphasis on explicitly parallel software. Continuing to grow single-thread performance is still important in the multi-core context, but it must be done in an energy efficient way. One significant impediment to performance growth in both out-of-order and in-order processors is the long latency of last-level cache misses. Prior work introduced the idea of load latency tolerance---the ability to dynamically remove miss-dependent instructions from critical execution structures, continue execution under the miss, and re-execute miss-dependent instructions after the miss returns. However, previously proposed designs were unable to improve performance in an energy-efficient way---they introduced too many new large, complex structures and re-executed too many instructions. This dissertation describes a new load latency tolerant design that is both energy-efficient, and applicable to both in-order and out-of-order cores. Key novel features include formulation of slice re-execution as an alternative use of multi-threading support, efficient schemes for register and memory state management, and new pruning mechanisms for drastically reducing load latency tolerance\u27s dynamic execution overheads. Area analysis shows that energy-efficient load latency tolerance increases the footprint of an out-of-order core by a few percent, while cycle-level simulation shows that it significantly improves the performance of memory-bound programs. Energy-efficient load latency tolerance is more energy-efficient than---and synergistic with---existing performance technique like dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    A Safety-First Approach to Memory Models.

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    Sequential consistency (SC) is arguably the most intuitive behavior for a shared-memory multithreaded program. It is widely accepted that language-level SC could significantly improve programmability of a multiprocessor system. However, efficiently supporting end-to-end SC remains a challenge as it requires that both compiler and hardware optimizations preserve SC semantics. Current concurrent languages support a relaxed memory model that requires programmers to explicitly annotate all memory accesses that can participate in a data-race ("unsafe" accesses). This requirement allows compiler and hardware to aggressively optimize unannotated accesses, which are assumed to be data-race-free ("safe" accesses), while still preserving SC semantics. However, unannotated data races are easy for programmers to accidentally introduce and are difficult to detect, and in such cases the safety and correctness of programs are significantly compromised. This dissertation argues instead for a safety-first approach, whereby every memory operation is treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware unless it is proven otherwise. The first solution, DRFx memory model, allows many common compiler and hardware optimizations (potentially SC-violating) on unsafe accesses and uses a runtime support to detect potential SC violations arising from reordering of unsafe accesses. On detecting a potential SC violation, execution is halted before the safety property is compromised. The second solution takes a different approach and preserves SC in both compiler and hardware. Both SC-preserving compiler and hardware are also built on the safety-first approach. All memory accesses are treated as potentially unsafe by the compiler and hardware. SC-preserving hardware relies on different static and dynamic techniques to identify safe accesses. Our results indicate that supporting SC at the language level is not expensive in terms of performance and hardware complexity. The dissertation also explores an extension of this safety-first approach for data-parallel accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Significant microarchitectural differences between CPU and GPU require rethinking of efficient solutions for preserving SC in GPUs. The proposed solution based on our SC-preserving approach performs nearly on par with the baseline GPU that implements a data-race-free-0 memory model.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/120794/1/ansingh_1.pd

    Hardware-conscious query processing for the many-core era

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    Die optimale Nutzung von moderner Hardware zur Beschleunigung von Datenbank-Anfragen ist keine triviale Aufgabe. Viele DBMS als auch DSMS der letzten Jahrzehnte basieren auf Sachverhalten, die heute kaum noch GĂŒltigkeit besitzen. Ein Beispiel hierfĂŒr sind heutige Server-Systeme, deren HauptspeichergrĂ¶ĂŸe im Bereich mehrerer Terabytes liegen kann und somit den Weg fĂŒr Hauptspeicherdatenbanken geebnet haben. Einer der grĂ¶ĂŸeren letzten Hardware Trends geht hin zu Prozessoren mit einer hohen Anzahl von Kernen, den sogenannten Manycore CPUs. Diese erlauben hohe ParallelitĂ€tsgrade fĂŒr Programme durch Multithreading sowie Vektorisierung (SIMD), was die Anforderungen an die Speicher-Bandbreite allerdings deutlich erhöht. Der sogenannte High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) versucht diese LĂŒcke zu schließen, kann aber ebenso wie Many-core CPUs jeglichen Performance-Vorteil negieren, wenn dieser leichtfertig eingesetzt wird. Diese Arbeit stellt die Many-core CPU-Architektur zusammen mit HBM vor, um Datenbank sowie Datenstrom-Anfragen zu beschleunigen. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein hardwarenahes Kostenmodell zusammen mit einem Kalibrierungsansatz die Performance verschiedener Anfrageoperatoren verlĂ€sslich vorhersagen kann. Dies ermöglicht sowohl eine adaptive Partitionierungs und Merge-Strategie fĂŒr die Parallelisierung von Datenstrom-Anfragen als auch eine ideale Konfiguration von Join-Operationen auf einem DBMS. Nichtsdestotrotz ist nicht jede Operation und Anwendung fĂŒr die Nutzung einer Many-core CPU und HBM geeignet. Datenstrom-Anfragen sind oft auch an niedrige Latenz und schnelle Antwortzeiten gebunden, welche von höherer Speicher-Bandbreite kaum profitieren können. Hinzu kommen ĂŒblicherweise niedrigere Taktraten durch die hohe Kernzahl der CPUs, sowie Nachteile fĂŒr geteilte Datenstrukturen, wie das Herstellen von Cache-KohĂ€renz und das Synchronisieren von parallelen Thread-Zugriffen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit lĂ€sst sich ableiten, welche parallelen Datenstrukturen sich fĂŒr die Verwendung von HBM besonders eignen. Des Weiteren werden verschiedene Techniken zur Parallelisierung und Synchronisierung von Datenstrukturen vorgestellt, deren Effizienz anhand eines Mehrwege-Datenstrom-Joins demonstriert wird.Exploiting the opportunities given by modern hardware for accelerating query processing speed is no trivial task. Many DBMS and also DSMS from past decades are based on fundamentals that have changed over time, e.g., servers of today with terabytes of main memory capacity allow complete avoidance of spilling data to disk, which has prepared the ground some time ago for main memory databases. One of the recent trends in hardware are many-core processors with hundreds of logical cores on a single CPU, providing an intense degree of parallelism through multithreading as well as vectorized instructions (SIMD). Their demand for memory bandwidth has led to the further development of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) to overcome the memory wall. However, many-core CPUs as well as HBM have many pitfalls that can nullify any performance gain with ease. In this work, we explore the many-core architecture along with HBM for database and data stream query processing. We demonstrate that a hardware-conscious cost model with a calibration approach allows reliable performance prediction of various query operations. Based on that information, we can, therefore, come to an adaptive partitioning and merging strategy for stream query parallelization as well as finding an ideal configuration of parameters for one of the most common tasks in the history of DBMS, join processing. However, not all operations and applications can exploit a many-core processor or HBM, though. Stream queries optimized for low latency and quick individual responses usually do not benefit well from more bandwidth and suffer from penalties like low clock frequencies of many-core CPUs as well. Shared data structures between cores also lead to problems with cache coherence as well as high contention. Based on our insights, we give a rule of thumb which data structures are suitable to parallelize with focus on HBM usage. In addition, different parallelization schemas and synchronization techniques are evaluated, based on the example of a multiway stream join operation

    Just-In-Time Push Prefetching: Accelerating the Mobile Web

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    Web pages take noticeably longer to load when accessing the Internet using high-latency wide-area wireless networks like 3G. This delay can result in lower user satisfaction and lost revenue for web site operators. By locating a just-in-time prefetching push proxy in the Internet service provider's mobile network core and routing mobile client web requests through it, web page load times can be perceivably reduced. Our analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the use of a push proxy results in a much smaller dependency on the mobile-client-to-network latency than seen in environments where no proxy is used; in particular, only one full round trip from client to server is necessary regardless of the number of resources referenced by a web page. In addition, we find that the ideal location for a push proxy is close to the servers that the mobile client accesses, minimizing the latency between the proxy and the servers that the mobile client accesses through it; this is in contrast to traditional prefetching proxies that do not push prefetched items to the client, which are best deployed halfway between the client and the server

    ILP and TLP in Shared Memory Applications: A Limit Study

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    The work in this dissertation explores the limits of Chip-multiprocessors (CMPs) with respect to shared-memory, multi-threaded benchmarks, which will help aid in identifying microarchitectural bottlenecks. This, in turn, will lead to more efficient CMP design. In the first part we introduce DotSim, a trace-driven toolkit designed to explore the limits of instruction and thread-level scaling and identify microarchitectural bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications. DotSim constructs an instruction-level Data Flow Graph (DFG) from each thread in multi-threaded applications, adjusting for inter-thread dependencies. The DFGs dynamically change depending on the microarchitectural constraints applied. Exploiting these DFGs allows for the easy extraction of the performance upper bound. We perform a case study on modeling the upper-bound performance limits of a processor microarchitecture modeled off a AMD Opteron. In the second part, we conduct a limit study simultaneously analyzing the two dominant forms of parallelism exploited by modern computer architectures: Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) and Thread Level Parallelism (TLP). This study gives insight into the upper bounds of performance that future architectures can achieve. Furthermore, it identifies the bottlenecks of emerging workloads. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first study that combines the two forms of parallelism into one study with modern applications. We evaluate the PARSEC multithreaded benchmark suite using DotSim. We make several contributions describing the high-level behavior of next-generation applications. For example, we show that these applications contain up to a factor of 929X more ILP than what is currently being extracted from real machines. We then show the effects of breaking the application into increasing numbers of threads (exploiting TLP), instruction window size, realistic branch prediction, realistic memory latency, and thread dependencies on exploitable ILP. Our examination shows that theses benchmarks differ vastly from one another. As a result, we expect that no single, homogeneous, micro-architecture will work optimally for all, arguing for reconfigurable, heterogeneous designs. In the third part of this thesis, we use our novel simulator DotSim to study the benefits of prefetching shared memory within critical sections. In this chapter we calculate the upper bound of performance under our given constraints. Our intent is to provide motivation for new techniques to exploit the potential benefits of reducing latency of shared memory among threads. We conduct an idealized workload characterization study focusing on the data that is truly shared among threads, using a simplified memory model. We explore the degree of shared memory criticality, and characterize the benefits of being able to use latency reducing techniques to reduce execution time and increase ILP. We find that on average true sharing among benchmarks is quite low compared to overall memory accesses on the critical path and overall program. We also find that truly shared memory between threads does not affect the critical path for the majority of benchmarks, and when it does the impact is less than 1%. Therefore, we conclude that it is not worth exploring latency reducing techniques of truly shared memory within critical sections

    Performance Benchmarking of State-of-the-Art Software Switches for NFV

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    With the ultimate goal of replacing proprietary hardware appliances with Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) implemented in software, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has been gaining popularity in the past few years. Software switches route traffic between VNFs and physical Network Interface Cards (NICs). It is of paramount importance to compare the performance of different switch designs and architectures. In this paper, we propose a methodology to compare fairly and comprehensively the performance of software switches. We first explore the design spaces of seven state-of-the-art software switches and then compare their performance under four representative test scenarios. Each scenario corresponds to a specific case of routing NFV traffic between NICs and/or VNFs. In our experiments, we evaluate the throughput and latency between VNFs in two of the most popular virtualization environments, namely virtual machines (VMs) and containers. Our experimental results show that no single software switch prevails in all scenarios. It is, therefore, crucial to choose the most suitable solution for the given use case. At the same time, the presented results and analysis provide a deeper insight into the design tradeoffs and identifies potential performance bottlenecks that could inspire new designs.Comment: 17 page
