7 research outputs found

    Wildfire response of forest species from multispectral LiDAR data. A deep learning approach with synthetic data

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    Forests play a crucial role as the lungs and life-support system of our planet, harbouring 80% of the Earth's biodiversity. However, we are witnessing an average loss of 480 ha of forest every hour because of destructive wildfires spreading across the globe. To effectively mitigate the threat of wildfires, it is crucial to devise precise and dependable approaches for forecasting fire dynamics and formulating efficient fire management strategies, such as the utilisation of fuel models The objective of this study was to enhance forest fuel classification that considers only structural information, such as the Prometheus model, by integrating data on the fire responses of various tree species and other vegetation elements, such as ground litter and shrubs. This distinction can be achieved using multispectral (MS) Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data in mixed forests. The methodology involves a novel approach in semantic classifications of forests by generating synthetic data with semantic labels regarding fire responses and reflectance information at different spectral bands, as a real MS scanner device would detect. Forests, which are highly intricate environments, present challenges in accurately classifying point clouds. To address this complexity, a deep learning (DL) model for semantic classification was trained on synthetic point clouds in different formats to achieve the best performance when leveraging MS data Forest plots in the study region were scanned using different Terrestrial Laser Scanning sensors at wavelengths of 905 and 1550 nm. Subsequently, an interpolation process was applied to generate the MS point clouds of each plot, and the trained DL model was applied to classify them. These classifications surpassed the average thresholds of 90% and 75% for accuracy and intersection over union, respectively, resulting in a more precise categorisation of fuel models based on the distinct responses of forest elements to fire. The results of this study reveal the potential of MS LiDAR data and DL classification models for improving fuel model retrieval in forest ecosystems and enhancing wildfire management effortsMinisterio de Universidades | Ref. FPU16/00855Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. PCI2020-120705-2Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Unmasking the imposters: towards improving the generalisation of deep learning methods for face presentation attack detection.

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    Identity theft has had a detrimental impact on the reliability of face recognition, which has been extensively employed in security applications. The most prevalent are presentation attacks. By using a photo, video, or mask of an authorized user, attackers can bypass face recognition systems. Fake presentation attacks are detected by the camera sensors of face recognition systems using face presentation attack detection. Presentation attacks can be detected using convolutional neural networks, commonly used in computer vision applications. An in-depth analysis of current deep learning methods is used in this research to examine various aspects of detecting face presentation attacks. A number of new techniques are implemented and evaluated in this study, including pre-trained models, manual feature extraction, and data aggregation. The thesis explores the effectiveness of various machine learning and deep learning models in improving detection performance by using publicly available datasets with different dataset partitions than those specified in the official dataset protocol. Furthermore, the research investigates how deep models and data aggregation can be used to detect face presentation attacks, as well as a novel approach that combines manual features with deep features in order to improve detection accuracy. Moreover, task-specific features are also extracted using pre-trained deep models to enhance the performance of detection and generalisation further. This problem is motivated by the need to achieve generalization against new and rapidly evolving attack variants. It is possible to extract identifiable features from presentation attack variants in order to detect them. However, new methods are needed to deal with emerging attacks and improve the generalization capability. This thesis examines the necessary measures to detect face presentation attacks in a more robust and generalised manner

    Biological image analysis

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    In biological research images are extensively used to monitor growth, dynamics and changes in biological specimen, such as cells or plants. Many of these images are used solely for observation or are manually annotated by an expert. In this dissertation we discuss several methods to automate the annotating and analysis of bio-images. Two large clusters of methods have been investigated and developed. A first set of methods focuses on the automatic delineation of relevant objects in bio-images, such as individual cells in microscopic images. Since these methods should be useful for many different applications, e.g. to detect and delineate different objects (cells, plants, leafs, ...) in different types of images (different types of microscopes, regular colour photographs, ...), the methods should be easy to adjust. Therefore we developed a methodology relying on probability theory, where all required parameters can easily be estimated by a biologist, without requiring any knowledge on the techniques used in the actual software. A second cluster of investigated techniques focuses on the analysis of shapes. By defining new features that describe shapes, we are able to automatically classify shapes, retrieve similar shapes from a database and even analyse how an object deforms through time

    The Geometric Local Textural Patterns (GLTP) technique

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    In this chapter we present a family of techniques based on the principle of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) technique. This family is called the Geometric Local Textural Patterns (GLTP). Classical LBP techniques are based on exploring intensity changes around each pixel in an image using close neighbourhoods. The main novelty of the GLTP techniques is that they explores intensity changes on oriented neighbourhoods instead of on close neighbourhoods. An oriented neighbourhood describes a particular geometry composed of points on circles with different radii around the center pixel. A digital representation of the points on the oriented neighbourhood defines a GLTP-code. Symmetric versions of the geometries around the pixel are assessed the same GLTP code. Each pixel in the image is assigned a set of GLTP-codes, each for a particular geometry. The texture of an image is characterized with a GLTP histogram of the occurrences of the GLTP-codes on the whole image. We explain the principle of the techniques using the simplest case, called the Geometric Local Binary (GLBP) technique, which is based on boolean comparisons. Then we present variations of this technique to enlarge the family of GLTP techniques. We quantify the texture difference between a pair or images or regions by computing the divergence between their corresponding GLTP-histograms using an adaptation of the Jensen-Shannon entropy