169 research outputs found

    The Haar Wavelet Transform of a Dendrogram: Additional Notes

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    We consider the wavelet transform of a finite, rooted, node-ranked, pp-way tree, focusing on the case of binary (p=2p = 2) trees. We study a Haar wavelet transform on this tree. Wavelet transforms allow for multiresolution analysis through translation and dilation of a wavelet function. We explore how this works in our tree context.Comment: 37 pp, 1 fig. Supplementary material to "The Haar Wavelet Transform of a Dendrogram", http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.IR/060810

    Ultrametric and Generalized Ultrametric in Computational Logic and in Data Analysis

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    Following a review of metric, ultrametric and generalized ultrametric, we review their application in data analysis. We show how they allow us to explore both geometry and topology of information, starting with measured data. Some themes are then developed based on the use of metric, ultrametric and generalized ultrametric in logic. In particular we study approximation chains in an ultrametric or generalized ultrametric context. Our aim in this work is to extend the scope of data analysis by facilitating reasoning based on the data analysis; and to show how quantitative and qualitative data analysis can be incorporated into logic programming.Comment: 19 pp., 5 figures, 3 table

    SHAH: SHape-Adaptive Haar wavelets for image processing

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    We propose the SHAH (SHape-Adaptive Haar) transform for images, which results in an orthonormal, adaptive decomposition of the image into Haar-wavelet-like components, arranged hierarchically according to decreasing importance, whose shapes reflect the features present in the image. The decomposition is as sparse as it can be for piecewise-constant images. It is performed via an stepwise bottom-up algorithm with quadratic computational complexity; however, nearly-linear variants also exist. SHAH is rapidly invertible. We show how to use SHAH for image denoising. Having performed the SHAH transform, the coefficients are hard- or soft-thresholded, and the inverse transform taken. The SHAH image denoising algorithm compares favourably to the state of the art for piecewise-constant images. A clear asset of the methodology is its very general scope: it can be used with any images or more generally with any data that can be represented as graphs or networks

    A Method for Comparing Multivariate Time Series with Different Dimensions

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    In many situations it is desirable to compare dynamical systems based on their behavior. Similarity of behavior often implies similarity of internal mechanisms or dependency on common extrinsic factors. While there are widely used methods for comparing univariate time series, most dynamical systems are characterized by multivariate time series. Yet, comparison of multivariate time series has been limited to cases where they share a common dimensionality. A semi-metric is a distance function that has the properties of non-negativity, symmetry and reflexivity, but not sub-additivity. Here we develop a semi-metric – SMETS – that can be used for comparing groups of time series that may have different dimensions. To demonstrate its utility, the method is applied to dynamic models of biochemical networks and to portfolios of shares. The former is an example of a case where the dependencies between system variables are known, while in the latter the system is treated (and behaves) as a black box

    Methods of Hierarchical Clustering

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    We survey agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithms and discuss efficient implementations that are available in R and other software environments. We look at hierarchical self-organizing maps, and mixture models. We review grid-based clustering, focusing on hierarchical density-based approaches. Finally we describe a recently developed very efficient (linear time) hierarchical clustering algorithm, which can also be viewed as a hierarchical grid-based algorithm.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, 69 reference

    Feature extraction and segmentation of hyperspectral images

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    This work proposes an approach for hyperspectral images segmentation without direct application of common clustering methods on the hyperspectral data. The proposed approach reduces the spectral dimension of the image, through principal component analysis, and its spatial dimension, through wavelet transform, in order to apply the clustering algorithm on a lower resolution version of the data and then train a classifier to label the high resolution image
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