11 research outputs found

    Apex, un système d'aide à la préparation d'examens

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    National audienceLes avancées de l’intelligence artificielle parviennent parfois jusqu’au grand public, pour peu qu’une « mutation » visible, avec une dimension sociale, puisse être mise en avant. Par exemple, la disparition d’un corps de métier — ici les enseignants — au profit de machines. C’est ce qui s’est passé en 1998 avec la conception de l’Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA) de Foltz, Laham et Landauer [FOL 99], logiciel qui permet de noter des dissertations par le biais d’un appariement sémantique de ces dernières avec des copies modèles sélectionnées au préalable par l’enseignant. Un débat médiatique s’est organisé, tout d’abord américain [HOL 98], [KAH 98], [PER 98], puis français [ZIL 98], sur le thème désormais classique : « Les ordinateurs mettront-ils un jour les enseignants à la porte ? » [LAM 98].Tout en essayant de ne pas verser de nouvelle polémique dans ce débat, nous allons ici présenter les fonctionnalités d’IEA ainsi que celles du logiciel que nous élaborons, APex, qui utilise le même moteur que le premier mais procède de manière sensiblement différente. Commençons par décrire brièvement le moteur commun de ces deux logiciels : LSA pour Latent Semantic Analysis (analyse sémantique latente)

    Conception of an E-learning scheme at the University of Algarve

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    With the proliferation of the Internet use, a growth of e-learning courses has been verified. We arrived to the moment where it is not enough for Universities to have standard courses to offer to the students, because there is an increasing population which tends to choose his formation according to their objectives, styles, needs and learning preferences (the student profile). This way, the universities are faced with a new challenge, which is to offer, together with the standard courses, modules specially tailored to the user desires, based on the identification of the customers needs. In this paper, a model for the distance formation through Internet is discussed, that is being developed in the University of Algarve, which makes possible each individual to learn in agreement with his/her profile

    Adapting Collaborative Chat for Massive Open Online Courses: Lessons Learned

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    Abstract. In this paper we explore how to import intelligent support for group learning that has been demonstrated as effective in classroom instruction into a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) context. The Bazaar agent architecture paired with an innovative Lobby tool to enable coordination for synchronous reflection exercises provides a technical foundation for our work. We describe lessons learned, directions for future work, and offer pointers to resources for other researchers interested in computer supported collaborative learning in MOOCs

    Modeling Learner Mood In Realtime Through Biosensors For Intelligent Tutoring Improvements

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    Computer-based instructors, just like their human counterparts, should monitor the emotional and cognitive states of their students in order to adapt instructional technique. Doing so requires a model of student state to be available at run time, but this has historically been difficult. Because people are different, generalized models have not been able to be validated. As a person’s cognitive and affective state vary over time of day and seasonally, individualized models have had differing difficulties. The simultaneous creation and execution of an individualized model, in real time, represents the last option for modeling such cognitive and affective states. This dissertation presents and evaluates four differing techniques for the creation of cognitive and affective models that are created on-line and in real time for each individual user as alternatives to generalized models. Each of these techniques involves making predictions and modifications to the model in real time, addressing the real time datastream problems of infinite length, detection of new concepts, and responding to how concepts change over time. Additionally, with the knowledge that a user is physically present, this work investigates the contribution that the occasional direct user query can add to the overall quality of such models. The research described in this dissertation finds that the creation of a reasonable quality affective model is possible with an infinitesimal amount of time and without “ground truth” knowledge of the user, which is shown across three different emotional states. Creation of a cognitive model in the same fashion, however, was not possible via direct AI modeling, even with all of the “ground truth” information available, which is shown across four different cognitive states

    La técnica del Ánalisis de la Semántica Latente (LSA/LSI) como modelo informático de la comprensión del texto y el discurso: una aproximación distribuida al análisis semántico

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    Programa de doctorado de calidad: comprensión del texto y del discursoTesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Social y de Metodología. Fecha de lectura: 10 de diciembre de 2010El formato de esta tesis consiste en una colección de cuatro manuscritos individuales, que han sido recientemente aceptados o enviados para publicación a revistas internacionales de psicología experimental, lingüística o tecnología

    The Foundations and Architecture of Autotutor

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    . The Tutoring Research Group at the University of Memphis is developing an intelligent tutoring system which takes advantages of recent technological advances in the areas of semantic processing of natural language, world knowledge representation, multimedia interfaces, and fuzzy descriptions. The tutoring interaction is based on in-depth studies of human tutors, both skilled and unskilled. Latent semantic analysis will be used to semantically process and provide a representation for the student's contributions. Fuzzy production rules select appropriate topics and tutor dialogue moves from a rich curriculum script. The production rules will implement a variety of different tutoring styles, from a basic untrained tutor to one which uses sophisticated pedagogical strategies. The tutor will be evaluated on the naturalness of its interaction, with Turing-style tests, by comparing different tutoring styles, and by judging learning outcomes. 1 Introduction At the University of Memphis, our..

    The foundations and architecture of AutoTutor

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    is developing an intelligent tutoring system which takes advantages of recent technological advances in the areas of semantic processing of natural language, world knowledge representation, multimedia interfaces, and fuzzy descriptions. The tutoring interaction is based on in-depth studies of human tutors, both skilled and unskilled. Latent semantic analysis will be used to semantically process and provide a representation for the student's contributions. Fuzzy production rules select appropriate topics and tutor dialogue moves from a rich curriculum script. The production rules will implement avariety of di erent tutoring styles, from a basic untrained tutor to one which uses sophisticated pedagogical strategies. The tutor will be evaluated on the naturalness of its interaction, with Turing-style tests, by comparing di erent tutoring styles, and by judging learning outcomes.

    The foundations and architecture of autotutor

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    The Tutoring Research Group at the University of Memphis is developing an intelligent tutoring system which takes advantages of recent technological advances in the areas of semantic processing of natural language, world knowledge representation, multimedia interfaces, and fuzzy descriptions. The tutoring interaction is based on in-depth studies of human tutors, both skilled and unskilled. Latent semantic analysis will be used to semantically process and provide a representation for the student’s contributions. Fuzzy production rules select appropriate topics and tutor dialogue moves from a rich curriculum script. The production rules will implement a variety of different tutoring styles, from a basic untrained tutor to one which uses sophisticated pedagogical strategies. The tutor will be evaluated on the naturalness of its interaction, with Turing-style tests, by comparing different tutoring styles, and by judging learning outcomes