1,240 research outputs found

    Multimedia Traffic Engineering in Next Generation Networks

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    Due to high speed Internet and Multimedia applications, future wireless communication are expected to support multimedia traffic such as voice, video and text with a variety of Quality of Service (QoS) requirements and make efficient use of radio resources. Such kind of traffic requires high level of QoS guarantees. Traffic management is a process of regulating the traffic over network. Since, multimedia traffic is more sensitive, therefore it requires special measures while transmission, especially in wireless networks. There are different queuing disciplines which are used to police the traffic, the Priority Queue and RIO (RED with In/Out) are queuing disciplines, PQ is used to prioritize the traffic, and the later is used to drop the lower priority packets at the time of congestion. Proposed solution is the integration of Priority Queue with RIO, which will serve as a classifier to prioritize the traffic and then it will also serve as a scheduler by dropping lower priority traffic when the congestion state occur. Simulation results show that by applying proposed Traffic Management Strategy (PriRIO), it assigns stable bandwidth to the Multimedia Traffic Flow and enhances its throughput. It also shows that Packet Losses for Multimedia Traffic are very minor, that is, equivalent to none. Further, delay values for Multimedia traffic also remain below the Best Effort traffic flows. Thus, on the basis of these simulation results and analysis, PriRIO outperforms significantly, as compare to other Traffic Management Strategies

    Enhancing QoS provisioning and granularity in next generation internet

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    Next Generation IP technology has the potential to prevail, both in the access and in the core networks, as we are moving towards a multi-service, multimedia and high-speed networking environment. Many new applications, including the multimedia applications, have been developed and deployed, and demand Quality of Service (QoS) support from the Internet, in addition to the current best effort service. Therefore, QoS provisioning techniques in the Internet to guarantee some specific QoS parameters are more a requirement than a desire. Due to the large amount of data flows and bandwidth demand, as well as the various QoS requirements, scalability and fine granularity in QoS provisioning are required. In this dissertation, the end-to-end QoS provisioning mechanisms are mainly studied, in order to provide scalable services with fine granularity to the users, so that both users and network service providers can achieve more benefits from the QoS provisioned in the network. To provide the end-to-end QoS guarantee, single-node QoS provisioning schemes have to be deployed at each router, and therefore, in this dissertation, such schemes are studied prior to the study of the end-to-end QoS provisioning mechanisms. Specifically, the effective sharing of the output bandwidth among the large amount of data flows is studied, so that fairness in the bandwidth allocation among the flows can be achieved in a scalable fashion. A dual-rate grouping architecture is proposed in this dissertation, in which the granularity in rate allocation can be enhanced, while the scalability of the one-rate grouping architecture is still maintained. It is demonstrated that the dual-rate grouping architecture approximates the ideal per-flow based PFQ architecture better than the one-rate grouping architecture, and provides better immunity capability. On the end-to-end QoS provisioning, a new Endpoint Admission Control scheme for Diffserv networks, referred to as Explicit Endpoint Admission Control (EEAC), is proposed, in which the admission control decision is made by the end hosts based on the end-to-end performance of the network. A novel concept, namely the service vector, is introduced, by which an end host can choose different services at different routers along its data path. Thus, the proposed service provisioning paradigm decouples the end-to-end QoS provisioning from the service provisioning at each router, and the end-to-end QoS granularity in the Diffserv networks can be enhanced, while the implementation complexity of the Diffserv model is maintained. Furthermore, several aspects of the implementation of the EEAC and service vector paradigm, referred to as EEAC-SV, in the Diffserv architecture are also investigated. The performance analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed EEAC-SV scheme, not only increases the benefit to the service users, but also enhances the benefit to the network service provider in terms of network resource utilization. The study also indicates that the proposed EEAC-SV scheme can provide a compatible and friendly networking environment to the conventional TCP flows, and the scheme can be deployed in the current Internet in an incremental and gradual fashion

    Cell Utilization Efficiency of Internet Protocol Traffic over Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks

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    In the near future, large computer networks will be connection oriented, with at least the data link connectivity being provided by the Asynchronous Transfer Mode. (ATM) networks. However, these networks may have to communicate with the existing network which predominantly use Internet Protocol (IP). Running Internet Protocol over Asynchronous Transfer Mode Network has been a contentious issue due to the inefficient segmentation of Internet Protocol packets into Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) cells. In this thesis, the current protocols and standards pertaining to Internet Protocol over Asynchronous Transfer Mode are discussed and overheads involved in placing Internet Protocol packets into Asynchronous Transfer Mode cells, taking Logical Link Control/Sub Network Attachment Point Encapsulation into consideration, are analysed to find out the cell utilization of Asynchronous Transfer Mode cell in carrying the Internet Protocol packets. The Wide Area Network (WAN) oriented traffic for our analysis is collected from the Internet Traffic Archive. Analysis of the trace results show that the Asynchronous Transfer Mode cell utilisation is better in carrying the user information if the Internet Protocol packet are sizes larger. It is observed that ranges of Internet Protocol packets require similar number of Asynchronous Transfer Mode cells. At small values of Internet Protocol packets, the efficiency of Asynchronous Transfer Mode cell in carrying the user information is significantly low due to the Logical Link Control Encapsulation, padding and the trailer overheads. The Asynchronous Transfer Mode Cell utilization is better in Virtual Circuit (VC) based multiplexing, saving 8 bytes of encapsulation for each packet, thus improving the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) cell utilization marginally. It is seen that 80% of the Internet Protocol packet length varies from 54 to 200 bytes for which cell utilisation varies from 50%-to 82%. However, the average cell utilisation is 84% in the 20,000 packets observed since 20% of the Internet Protocol packet length is greater than 1000 bytes