74,225 research outputs found

    TaskInsight: Understanding Task Schedules Effects on Memory and Performance

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    Recent scheduling heuristics for task-based applications have managed to improve their by taking into account memory-related properties such as data locality and cache sharing. However, there is still a general lack of tools that can provide insights into why, and where, different schedulers improve memory behavior, and how this is related to the applications' performance. To address this, we present TaskInsight, a technique to characterize the memory behavior of different task schedulers through the analysis of data reuse between tasks. TaskInsight provides high-level, quantitative information that can be correlated with tasks' performance variation over time to understand data reuse through the caches due to scheduling choices. TaskInsight is useful to diagnose and identify which scheduling decisions affected performance, when were they taken, and why the performance changed, both in single and multi-threaded executions. We demonstrate how TaskInsight can diagnose examples where poor scheduling caused over 10% difference in performance for tasks of the same type, due to changes in the tasks' data reuse through the private and shared caches, in single and multi-threaded executions of the same application. This flexible insight is key for optimization in many contexts, including data locality, throughput, memory footprint or even energy efficiency.We thank the reviewers for their feedback. This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research project FFL12-0051 and carried out within the Linnaeus Centre of Excellence UPMARC, Uppsala Programming for Multicore Architectures Research Center. This paper was also published with the support of the HiPEAC network that received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 687698.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fairness-aware scheduling on single-ISA heterogeneous multi-cores

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    Single-ISA heterogeneous multi-cores consisting of small (e.g., in-order) and big (e.g., out-of-order) cores dramatically improve energy- and power-efficiency by scheduling workloads on the most appropriate core type. A significant body of recent work has focused on improving system throughput through scheduling. However, none of the prior work has looked into fairness. Yet, guaranteeing that all threads make equal progress on heterogeneous multi-cores is of utmost importance for both multi-threaded and multi-program workloads to improve performance and quality-of-service. Furthermore, modern operating systems affinitize workloads to cores (pinned scheduling) which dramatically affects fairness on heterogeneous multi-cores. In this paper, we propose fairness-aware scheduling for single-ISA heterogeneous multi-cores, and explore two flavors for doing so. Equal-time scheduling runs each thread or workload on each core type for an equal fraction of the time, whereas equal-progress scheduling strives at getting equal amounts of work done on each core type. Our experimental results demonstrate an average 14% (and up to 25%) performance improvement over pinned scheduling through fairness-aware scheduling for homogeneous multi-threaded workloads; equal-progress scheduling improves performance by 32% on average for heterogeneous multi-threaded workloads. Further, we report dramatic improvements in fairness over prior scheduling proposals for multi-program workloads, while achieving system throughput comparable to throughput-optimized scheduling, and an average 21% improvement in throughput over pinned scheduling

    Scheduling data flow program in xkaapi: A new affinity based Algorithm for Heterogeneous Architectures

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    Efficient implementations of parallel applications on heterogeneous hybrid architectures require a careful balance between computations and communications with accelerator devices. Even if most of the communication time can be overlapped by computations, it is essential to reduce the total volume of communicated data. The literature therefore abounds with ad-hoc methods to reach that balance, but that are architecture and application dependent. We propose here a generic mechanism to automatically optimize the scheduling between CPUs and GPUs, and compare two strategies within this mechanism: the classical Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT) algorithm and our new, parametrized, Distributed Affinity Dual Approximation algorithm (DADA), which consists in grouping the tasks by affinity before running a fast dual approximation. We ran experiments on a heterogeneous parallel machine with six CPU cores and eight NVIDIA Fermi GPUs. Three standard dense linear algebra kernels from the PLASMA library have been ported on top of the Xkaapi runtime. We report their performances. It results that HEFT and DADA perform well for various experimental conditions, but that DADA performs better for larger systems and number of GPUs, and, in most cases, generates much lower data transfers than HEFT to achieve the same performance

    Power efficient job scheduling by predicting the impact of processor manufacturing variability

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    Modern CPUs suffer from performance and power consumption variability due to the manufacturing process. As a result, systems that do not consider such variability caused by manufacturing issues lead to performance degradations and wasted power. In order to avoid such negative impact, users and system administrators must actively counteract any manufacturing variability. In this work we show that parallel systems benefit from taking into account the consequences of manufacturing variability when making scheduling decisions at the job scheduler level. We also show that it is possible to predict the impact of this variability on specific applications by using variability-aware power prediction models. Based on these power models, we propose two job scheduling policies that consider the effects of manufacturing variability for each application and that ensure that power consumption stays under a system-wide power budget. We evaluate our policies under different power budgets and traffic scenarios, consisting of both single- and multi-node parallel applications, utilizing up to 4096 cores in total. We demonstrate that they decrease job turnaround time, compared to contemporary scheduling policies used on production clusters, up to 31% while saving up to 5.5% energy.Postprint (author's final draft

    OS Scheduling Algorithms for Memory Intensive Workloads in Multi-socket Multi-core servers

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    Major chip manufacturers have all introduced multicore microprocessors. Multi-socket systems built from these processors are routinely used for running various server applications. Depending on the application that is run on the system, remote memory accesses can impact overall performance. This paper presents a new operating system (OS) scheduling optimization to reduce the impact of such remote memory accesses. By observing the pattern of local and remote DRAM accesses for every thread in each scheduling quantum and applying different algorithms, we come up with a new schedule of threads for the next quantum. This new schedule potentially cuts down remote DRAM accesses for the next scheduling quantum and improves overall performance. We present three such new algorithms of varying complexity followed by an algorithm which is an adaptation of Hungarian algorithm. We used three different synthetic workloads to evaluate the algorithm. We also performed sensitivity analysis with respect to varying DRAM latency. We show that these algorithms can cut down DRAM access latency by up to 55% depending on the algorithm used. The benefit gained from the algorithms is dependent upon their complexity. In general higher the complexity higher is the benefit. Hungarian algorithm results in an optimal solution. We find that two out of four algorithms provide a good trade-off between performance and complexity for the workloads we studied

    Architectural support for task dependence management with flexible software scheduling

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    The growing complexity of multi-core architectures has motivated a wide range of software mechanisms to improve the orchestration of parallel executions. Task parallelism has become a very attractive approach thanks to its programmability, portability and potential for optimizations. However, with the expected increase in core counts, finer-grained tasking will be required to exploit the available parallelism, which will increase the overheads introduced by the runtime system. This work presents Task Dependence Manager (TDM), a hardware/software co-designed mechanism to mitigate runtime system overheads. TDM introduces a hardware unit, denoted Dependence Management Unit (DMU), and minimal ISA extensions that allow the runtime system to offload costly dependence tracking operations to the DMU and to still perform task scheduling in software. With lower hardware cost, TDM outperforms hardware-based solutions and enhances the flexibility, adaptability and composability of the system. Results show that TDM improves performance by 12.3% and reduces EDP by 20.4% on average with respect to a software runtime system. Compared to a runtime system fully implemented in hardware, TDM achieves an average speedup of 4.2% with 7.3x less area requirements and significant EDP reductions. In addition, five different software schedulers are evaluated with TDM, illustrating its flexibility and performance gains.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P, TIN2016-76635-C2-2-R and TIN2016-81840-REDT), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 671697 and No. 671610. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improving early design stage timing modeling in multicore based real-time systems

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    This paper presents a modelling approach for the timing behavior of real-time embedded systems (RTES) in early design phases. The model focuses on multicore processors - accepted as the next computing platform for RTES - and in particular it predicts the contention tasks suffer in the access to multicore on-chip shared resources. The model presents the key properties of not requiring the application's source code or binary and having high-accuracy and low overhead. The former is of paramount importance in those common scenarios in which several software suppliers work in parallel implementing different applications for a system integrator, subject to different intellectual property (IP) constraints. Our model helps reducing the risk of exceeding the assigned budgets for each application in late design stages and its associated costs.This work has received funding from the European Space Agency under Project Reference AO=17722=13=NL=LvH, and has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant TIN2015-65316-P. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft