4,873 research outputs found

    Introduction to Nietzsche on Mind and Nature

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    This chapter provides summaries of the chapter of this book and introduces the major themes and debates addressed in the volume. Discussed are Nietzsche’s metaphysics; his philosophy of mind in light of contemporary views; the question of panpsychism of Beyond Good and Evil 36; the rejection of dualism in favour of monism, in particular a monism of value; Nietzsche’s positions on consciousness and embodied cognition in light of recent cognitive science; a conception of freedom and agency based on an intrinsically motivating; embodied sense of self-efficacy; a Nietzschean account of valuing understood as drive-induced affective orientations of which an agent approves; the idea of ressentiment conceived as a process of intentional, not reflectively strategic, self-deception about one’s own conscious mental states; and a defence of a Nietzschean naturalism

    On the genealogy of norms: a case for the role of emotion in cultural evolution

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    Journal ArticleArgues that emotional responses constitute one important set of mechanisms that affects the cultural viability of norms. Historical evidence indicating that 16th century etiquette norms prohibiting disgusting actions were much more likely to survive than other 16th century etiquette norms; Need for research focus on the role of emotional systems in cultural transmission

    Attention to greatness: Buddhaghosa

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    Exploring the criminology curriculum

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    There are calls across Higher Education to address deep structural inequalities withspecific concerns that the marginalisation of certain voices (female, colonised, nonwestern and LGBTQ+) has influenced and distorted the production of knowledge inrelation to key criminological topics and issues (Agozino, 2003; Cunneen and Rowe,2015; Connell, 2007).This article presents initial findings from a pilot study exploring the curriculum of anew criminology Bachelor of Arts degree programme at a post-92 English University.It provides a timely starting point, given the proliferation of HE criminology courses inthe UK, and suggests there is both increasing pressures to develop course materialand over-familiarisation and acceptance of dominant narratives in criminology. Thispaper serves as a call to action to critically engage with the sources used: in sodoing we put forward a simple ‘inclusivity matrix’ that can be used both whendesigning curricula and for teaching critical information literacy

    Dance Music and Creative Resilience within Prison Walls: Revisiting Cebu's Dancing Prisoners

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    Using Foucault’s concept of governmentality vis-à-vis Appadurai’s “global ethnoscapes” as frames, I argue for a techno-cultural dimension which brought forth the phenomenon of the “dancing inmates,” an argument against the charge of Filipino colonial mimicry of a Hollywood popular entertainment. Albeit the inmates’ dance routines indeed depict Foucault’s “docile bodies” in his analysis of the modern prison, as pointed out by critics, I am inclined to show how the internet mediation through social media networks awakened a culturally imbibed dance and musical character trait vis-à-vis the jolly cultural disposition of Filipinos. Thus, I view these characteristics as existential responses, hence, ‘creative resilience,’ to the inhuman incarcerating conditions of the prison life through using the art of dance with the aid of media technology. I argue on the role of the internet as the prisoners’ avenue to the outside world that was strategically deprived of them as a form of punishment, and the role of the internet as their last frontier to freedom and to realize their human potentials

    Nietzsche\u27s Causally Efficacious Account of Consciousness

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    Many interpreters read Nietzsche as an epiphenomenalist. This means that, contrary to everyday “felt” experience, consciousness has no causal influence on our actions. In the first half of this paper I show that an epiphenomenalist interpretation proposed by Brian Leiter is unsupported by Nietzsche’s texts. Further, contemporary research does not conclusively support epiphenomenalism, as Leiter claims. In the second half of the paper I present the novel, causally efficacious view of consciousness that is supported by Nietzsche’s texts. This view of consciousness does not present consciousness as a self-caused faculty that is in some way separate from the rest of our mind and body, but rather views consciousness as a non-essential property of certain mental states. I trace the development of this idea through two key passages and show that, in the danger it presents as well as in the promise, consciousness is clearly causally efficacious

    Structured layout design

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    PHI 102: Ethics OER Curation

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    This OER curation is an annotated bibliography of prospective OER for the GVSU course PHI 102: Ethics OER Curation

    Kollektive IdentitÀt als rhetorisches Werkzeug

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    Of the plural dimensions of collective identity, this paper explores identity as a rhetorical device. The identity tag is a case in point of pragmatic effectiveness. To account for such a power a hypothetical model of identity categories is presented. Its constituent modules shape four basic dimensions: position, deindividuation, exclusion and cognitive shielding. Such delineated narrative identity becomes equivalent to an informal ideology (Halliday, 2005). As constitutive rhetoric (Charland, 1987), the narrative construction of identities converts self-referential tautology into strategies of discrimination, purification and extermination of exponents of otherness. Last century mass destruction – totalitarianism, colonialism, ethno-nationalism – has been tributary to the identity paradigm.Među mnoĆĄtvom dimenzija kolektivnog identiteta, ovaj rad istraĆŸuje identitet kao retorički alat. Identitetska oznaka je upravo primjer pragmatične učinkovitosti. Kako bi se objasnila ta moć, izloĆŸit će se hipotetički model identitetskih kategorija. Njegovi konstitutivni moduli oblikuju četiri osnovne dimenzije: pozicija, deindividualizacija, isključenje i kognitivna zaĆĄtita. Tako ocrtan narativni identitet postaje ekvivalentan neformalnoj ideologiji (Halliday, 2005). Kao konstitutivna retorika (Charland, 1987), narativna konstrukcija identiteta pretvara autoreferencijalnu tautologiju u strategije diskriminacije, pročiơćenja i istrebljenja nositelja drugosti. Masovna uniĆĄtenja u proĆĄlom stoljeću – totalitarizam, kolonijalizam, etno-nacionalizam – proizvodi su identitetske paradigme.Parmi les nombreuses dimensions de l’identitĂ© collective, cet article examine celle de l’identitĂ© en tant qu’instrument rhĂ©torique. Le repĂšre identitaire est prĂ©cisĂ©ment un exemple d’efficacitĂ© pragmatique. Afin d’expliquer un tel pouvoir, un modĂšle hypothĂ©tique des catĂ©gories d’identitĂ© sera prĂ©sentĂ©. Ses Ă©lĂ©ments constitutifs forment quatre dimensions principales : position, dĂ©sindividuation, exclusion et protection cognitive. L’identitĂ© narrative ainsi dĂ©finie devient Ă©quivalente Ă  une idĂ©ologie informelle (Halliday, 2005). En tant que rhĂ©torique constitutive (Charland, 1987), la construction narrative de l’identitĂ© transforme la tautologie autorĂ©fĂ©rentielle en stratĂ©gies de discrimination, d’épuration et d’extermination du porteur d’altĂ©ritĂ©. Les violences massives du siĂšcle passĂ© – totalitarisme, colonialisme, ethno-nationalisme – sont tributaires du paradigme identitaire.Von der Mehrzahl der Dimensionen kollektiver IdentitĂ€t erkundet diese Arbeit die IdentitĂ€t als rhetorisches Werkzeug. Die IdentitĂ€tsmarke steht fĂŒr einen fĂŒr die pragmatische EffektivitĂ€t relevanten Fall. Um eine solche Macht zu erlĂ€utern, wird ein hypothetisches Modell der IdentitĂ€tskategorien dargeboten. Dessen Bestandsmodule formen vier Basisdimensionen: Position, Entindividualisierung, Ausschließung sowie kognitive Abschirmung. Eine so deskribierte narrative IdentitĂ€t wird zum Äquivalent der informellen Ideologie (Halliday, 2005). Als konstitutive Rhetorik (Charland, 1987) ĂŒberfĂŒhrt die narrative IdentitĂ€tskonstruktion die selbstreferenzielle Tautologie in die Strategien der Diskriminierung, SĂ€uberung und Ausrottung der Anderheitsvertreter. Die Massenvernichtungen des zurĂŒckliegenden Jahrhunderts – Totalitarismus, Kolonialismus, Ethnonationalismus – sind Fabrikate des IdentitĂ€tsparadigmas
