5 research outputs found

    Systematic Literature Review of UTAUT Model to Understand Adopter's Perception of Digital Mobile App Applications in the Indonesian Coal Mining Industry

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    Purpose This study investigates coal mining firms' technology use during epidemics and their strategies. It applies the UTAUT to the coal mining sector, focusing on five main aspects. Design/Methodology/Approach This study employs a systematic literature review (SLR) to analyze data from 13 selected papers on mobile app usage as digital technology. Data from 2014 to 2022 were gathered using the Scopus database, revealing insights into UTAUT-related research trends in the mining industry. Findings Reviewing the chosen papers reveals a strong link between tech adoption and leadership in coal mining. Empowered leadership notably drives technology adoption, positively impacting knowledge processes among followers. Research Limitations/Implications It recognizes that the systematic literature review offers valuable insights but findings could be constrained by available relevant papers. Future research might delve into more tech adoption and leadership aspects in coal mining to boost understanding. Originality/Value This research fills a gap by deeply examining technology adoption with UTAUT in coal mining. Given limited existing research, this study contributes insights and knowledge about digital tech in this field. Moreover, exploring leadership empowerment as a unique form adds originality and value to the research

    Virtuaalitodellisuus ja lisätty todellisuus pelillisyyden tukena:systemaattinen kartoitustutkimus

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    Tiivistelmä. Pelillisyyttä, virtuaalitodellisuutta ja lisättyä todellisuutta on tutkittu laajasti edellisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Ei kuitenkaan ole olemassaselkeää näkymää nykyisestä tietämyksestä liittyen erityisesti virtuaalitodellisuuteen ja lisättyyn todellisuuteen pelillistämisen tukena. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida, miten virtuaalitodellisuuden ja lisätyn todellisuuden hyödyistä on raportoitu käyttäjien motivoinnissa ja sitouttamisessa osana pelillistettyjen palvelujen käyttöä. Analyysi tehtiin systemaattisen kartoitustutkimuksen avulla, jolloin oli mahdollista luoda yleiskuva aiheesta tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Kartoitukseen valikoitui haun ja suodatuksen jälkeen 16 artikkelia, joiden perusteella tutkimuskenttää jäsennettiin. Artikkelit luokiteltiin sovellusalueiden, pelillisten elementtien, tutkimustyypin ja julkaisuvuoden perusteella. Sovellusalueiden osalta tutkimuskentän fokus oli erityisesti koulutuksen ja opetuksen alalla. Pelillisten elementtien osalta tutkituimpia elementtejä olivat palaute ja avatar. Myös perinteisesti yleiset elementit kuten pisteet ja eteneminen olivat vahvasti edustettuna. Vallitseviksi tutkimusten tyypeiksi tunnistettiin ratkaisuehdotukset ja arviointitutkimukset. Olemassa olevasta tutkimuksesta oli mahdollista nähdä nouseva trendi julkaisumäärissä. Ensimmäinen tutkimuskysymykseen liittyvä tutkimus julkaistiin 2013, jonka jälkeen vuosittaiset julkaisumäärät ovat nousseet. Sovellusalueiden osalta ensimmäiset tutkimukset käsittelivät tekniikkaa ja koulutusta. Tämän jälkeen tutkimuskenttä on vähitellen laajentunut kaikille tunnistetuille aloille. Tässä tutkimuksessa esitetty yleiskuva aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta toimii johdatuksena tutkimuskenttään. Tutkimusalueesta löydettiin myös joitain aukkoja ja näin ollen myös jatkotutkimuskohteita. Pelillisten elementtien osalta tarina ja tutkiminen olivat vähemmän tutkittuja elementtejä. Tutkimustyypiltään yksikään artikkeleista ei ollut validointitutkimus

    Aplicabilidade da gamificação no contexto empresarial

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2016.O rápido avanço tecnológico transforma padrões, originando novos obstáculos. Nesse contexto, a capacidade das empresas em inovar representa uma vantagem competitiva, onde um dos quesitos para que haja inovação é o engajamento dos colaboradores. Ou seja, a gamificação implica ter pessoas empenhadas na realização de suas atividades. Para isso, é preciso estar constantemente motivado e engajado, através de novos modelos de processos. Nesse contexto, a gamificação (que deriva do termo original em inglês gamification), vem sendo utilizada como uma forma de motivação dos colaboradores, abrangidos por esse conceito. A gamificação é apresentada nesta pesquisa como sendo o uso de elementos, técnicas e design de jogos em contextos não-jogo. A mesma tem se tornado um elemento cada vez mais popular em diversos ambientes, no entanto, a aplicação no contexto empresarial ainda é pouco explorada. Sendo assim, entende-se que existe uma lacuna em como de fato a gamificação é implementada nas organizações. Dessa forma, esta dissertação tem como objetivo verificar qual a aplicabilidade da gamificação, no contexto empresarial. Para alcançar este objetivo realizou-se uma jornada científica exploratória empregando as técnicas de revisão bibliométrica, entrevista com especialistas e análise de conteúdo. Verificou-se que a aplicabilidade da gamificação dá-se a partir de um objetivo bem definido, gerando mudanças positivas no processo. A principal mudança gerada, após a aplicação da gamificação, consiste num maior engajamento dos envolvidos no processo gamificado. Para trabalhos futuros, como continuidade a esta pesquisa, propõem-se a realização de uma pesquisa empírica.Abstract: The technologies advance rapidly transforming patterns and create new obstacles. In this context, the ability of companies to innovate it is a competitive advantage. One of the requirements to obtain innovation is the engagement of employees. In other words, gamification involves having people committed to carry out their activities. To make this possible, there is a need to be constantly motivated and engaged through out new process models. In this context, gamification has been used as a form of motivation of the contributors embraced by that concept. The gamification is presented in this study as the use of elements, technics and game design in non-game contexts. This concept has become an increasingly popular element in many environments, however, the application in the business context is little explored yet. Thus, it is understood that there is a loophole in how indeed the gamification is implemented in organizations. Thus, the present work aims to find what is the applicability of gamification, in the enterprise context. To achieve this goal it was performed an exploratory scientific journey using the techniques of bibliometric reviews, interviews with experts and content analysis. It was noted that the applicability of gamification occurs from a well-defined goal, generating positive changes in the process. The main change generated after the application of gamification, is a greater engagement of those involved in the process. For future work, as a continuation of this research, it is propose the carrying out of an empirical research

    Design and Instantiation of an Interactive Multidimensional Ontology for Game Design Elements – a Design and Behavioral Approach

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    While games and play are commonly perceived as leisure tools, focus on the strategic implementation of isolated gameful elements outside of games has risen in recent years under the term gamification. Given their ease of implementation and impact in competitive games, a small set of game design elements, namely points, badges, and leaderboards, initially dominated research and practice. However, these elements reflect only a small group of components that game designers use to achieve positive outcomes in their systems. Current research has shifted towards focusing on the game design process instead of the isolated implementation of single elements under the term gameful design. But the problem of a tendency toward a monocultural selection of prominent design elements persists in-game and gameful design, preventing the method from reaching its full potential. This dissertation addresses this problem by designing and developing a digital, interactive game design element ontology that scholars and practitioners can use to make more informed and inspired decisions in creating gameful solutions to their problems. The first part of this work is concerned with the collation and development of the digital ontology. First, two datasets were collated from game design and gamification literature (game design elements and playing motivations). Next, four explorative studies were conducted to add user-relevant metadata and connect their items into an ontological structure. The first two studies use card sorting to assess game theory frameworks regarding their suitability as foundational categories for the game design element dataset and to gain an overview of different viewpoints from which categorizations can be derived. The second set of studies builds on an explorative method of matching dataset entries via their descriptive keywords to arrive at a connected graph. The first of these studies connects items of the playing motivations dataset with themselves, while the second connects them with an additional dataset of human needs. The first part closes with the documentation of the design and development of the tool Kubun, reporting on the outcome of its evaluation via iterative expert interviews and a field study. The results suggest that the tool serves its preset goals of affording intuitive browsing for dedicated searches and serendipitous findings. While the first part of this work reports on the top-down development process of the ontology and related navigation tool, the second part presents an in-depth research of specific learning-oriented game design elements to complement the overall research goal through a complementary bottom-up approach. Therein, two studies on learning-oriented game design elements are reported regarding their effect on performance, long-term learning outcome, and knowledge transfer. The studies are conducted with a game dedicated to teaching correct waste sorting. The first study focuses on a reward-based game design element in terms of its motivatory effect on perfect play. The second study evaluates two learning-enhancing game design elements, repeat, and look-up, in terms of their contribution to a long-term learning outcome. The comprehensive insights gained through the in-depth research manifest in the design of a module dedicated to reporting research outcomes in the ontology. The dissertation concludes with a discussion on the studies’ varying limitations and an outlook on pathways for future research