139 research outputs found


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    Adoption of innovations within small and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs) employing fewer than 250 employees is limited compared to large companies. Within the current study, our goal is to identify hindering factors influencing adoption of innovation within SMEs. To identify this, we conducted a case study on the usage of mobility related innovations within 20 small and medium-sized enterprises. We found six crucial factors hindering SMEs of adoption of innovations: perceived unbalance of risks and chances, compatibility with daily work routine, lacking fit in individual business processes, complexity in infrastructure investments, IT know how and amount of costs for setup. Our study contributes to an extended understanding of the theory of adoption of innovations. Based on the identification of these factors, the study provides practical implications for SMEs to integrate innovations into current business processes. The results foster the adoption of innovation within SMEs

    Developing Digitalization Strategies for SMEs: A Lightweight Architecture-based Method

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    Like larger companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to develop and implement digitalization strategies. These help to address necessary organizational- and technology-related changes in order to create competitive advantages. However, SMEs often face specific challenges, including a lack of IT know-how, relevant market information and appropriate methods for developing a strategy. In this paper, we present a lightweight, architecture-based method including its underlying model for the development and implementation of digitalization strategies in SMEs. It was developed by following the Action Design Research (ADR) method and in cooperation with two medium-sized companies. Rather than adopting highly abstract and complex enterprise architecture frameworks, we suggest creating easy-to-use visualizations of the enterprise architecture, the business ecosystem and related cross-layer dependencies. While transferring the discipline of enterprise architecture (EA) into the context of digital entrepreneurship, we derived four design principles helping to enrich the theoretical body of knowledge in this research area

    Social and Political Issues on Sustainable Development in the Post Covid-19 Crisis

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    As a threat, a pandemic has indirect implications for social, economic and political conditions both at domestic and international levels. Thus, collective and comprehensive efforts are needed in responding to and preventing the expansion of infections caused by the virus, including Covid-19. This international conference provides the discourse on social, economic as well as political issues regarding the condition after the pandemic. Social issues are studied through social welfare, sociology, governance, communication and international relations approaches. Meanwhile, economic problems are discussed through business, economic development and economic management approaches. Under the First International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHSOS) 2021, speakers from several countries provided solutions and alternative perspectives in preventing and dealing with problems after the Covid-19 pandemic. This book contains 42 papers presented at the conference

    Social and Political Issues on Sustainable Development in the Post Covid-19 Crisis

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    As a threat, a pandemic has indirect implications for social, economic and political conditions both at domestic and international levels. Thus, collective and comprehensive efforts are needed in responding to and preventing the expansion of infections caused by the virus, including Covid-19. This international conference provides the discourse on social, economic as well as political issues regarding the condition after the pandemic. Social issues are studied through social welfare, sociology, governance, communication and international relations approaches. Meanwhile, economic problems are discussed through business, economic development and economic management approaches. Under the First International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHSOS) 2021, speakers from several countries provided solutions and alternative perspectives in preventing and dealing with problems after the Covid-19 pandemic. This book contains 42 papers presented at the conference

    YALJOD Full Issue 3.1

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    The Young African Leaders Journal of Development (YALJOD) is a biennial journal and an official publication of the Young African Leaders Forum (YALF). It was established in 2015 to host scholarly analysis and competing viewpoints about the development of Africa; and it’s multidisciplinary approach makes it more formidable. YALJOD accepts papers from varied disciplinary areas — including Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Humanities — that show direct relevance to the development of Africa. It publishes researches understood as the social, economic, political, cultural and technological processes of change in Africa. The intended audience of the journal remains the entire African people. Howbeit, for effectiveness, special emphasis is given to African leadership operators, development academics, researchers and youths — who appear to be the next African leaders

    Regulating terrorist content on tech platforms: A proposed framework based on social regulation

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    Scholars have been arguing for years that responses to terrorist content on tech platforms have, to-date, been inadequate. Past responses have been reactive and fragmented with tech platforms self-regulating. Over the last few years, many governments began to decide that the self-regulatory approach was not working. As a result, a number of regulatory frameworks have been proposed and/or implemented. However, they have been highly criticised. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a new regulatory framework to counter terrorist content on tech platforms and overcome many of these criticisms. Scholars have argued that it is vital that future regulation be informed by past experience and supported by evidence from prior research. Therefore, a number of steps were taken. First, this thesis examines a review of literature into what platforms are exploited by terrorist organisations. Next, a content analysis was undertaken on blogposts that tech platforms publish in order to investigate the efforts that tech platforms report making to counter terrorist content on their services and the challenges that they face. Third, a sample of existing or currently proposed regulatory frameworks were examined in order to learn what was done well and what gaps, limitations and challenges exist that require addressing in future regulation. Finally, social regulation theory was identified as applicable in this regulatory context. Social regulation strategies were examined in three other regulatory contexts in order to examine whether they could be used in this regulatory context. The findings from the above analyses were used to inform a new regulatory framework that is proposed in this thesis. In addition to proposing a new regulatory framework, this thesis also identified three compliance issues that tech platforms may face. These compliance issues are addressed alongside the proposal of the framework. Overall, it is argued that previous regulatory attempts failed to consider the diverse array of challenges that are faced by different platforms when countering terrorist content. The regulatory framework proposed in this thesis researched these challenges and identified strategies from a social regulation approach, learning lessons from how they were applied elsewhere to overcome some of the key criticisms and limitations of existing regulatory practice

    Perspectives on Platform Regulation

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    Online social media platforms set the agenda and structure for public and private communication in our age. Their influence and power is beyond any traditional media empire. Their legal regulation is a pressing challenge, but currently, they are mainly governed by economic pressures. There are now diverse legislative attempts to regulate platforms in various parts of the world. The European Union and most of its Member States have historically relied on soft law, but are now looking to introduce regulation. Leading researchers of the field analyse the hard questions and the responses given by various states. The book offers legislative solutions from various parts of the world, compares regulatory concepts and assesses the use of algorithms. With contributions by Izumi Aizu, Enni Ala-Mikkula, Alexandre Alaphilippe, Natalie Alkiviadou, Alejandro Aréchiga Morales, Siwal Ashwini, Judit Bayer, Jörg Becker, Konrad Bleyer-Simon, Elda Brogi, Shun-Ling Chen, Poren Chiang, Michael Geist, Gerard Goggin, Giovanni De Gregorio, Sarah Hartmann, Maximilian Hemmert-Halswick, Maria Carolina Herrera Rubio, Bernd Holznagel, Peng Hwa Ang, Richard Janda, Jan Christopher Kalbhenn, Juliya Kharitonova, Kristiina Koivukari, Päivi Korpisaari, Jacob Mchangama, Trisha Meyer, Kilian Müller, Larissa Sannikova, Mårten Schultz, Nicole Stremlau, Maria L. Vazquez, Kuo-Wei Wu and Lorna Woods