10 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic disturbance on vehicle’s dynamic parameters

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    This research paper analysed the influence of aerodynamic disturbance on vehicle’s dynamic parameters. The vehicle dynamics were formulated from the Newton’s Second Law for modelling the vehicle. The vehicle was built using rigid body frames, mass and multi-body signal blocks of MapleSim2015 platform. Several vehicle masses were used to produce different vehicle dynamics with respect to the same aerodynamic drag and input force. Our analyses have shown that the mass of each vehicle is inversely proportional to the aerodynamic drag applied to it. At a given set-point of 25 ms-1, the vehicle tracked the given speed exactly in the absence of the drag. However, for the lag in displacement, speed and acceleration were found as 25 m, 17 ms-1 and 0.3 ms-2, respectively in the presence of drag with an average jerk of 45 ms-3. This has provided an interesting insight on the effects of drag on the moving vehicle. The proposed vehicle was subjected to the same control strategy to form a two-vehicle, look-ahead convoy as in conventional type. Improvements in the inter-vehicular spacing of 1.7 m, proper speed track, low acceleration(1.05 ms-2) and a suitable jerk of 0.04 ms-3 were achieved over the entire period (160 s) as compared to conventional vehicle. The proposed vehicle model scores higher accuracy than conventional vehicle on two-vehicle, look-ahead model and it has shown that the proposed model is more comfortable than the conventional one

    Improved information flow topology for vehicle convoy control

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    A vehicle convoy is a string of inter-connected vehicles moving together for mutual support, minimizing traffic congestion, facilitating people safety, ensuring string stability and maximizing ride comfort. There exists a trade-off among the convoy's performance indices, which is inherent in any existing vehicle convoy. The use of unrealistic information flow topology (IFT) in vehicle convoy control, generally affects the overall performance of the convoy, due to the undesired changes in dynamic parameters (relative position, speed, acceleration and jerk) experienced by the following vehicle. This thesis proposes an improved information flow topology for vehicle convoy control. The improved topology is of the two-vehicle look-ahead and rear-vehicle control that aimed to cut-off the trade-off with a more robust control structure, which can handle constraints, wider range of control regions and provide acceptable performance simultaneously. The proposed improved topology has been designed in three sections. The first section explores the single vehicle's dynamic equations describing the derived internal and external disturbances modeled together as a unit. In the second section, the vehicle model is then integrated into the control strategy of the improved topology in order to improve the performance of the convoy to two look-ahead and rear. The changes in parameters of the improved convoy topology are compared through simulation with the most widely used conventional convoy topologies of one-vehicle look-ahead and that of the most human-driver like (the two-vehicle look-ahead) convoy topology. The results showed that the proposed convoy control topology has an improved performance with an increase in the intervehicular spacing by 19.45% and 18.20% reduction in acceleration by 20.28% and 15.17% reduction in jerk by 25.09% and 6.25% as against the one-look-ahead and twolook- ahead respectively. Finally, a model predictive control (MPC) system was designed and combined with the improved convoy topology to strictly control the following vehicle. The MPC serves the purpose of handling constraints, providing smoother and satisfactory responses and providing ride comfort with no trade-off in terms of performance or stability. The performance of the proposed MPC based improved convoy topology was then investigated via simulation and the results were compared with the previously improved convoy topology without MPC. The improved convoy topology with MPC provides safer inter-vehicular spacing by 13.86% refined the steady speed to maneuvering speed, provided reduction in acceleration by 32.11% and a huge achievement was recorded in reduction in jerk by 55.12% as against that without MPC. This shows that the MPC based improved convoy control topology gave enough spacing for any uncertain application of brake by the two look-ahead or further acceleration from the rear-vehicle. Similarly, manoeuvering speed was seen to ensure safety ahead and rear, ride comfort was achieved due to the low acceleration and jerk of the following vehicle. The controlling vehicle responded to changes, hence good handling was achieved


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    This research paper analysed the influence of aerodynamic disturbance on vehicle’s dynamic parameters. The vehicle dynamics were formulated from the Newton’s Second Law for modelling the vehicle. The vehicle was built using rigid body frames, mass and multi-body signal blocks of MapleSim2015 platform. Several vehicle masses were used to produce different vehicle dynamics with respect to the same aerodynamic drag and input force. Our analyses have shown that the mass of each vehicle is inversely proportional to the aerodynamic drag applied to it. At a given set-point of 25 ms-1 , the vehicle tracked the given speed exactly in the absence of the drag. However, for the lag in displacement, speed and acceleration were found as 25 m, 17 ms-1 and 0.3 ms-2 , respectively in the presence of drag with an average jerk of 45 ms-3 . This has provided an interesting insight on the effects of drag on the moving vehicle. The proposed vehicle was subjected to the same control strategy to form a twovehicle, look-ahead convoy as in conventional type. Improvements in the intervehicular spacing of 1.7 m, proper speed track, low acceleration(1.05 ms-2) and a suitable jerk of 0.04 ms-3 were achieved over the entire period (160 s) as compared to conventional vehicle. The proposed vehicle model scores higher accuracy than conventional vehicle on two-vehicle, look-ahead model and it has shown that the proposed model is more comfortable than the conventional one

    Hybrid Automaton Based Vehicle Platoon Modelling and Cooperation Behaviour Profile Prediction

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    Autonomous cooperative driving systems require the integration of research activities in the field of embedded systems, robotics, communication, control and artificial intelligence in order to create a secure and intelligent autonomous drivers behaviour patterns in the traffic. Beside autonomous vehicle management, an important research focus is on the cooperation behaviour management. In this paper, we propose hybrid automaton modelling to emulate flexible vehicle Platoon and vehicles cooperation interactions. We introduce novel coding function for Platoon cooperation behaviour profile generation in time, which depends of vehicles number in Platoon and behaviour types. As the behaviour prediction of transportation systems, one of the primarily used methods of artificial intelligence in Intelligent Transport Systems, we propose an approach towards NARX neural network prediction of Platoon cooperation behaviour profile. With incorporation of Platoon manoeuvres dynamic prediction, which is capable of analysing traffic behaviour, this approach would be useful for secure implementation of real autonomous vehicles cooperation

    A comparison of approaches for platooning management

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    There are many concepts, which try to solve the current issues for vehicular traffic. The scope of this work is on platooning. Platooning can be shortly explained as vehicles that travel on highways in closely spaced groups. The platooning concept can help to improve the current traffic situation. The objective of this thesis is to create two classification frameworks: first, a framework for platooning approaches and second, a framework for platooning algorithms. Both frameworks do not only show both strengths and weaknesses but also enable researchers to evaluate and compare the approaches/algorithms. This evaluation tries to provide an outlook whether the approaches and algorithms examined are ready for implementation in real cases or if they lack some important considerations

    System and method for operating a follower vehicle in a vehicle platoon

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    Patent no. US9927816B2A method for operating a follower vehicle in a vehicle platoon includes determining, during operation, whether the follower vehicle is operating in a normal state or an abnormal state based on an operation condition of a component of the follower vehicle, or a communication between the follower vehicle and a preceding vehicle in the vehicle platoon. The method further includes selecting a first control mode if the follower vehicle is in the normal state and a second control mode if the follower vehicle is in the abnormal state so as to control movement of the follower vehicle using the selected control mode. In the first control mode, the follower vehicle uses communication data received from the preceding vehicle in the vehicle platoon to control its movement. In the second control mode, the follower vehicle uses data obtained by one or more of its sensors to control its movement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a Theory for Bio - Cyber Physical Systems Modelling

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    International audienceCurrently, CyberPhysical Systems (CPS) represents a great challenge for automatic control and smart systems engineering on both theoretical and practical levels. Designing CPS requires approaches involving multidisciplinary competences. However they are designed to be autonomous, the CPS present a part of uncertainty, which requires interaction with human for engineering, monitoring, controlling, performing operational maintenance, etc. This human-CPS interaction led naturally to the human in-the-loop (HITL) concept. Nevertheless, this HITL concept , which stems from a reductionist point of view, exhibits limitations due to the different natures of the systems involved. As opposed to this classical approach, we propose, in this paper, a model of Bio-CPS (i.e. systems based on an integration of computational elements within biological systems) grounded on theoretical biology, physics and computer sciences and based on the key concept of human systems integration

    Networking Transportation

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    Networking Transportation looks at how the digital revolution is changing Greater Philadelphia's transportation system. It recognizes several key digital transportation technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, connected and automated vehicles, digital mapping, Intelligent Transportation Systems, the Internet of Things, smart cities, real-time information, transportation network companies (TNCs), unmanned aerial systems, and virtual communications. It focuses particularly on key issues surrounding TNCs. It identifies TNCs currently operating in Greater Philadelphia and reviews some of the more innovative services around the world. It presents four alternative future scenarios for their growth: Filling a Niche, A Tale of Two Regions, TNCs Take Off, and Moore Growth. It then creates a future vision for an integrated, multimodal transportation network and identifies infrastructure needs, institutional reforms, and regulatory recommendations intended to help bring about this vision

    Níveis de serviço e simulação computacional: um estudo de caso da influência de fatores no tempo de atendimento em uma praça de pedágio rodoviário.

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    A capacidade e o nível de serviço das instalações de pedágio ainda não foram formalmente abordados no Highway Capacity Manual, que reconhece e afirma que deve ser dada especial atenção às características únicas, restrições e atrasos causados por estas instalações de cobrança. Essa pesquisa buscou elucidar os seguintes questionamentos: como fatores humanos e operacionais influenciam o tempo de atendimento manual em praças de pedágio? E qual a relação com os níveis de serviço proporcionados pela empresa? Teve por objetivo avaliar os níveis de serviço oferecidos em uma praça de pedágio rodoviário por meio da simulação computacional, testando a influência de fatores na capacidade de atendimento manual. Para alcançar esse objetivo foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma praça de pedágio localizada no estado de Minas Gerais. A coleta de dados, realizada por intermédio de vídeos, documentos e visitas ao local, forneceu informações como a categoria do veículo, a forma de pagamento, o turno de trabalho, dia da semana e sexo do arrecadador; também forneceu o volume de veículos que passaram pela praça e sua composição. O trabalho pode ser dividido em duas etapas: a primeira buscando analisar a influência de fatores no tempo de atendimento por meio de análise estatística e DOE e a segunda etapa realizada por meio da modelagem e simulação, visando determinar o nível de serviço oferecido pela concessionária aos seus clientes. As conclusões principais da análise dos dados coletados mostram que os fatores Categoria do veículo, Forma de pagamento e Sexo do arrecadador são os que têm maior influência no tempo de atendimento, sendo o fator Categoria o mais impactante, aumentando significativamente o tempo de atendimento. A simulação computacional possibilitou avaliar o nível de serviço atual da praça de pedágio e também cenários diversos. A praça atualmente opera com um nível de serviço D em dias normais de funcionamento, no qual um veículo permanece no sistema entre 45 e 60 segundos. Entretanto, em feriados esse nível de serviço cai para E no turno da madrugada e para o F nos turnos da manhã e tarde. A pesquisa mostrou que existem alternativas e melhorias que podem ser aplicadas no ato de arrecadação manual da praça de pedágio estudada