42 research outputs found

    Player–video game interaction: A systematic review of current concepts

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    International audienceVideo game design requires a user-centered approach to ensure that the experience enjoyed by players is as good as possible. However, the nature of player-video game interactions has not as yet been clearly defined in the scientific literature. The purpose of the present study was to provide a systematic review of empirical evidences of the current concepts of player-video game interactions in entertainment situations. A total of 72 articles published in scientific journals that deal with human-computer interaction met the criteria for inclusion in the present review. Major findings of these articles were presented in a narrative synthesis. Results showed that player-video game interactions could be defined with multiple concepts that are closely linked and intertwined. These concepts concern player aspects of player-video game interactions, namely engagement and enjoyment, and video game aspects, namely information input/output techniques, game contents and multiplayer games. Global approaches, such as playability, also exist to qualify player-video game interactions. Limitations of these findings are discussed to help researchers to plan future advances of the field and provide supplementary effort to better know the role of less-studied aspects. Practical implications are also discussed to help game designers to optimize the design of player-video game interactions

    Attitudes Toward Virtual Reality Products of Gamers and Non-Gamers

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    Objectives The main objectives of this study were: 1) To identify the key arguments for gamers and non-gamers. 2) To identify and describe the trending attitudes toward VR products of gamers and non-gamers. 3) To explore the significance of Objectives 1. & 2., as pertaining to future development of the technology and marketing. Summary Virtual reality (VR) is a highly current technology and issue. 2018 has been projected to be the year in which VR will finally begin to turn its ailing trend around, and as such, it is important to understand what its distinctive, competitive aspects are. This study launched a survey in order to better understand the attitudes of gamers and non-gamers toward VR products, and in order to derive key, compelling arguments that would convince this target group to adopt this upcoming technology. Conclusions 1) While virtual reality products are not seen as common today, it seems that the general perception is that the next decade will bring them more into the spotlight. 2) Virtual reality seems to currently be a curious technology but does not seem to be delivering what people would wish just yet, and/or its strengths are not being communicated well enough. 3) While all three aspects of virtual reality products – presence, immersion, and affect – have been shown to be at least somewhat important for gamers and non-gamers, gamers seem to tend to focus more on immersion quality, while non-gamers on affect quality and quantity

    Perceived Realism of Pedestrian Crowds Trajectories in VR

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    Crowd simulation algorithms play an essential role in populating Virtual Reality (VR) environments with multiple autonomous humanoid agents. The generation of plausible trajectories can be a significant computational cost for real-time graphics engines, especially in untethered and mobile devices such as portable VR devices. Previous research explores the plausibility and realism of crowd simulations on desktop computers but fails to account the impact it has on immersion. This study explores how the realism of crowd trajectories affects the perceived immersion in VR. We do so by running a psychophysical experiment in which participants rate the realism of real/synthetic trajectories data, showing similar level of perceived realism

    Diegetic Tool Management in a Virtual Reality Training Simulation

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    Researchers have suggested that diegetic interfaces can enhance users’ sense of presence and immersion in virtual reality. We present a study (N = 58) in which we compare participants’ experiences of diegetic and non-diegetic interfaces, in a prototype VR CSI training application. Contrary to expectations, we do not find evidence that participants’ sense of presence is elevated when using the diegetic interface; however, we suggest that this may be due to reported higher levels of perceived workload. We conclude by discussing the relationship between diegetic interface design and interaction fidelity, and highlighting trade-offs between fidelity and engagement

    Model Matching Theory: A Framework for Examining the Alignment between Game Mechanics and Mental Models

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    The primary aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive review and elaboration of model matching and its theo- retical propositions. Model matching explains and predicts individuals’ outcomes related to gameplay by focusing on the interrelationships among games’ systems of mechanics, relevant situations external to the game, and players’ mental mod- els. Formalizing model matching theory in this way provides researchers a unified explanation for game-based learning, game performance, and related gameplay outcomes while also providing a theory-based direction for advancing the study of games more broadly. The propositions explicated in this article are intended to serve as the primary tenets of model matching theory. Considerations for how these propositions may be tested in future games studies research are discussed

    The better the story, the bigger the serving: narrative transportation increases snacking during screen time in a randomized trial

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    Abstract Background Watching television and playing video games increase energy intake, likely due to distraction from satiety cues. A study comparing one hour of watching TV, playing typical video games, or playing motion-controlled video games found a difference across groups in energy intake, but the reasons for this difference are not clear. As a secondary analysis, we investigated several types of distraction to determine potential psychosocial mechanisms which may account for greater energy intake observed during sedentary screen time as compared to motion-controlled video gaming. Methods Feelings of enjoyment, engagement (mental immersion), spatial presence (the feeling of being in the game), and transportation (immersion in a narrative) were investigated in 120 young adults aged 18 – 35 (60 female). Results Only narrative transportation was associated with total caloric intake (ρ = .205, P = .025). Transportation was also higher in the TV group than in the gaming groups (P = .002) and higher in males than in females (P = .003). Transportation mediated the relationship between motion-controlled gaming (as compared to TV watching) and square root transformed energy intake (indirect effect = −1.34, 95% confidence interval −3.57, −0.13). No other distraction-related variables were associated with intake. Conclusions These results suggest that different forms of distraction may differentially affect eating behavior during screen time, and that narrative appears to be a particularly strong distractor. Future studies should further investigate the effects of narrative on eating behavior

    Peliohjainten vaikutus käyttäjäkokemukseen videopeleissä

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    Videopeleissä käytetään useita erilaisia peliohjaimia. Tietokonehiirtä sekä -näppäimistöä voidaan käyttää peliohjaimina, mutta suurin osa ohjaimista on luotu pelaamista varten. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa selvitetään miten erilaiset peliohjaimet vaikuttavat käyttäjäkokemukseen pelattaessa videopelejä. Lisäksi kartoitetaan, onko tietynlainen peliohjain parempi kuin muut ohjaimet sekä käyttäjäkokemukseltaan että käytettävyydeltään kaikissa peliympäristöissä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa luodaan hypoteesi iteratiivisesta peliohjaimen valitsemismallista, jossa pyritään selittämään ohjaimen valitsemisprosessi. Luonnollinen kartoitus tarkoittaa, miten järjestelmän ohjaus vastaa aiempaa käsitystä ohjauksen lopputuloksesta. Kirjallisuuslähteiden perusteella luonnollista kartoitusta hyödyntäen peliohjaimet voidaan jakaa neljään eri kategoriaan: toiminnallisuutta ehdottaviin ohjaimiin, kehon liikehallintaisiin ohjaimiin, liikettä mukaileviin haptisiin ohjaimiin sekä aitoa esinettä mukaileviin ohjaimiin. Käyttäjäkokemuksellisuus koostuu käytettävyyden lisäksi hallinnassa olemisen tunteesta, virtauskokemuksen tunteesta sekä pelistä saatavasta nautinnosta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten perusteella todetaan, että aiemmat kokemukset sekä pelaajan oma taitotaso vaikuttavat vahvasti peliohjaimen tuottamaan käyttäjäkokemukseen. Pelattavuuden kannalta vaikeammin ohjattava ohjain voi tuottaa positiivisemman käyttäjäkokemuksen, jos peli itsessään on liian helppo. Ohjaimen sopivuusmallilla käyttäjä peilaa käytettävää ohjainta pelattavaan peliin. Sopivuusmallin mukaan peliohjaimen täytyisi tuottaa mielihyvää, antaa hallinnan tunnetta sekä myös lisätä peliin syventymistä. Näiden myötä pelaajan pitäisi myös kyetä pelaamaan korkeammalla tasolla sekä tehdä pelissä vähemmän virheitä. Tuloksien perusteella ei voida päätellä yhdenkään ohjaimen olevan ylivertainen muihin verrattuna, sillä useissa tutkimuksissa peliohjaimen tarjoama suorituskyky ei ollut suorassa yhteydessä korkeampaan käyttäjäkokemuksellisuuteen. Käyttäjäkokemuksellisuus useimmiten kasvaa mitä enemmän ohjain mukailee pelissä tapahtuvaa liikettä, mutta tällöin pelissä tehtyjen virheiden määrä nousee. Tulosten perusteella luodun peliohjaimen valitsemismallin prosessiin vaikuttavat aiemmat kokemukset erilaisista peliohjaimista, sekä ohjaimen peliympäristöön sopivuus. Näillä tekijöillä luodaan kehä, jossa pelaaja valitsee useimmiten saman ohjaimen, jolla luoda uusia positiivisia käyttäjäkokemuksia. Katsauksen pohjalta lisätutkimusta tarvittaisiin peliohjaimen valitsemismallin toimivuuden testaamiseen sekä erilaisten peliohjainten samanaikaisesta käyttämisestä

    A Quantitative Examination of the Impact of Moderating Variables on the Experience of Eudaimonic Outcomes

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    There has been a growing body of research looking into effects beyond enjoyment of media content. However, these explorations have primarily been outcome focused and have failed to analyze variables that could be mediating eudaimonic effects. This thesis examined the results of an experimental study investigating the variables of flow and realism and their possible impact on eudaimonic outcomes of video game play. Using data collected from 193 participants who played either the game The Last of Us Remastered or Elude, this study examined the possibility of flow mediating the relationship between realism and eudaimonic effects. Results of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that flow and realism play a significant role in the experience of eudaimonic effects. However, flow does not play a mediating role between realism and eudaimonia. This study extended past research by providing evidence that flow and realism are related to the experience of eudaimonia. Additionally, this study continued to provide evidence of media effects beyond enjoyment. These results provide a rationale for future research on mediating variables and the impact they could play on eudemonic outcomes. Keywords: Eudaimonic effects, hedonic effects, flow, perceived realis