22 research outputs found

    The Genopolis Microarray Database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene expression databases are key resources for microarray data management and analysis and the importance of a proper annotation of their content is well understood.</p> <p>Public repositories as well as microarray database systems that can be implemented by single laboratories exist. However, there is not yet a tool that can easily support a collaborative environment where different users with different rights of access to data can interact to define a common highly coherent content. The scope of the Genopolis database is to provide a resource that allows different groups performing microarray experiments related to a common subject to create a common coherent knowledge base and to analyse it. The Genopolis database has been implemented as a dedicated system for the scientific community studying dendritic and macrophage cells functions and host-parasite interactions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Genopolis Database system allows the community to build an object based MIAME compliant annotation of their experiments and to store images, raw and processed data from the Affymetrix GeneChip<sup>® </sup>platform. It supports dynamical definition of controlled vocabularies and provides automated and supervised steps to control the coherence of data and annotations. It allows a precise control of the visibility of the database content to different sub groups in the community and facilitates exports of its content to public repositories. It provides an interactive users interface for data analysis: this allows users to visualize data matrices based on functional lists and sample characterization, and to navigate to other data matrices defined by similarity of expression values as well as functional characterizations of genes involved. A collaborative environment is also provided for the definition and sharing of functional annotation by users.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Genopolis Database supports a community in building a common coherent knowledge base and analyse it. This fills a gap between a local database and a public repository, where the development of a common coherent annotation is important. In its current implementation, it provides a uniform coherently annotated dataset on dendritic cells and macrophage differentiation.</p

    Probing host pathogen cross-talk by transcriptional profiling of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and infected human dendritic cells and macrophages

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    This study provides the proof of principle that probing the host and the microbe transcriptomes simultaneously is a valuable means to accessing unique information on host pathogen interactions. Our results also underline the extraordinary plasticity of host cell and pathogen responses to infection, and provide a solid framework to further understand the complex mechanisms involved in immunity to M. tuberculosis and in mycobacterial adaptation to different intracellular environments

    AMDA: an R package for the automated microarray data analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Microarrays are routinely used to assess mRNA transcript levels on a genome-wide scale. Large amount of microarray datasets are now available in several databases, and new experiments are constantly being performed. In spite of this fact, few and limited tools exist for quickly and easily analyzing the results. Microarray analysis can be challenging for researchers without the necessary training and it can be time-consuming for service providers with many users. RESULTS: To address these problems we have developed an automated microarray data analysis (AMDA) software, which provides scientists with an easy and integrated system for the analysis of Affymetrix microarray experiments. AMDA is free and it is available as an R package. It is based on the Bioconductor project that provides a number of powerful bioinformatics and microarray analysis tools. This automated pipeline integrates different functions available in the R and Bioconductor projects with newly developed functions. AMDA covers all of the steps, performing a full data analysis, including image analysis, quality controls, normalization, selection of differentially expressed genes, clustering, correspondence analysis and functional evaluation. Finally a LaTEX document is dynamically generated depending on the performed analysis steps. The generated report contains comments and analysis results as well as the references to several files for a deeper investigation. CONCLUSION: AMDA is freely available as an R package under the GPL license. The package as well as an example analysis report can be downloaded in the Services/Bioinformatics section of the Genopoli

    eXframe: reusable framework for storage, analysis and visualization of genomics experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-wide experiments are routinely conducted to measure gene expression, DNA-protein interactions and epigenetic status. Structured metadata for these experiments is imperative for a complete understanding of experimental conditions, to enable consistent data processing and to allow retrieval, comparison, and integration of experimental results. Even though several repositories have been developed for genomics data, only a few provide annotation of samples and assays using controlled vocabularies. Moreover, many of them are tailored for a single type of technology or measurement and do not support the integration of multiple data types.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed eXframe - a reusable web-based framework for genomics experiments that provides 1) the ability to publish structured data compliant with accepted standards 2) support for multiple data types including microarrays and next generation sequencing 3) query, analysis and visualization integration tools (enabled by consistent processing of the raw data and annotation of samples) and is available as open-source software. We present two case studies where this software is currently being used to build repositories of genomics experiments - one contains data from hematopoietic stem cells and another from Parkinson's disease patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The web-based framework eXframe offers structured annotation of experiments as well as uniform processing and storage of molecular data from microarray and next generation sequencing platforms. The framework allows users to query and integrate information across species, technologies, measurement types and experimental conditions. Our framework is reusable and freely modifiable - other groups or institutions can deploy their own custom web-based repositories based on this software. It is interoperable with the most important data formats in this domain. We hope that other groups will not only use eXframe, but also contribute their own useful modifications.</p

    amda 2 13 a major update for automated cross platform microarray data analysis

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    Microarray platforms require analytical pipelines with modules for data pre-processing including data normalization, statistical analysis for identification of differentially expressed genes, cluster analysis, and functional annotation. We previously developed the Automated Microarray Data Analysis (AMDA, version 2.3.5) pipeline to process Affymetrix 3′ IVT GeneChips. The availability of newer technologies that demand open-source tools for microarray data analysis has impelled us to develop an updated multi-platform version, AMDA 2.13. It includes additional quality control metrics, annotation-driven (annotation grade of Affymetrix NetAffx) and signal-driven (Inter-Quartile Range) gene filtering, and approaches to experimental design. To enhance understanding of biological data, differentially expressed genes have been mapped into KEGG pathways. Finally, a more stable and user-friendly interface was designed to integrate the requirements for different platforms. AMDA 2.13 allows the analysis of Affymetrix..

    Gene expression profiling of peripheral blood in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    AbstractObjectAbdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) pathogenesis remains poorly understood. This study investigated the gene expression profile of peripheral blood from patients with AAA using microarray technology.Methods and resultsWe determined gene expression profiles in pooled RNA from 10 AAA patients and 10 matched controls with arrays representing 14,000 transcripts. Microarray data for selected genes were confirmed by real-time PCR in two different AAA (n=36) and control (n=36) populations and integrated with biochemical data. We identified 91 genes which were differentially expressed in AAA patients. Gene Ontology analysis indicated a significant alteration of oxygen transport (increased hemoglobin gene expression) and lipid metabolism [including monoglyceride lipase and low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) gene]. LRP5 expression was associated inversely with serum lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentration.ConclusionsIncreased expression of hemoglobin chain genes as well as of genes involved in erythrocyte mechanical stability were observed in the AAA RNA pools. The association between low levels of LRP5 gene expression and increased levels of Lp(a) in AAA patients suggests a potential role of LRP5 in Lp(a) catabolism. Our data underline the power of microarrays in identifying further molecular perturbations associated with AAA

    MiMiR - an integrated platform for microarray data sharing, mining and analysis

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    Background: Despite considerable efforts within the microarray community for standardising data format, content and description, microarray technologies present major challenges in managing, sharing, analysing and re-using the large amount of data generated locally or internationally. Additionally, it is recognised that inconsistent and low quality experimental annotation in public data repositories significantly compromises the re-use of microarray data for meta-analysis. MiMiR, the Microarray data Mining Resource was designed to tackle some of these limitations and challenges. Here we present new software components and enhancements to the original infrastructure that increase accessibility, utility and opportunities for large scale mining of experimental and clinical data.Results: A user friendly Online Annotation Tool allows researchers to submit detailed experimental information via the web at the time of data generation rather than at the time of publication. This ensures the easy access and high accuracy of meta-data collected. Experiments are programmatically built in the MiMiR database from the submitted information and details are systematically curated and further annotated by a team of trained annotators using a new Curation and Annotation Tool. Clinical information can be annotated and coded with a clinical Data Mapping Tool within an appropriate ethical framework. Users can visualise experimental annotation, assess data quality, download and share data via a web-based experiment browser called MiMiR Online. All requests to access data in MiMiR are routed through a sophisticated middleware security layer thereby allowing secure data access and sharing amongst MiMiR registered users prior to publication. Data in MiMiR can be mined and analysed using the integrated EMAAS open source analysis web portal or via export of data and meta-data into Rosetta Resolver data analysis package.Conclusion: The new MiMiR suite of software enables systematic and effective capture of extensive experimental and clinical information with the highest MIAME score, and secure data sharing prior to publication. MiMiR currently contains more than 150 experiments corresponding to over 3000 hybridisations and supports the Microarray Centre's large microarray user community and two international consortia. The MiMiR flexible and scalable hardware and software architecture enables secure warehousing of thousands of datasets, including clinical studies, from microarray and potentially other -omics technologies

    Using Pathway Signatures as Means of Identifying Similarities among Microarray Experiments

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    Widespread use of microarrays has generated large amounts of data, the interrogation of the public microarray repositories, identifying similarities between microarray experiments is now one of the major challenges. Approaches using defined group of genes, such as pathways and cellular networks (pathway analysis), have been proposed to improve the interpretation of microarray experiments. We propose a novel method to compare microarray experiments at the pathway level, this method consists of two steps: first, generate pathway signatures, a set of descriptors recapitulating the biologically meaningful pathways related to some clinical/biological variable of interest, second, use these signatures to interrogate microarray databases. We demonstrate that our approach provides more reliable results than with gene-based approaches. While gene-based approaches tend to suffer from bias generated by the analytical procedures employed, our pathway based method successfully groups together similar samples, independently of the experimental design. The results presented are potentially of great interest to improve the ability to query and compare experiments in public repositories of microarray data. As a matter of fact, this method can be used to retrieve data from public microarray databases and perform comparisons at the pathway level

    Classification of dendritic cell phenotypes from gene expression data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The selection of relevant genes for sample classification is a common task in many gene expression studies. Although a number of tools have been developed to identify optimal gene expression signatures, they often generate gene lists that are too long to be exploited clinically. Consequently, researchers in the field try to identify the smallest set of genes that provide good sample classification. We investigated the genome-wide expression of the inflammatory phenotype in dendritic cells. Dendritic cells are a complex group of cells that play a critical role in vertebrate immunity. Therefore, the prediction of the inflammatory phenotype in these cells may help with the selection of immune-modulating compounds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A data mining protocol was applied to microarray data for murine cell lines treated with various inflammatory stimuli. The learning and validation data sets consisted of 155 and 49 samples, respectively. The data mining protocol reduced the number of probe sets from 5,802 to 10, then from 10 to 6 and finally from 6 to 3. The performances of a set of supervised classification models were compared. The best accuracy, when using the six following genes --Il12b, Cd40, Socs3, Irgm1, Plin2 and Lgals3bp-- was obtained by Tree Augmented Naïve Bayes and Nearest Neighbour (91.8%). Using the smallest set of three genes --Il12b, Cd40 and Socs3-- the performance remained satisfactory and the best accuracy was with Support Vector Machine (95.9%). These data mining models, using data for the genes Il12b, Cd40 and Socs3, were validated with a human data set consisting of 27 samples. Support Vector Machines (71.4%) and Nearest Neighbour (92.6%) gave the worst performances, but the remaining models correctly classified all the 27 samples.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The genes selected by the data mining protocol proposed were shown to be informative for discriminating between inflammatory and steady-state phenotypes in dendritic cells. The robustness of the data mining protocol was confirmed by the accuracy for a human data set, when using only the following three genes: Il12b, Cd40 and Socs3. In summary, we analysed the longitudinal pattern of expression in dendritic cells stimulated with activating agents with the aim of identifying signatures that would predict or explain the dentritic cell response to an inflammatory agent.</p