336,384 research outputs found

    Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge

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    0 7 4 0 -7 4 5 9 / 9 9 / $ 1 0 . 0 0 © 1 9 9 9 I E E E N o v e m b e r / D e c e m b e r 1 9 9 9 I E E E S o f t w a r e 3 5 he IEEE Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery are working on a joint project to develop a guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK). Articulating a body of knowledge is an essential step toward developing a profession because it represents a broad consensus regarding the contents of the discipline. Without such a consensus, there is no way to validate a licensing examination, set a curriculum to prepare individuals for the examination, or formulate criteria for accrediting the curriculum. The SWEBOK project (http://www.swebok.org) is now nearing the end of the second of its three phases. Here we summarize the results to date and provide an overview of the project and its status. The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Repor ting on the SWEBOK project, the authors-who represent the project's editorial team-discuss the three-phase plan to characterize a body of knowledge, a vital step toward developing soft ware engineering as a profession.

    Qualitative software engineering research -- reflections and guidelines

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    Researchers are increasingly recognizing the importance of human aspects in software development and since qualitative methods are used to, in-depth, explore human behavior, we believe that studies using such techniques will become more common. Existing qualitative software engineering guidelines do not cover the full breadth of qualitative methods and knowledge on using them found in the social sciences. The aim of this study was thus to extend the software engineering research community's current body of knowledge regarding available qualitative methods and provide recommendations and guidelines for their use. With the support of an epistemological argument and a literature review, we suggest that future research would benefit from (1) utilizing a broader set of research methods, (2) more strongly emphasizing reflexivity, and (3) employing qualitative guidelines and quality criteria. We present an overview of three qualitative methods commonly used in social sciences but rarely seen in software engineering research, namely interpretative phenomenological analysis, narrative analysis, and discourse analysis. Furthermore, we discuss the meaning of reflexivity in relation to the software engineering context and suggest means of fostering it. Our paper will help software engineering researchers better select and then guide the application of a broader set of qualitative research methods.Comment: 30 page

    Secure Software Engineering Education: Knowledge Area, Curriculum and Resources

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    This paper reviews current efforts and resources in secure software engineering education, with the goal of providing guidance for educators to make use of these resources in developing secure software engineering curriculum. These resources include Common Body of Knowledge, reference curriculum, sample curriculum materials, hands-on exercises, and resources developed by industry and open source community. The relationship among the Common Body of Knowledge proposed by the Department of Homeland Security, the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, and ACM/IEEE are discussed. The recent practices on secure software engineering education, including secure software engineering related programs, courses, and course modules are reviewed. The course modules are categorized into four categories to facilitate the adoption of these course modules. Available hands-on exercises developed for teaching software security are described and mapped to the taxonomy of coding errors. The rich resources including various secure software development processes, methods and tools developed by industry and open source community are surveyed. A road map is provided to organize these resources and guide educators in adopting these resources and integrating them into their courses

    Secure software engineering: A new teaching perspective based on the SWEBOK

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    Lack of a suitable set of controls during the development life cycle of software will lead to mistakes in the requirements, design, or code of software and, therefore, result in significant security vulnerabilities. This paper proposes a software engineering course from the security perspective, which can be taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It will prepare students to successfully cope with the technical challenges as well as the non technical issues associated with the software development process, while integrating security into each phase of the process. The course materials are derived from the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) published by the IEEE Computer Society with the support of a consortium of industrial sponsors

    Evaluation of occupational and professional profiles in Ecuadorian context based on guide of Knowledge SWEBOK and ontological model

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    Bodies of Knowledge (BOK), contain the relevant knowledge for a discipline, and it is necessary for the development of the science, and application in the professional, and occupational profiles, and the possible incidence in the industry of Ecuador. In this paper, it is shown an evaluation of professional and occupational profiles based on standard Software Engineering Body of Knowledge SWEBOK 2004 (Spanish Version), and the development of ontological model, in order to obtain the necessary information to establish the relationship, and the criteria to evaluate the profiles based on the guide of knowledge

    Evaluation of occupational and professional profiles in Ecuadorian context based on guide of Knowledge SWEBOK and ontological model

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    Bodies of Knowledge (BOK), contain the relevant knowledge for a discipline, and it is necessary for the development of the science, and application in the professional, and occupational profiles, and the possible incidence in the industry of Ecuador. In this paper, it is shown an evaluation of professional and occupational profiles based on standard Software Engineering Body of Knowledge SWEBOK 2004 (Spanish Version), and the development of ontological model, in order to obtain the necessary information to establish the relationship, and the criteria to evaluate the profiles based on the guide of knowledge

    Estrategias didácticas y plan de actividades para el diseño curricular del curso básico de la enseñanza de la "ingeniería del software" a partir del proyecto Swebok

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    Las instituciones de educación superior han tenido que evolucionar sus metodologías de enseñanza de la Ingeniería del Software, para gestar profesionales eficientes en el desarrollo de aplicativos informáticos. Este artículo pretende presentar una nueva didáctica y un diseño curricular de un curso de "Ingeniería del Software Básico", basado en el modelo SWEBOK de la IEEE (Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge. Swebok) y adaptado al modelo por competencias presentes en el Modelo Pedagógico del INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO, como resultado del proyecto de investigación HICAP-IOI del ITM. Higher education institutions have taken up new software engineering teaching methodologies in order to prepare professionals who are efficient in the development of informatics applications. This article aims at showing a new didactic, and a syllabus design for a course of "Basic Software Engineering", based on the SWEBOK model of IEEE (GUIDE TO THE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING BODY OF KNOWLEDGE SWEBOK), whic his adapted to the model by competences which is applied in the ITM's Pedagogical Model as a result of the HICAP-IOI research project at ITM.

    Estrategias didácticas y plan de actividades para el diseño curricular del curso básico de la enseñanza de la "ingeniería del software" a partir del proyecto Swebok

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    Higher education institutions have taken up new software engineering teaching methodologies in order to prepare professionals who are efficient in the development of informatics applications. This article aims at showing a new didactic, and a syllabus design for a course of "Basic Software Engineering", based on the SWEBOK model of IEEE (GUIDE TO THE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING BODY OF KNOWLEDGE SWEBOK), whic his adapted to the model by competences which is applied in the ITM's Pedagogical Model as a result of the HICAP-IOI research project at ITM. Las instituciones de educación superior han tenido que evolucionar sus metodologías de enseñanza de la Ingeniería del Software, para gestar profesionales eficientes en el desarrollo de aplicativos informáticos. Este artículo pretende presentar una nueva didáctica y un diseño curricular de un curso de "Ingeniería del Software Básico", basado en el modelo SWEBOK de la IEEE (Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge. Swebok) y adaptado al modelo por competencias presentes en el Modelo Pedagógico del INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO METROPOLITANO, como resultado del proyecto de investigación HICAP-IOI del ITM.

    Active Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Software Enterprises - Cases of French Software Companies

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    Implementations of software production processes usually ignore organizational, market, and economical attributes of products that are to be inserted in international markets. Software engineering has begun to deal with the business aspects of software products only recently. The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge v3.0 presents two concepts of life cycle: the software development life cycle and the software product life cycle. The second is more concerned with business issues related to software products, but research on those issues is still due. In this sense, this paper aims to answer the following question: what factors allow small and medium software enterprises to offer high value added products in order to enter and remain in the international market? This work selects four research dimensions from literature and explores a number of variables inside those dimensions, which are considered as candidates to help explaining a successful process of active internationalization. The paper presents a multiple case study that shows that although innovation, entrepreneurship, and foreign market knowledge are important dimensions for the active internationalization, networking is not as relevant as it could be thought