597 research outputs found

    Characterizing lab instructors' self-reported learning goals to inform development of an experimental modeling skills assessment

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    The ability to develop, use, and refine models of experimental systems is a nationally recognized learning outcome for undergraduate physics lab courses. However, no assessments of students' model-based reasoning exist for upper-division labs. This study is the first step toward development of modeling assessments for optics and electronics labs. In order to identify test objectives that are likely relevant across many institutional contexts, we interviewed 35 lab instructors about the ways they incorporate modeling in their course learning goals and activities. The study design was informed by the Modeling Framework for Experimental Physics. This framework conceptualizes modeling as consisting of multiple subtasks: making measurements, constructing system models, comparing data to predictions, proposing causes for discrepancies, and enacting revisions to models or apparatus. We found that each modeling subtask was identified by multiple instructors as an important learning outcome for their course. Based on these results, we argue that test objectives should include probing students' competence with most modeling subtasks, and test items should be designed to elicit students' justifications for choosing particular modeling pathways. In addition to discussing these and other implications for assessment, we also identify future areas of research related to the role of modeling in optics and electronics labs.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables; submitted to Phys. Rev. PE

    Knowledge-based diagnosis for aerospace systems

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    The need for automated diagnosis in aerospace systems and the approach of using knowledge-based systems are examined. Research issues in knowledge-based diagnosis which are important for aerospace applications are treated along with a review of recent relevant research developments in Artificial Intelligence. The design and operation of some existing knowledge-based diagnosis systems are described. The systems described and compared include the LES expert system for liquid oxygen loading at NASA Kennedy Space Center, the FAITH diagnosis system developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the PES procedural expert system developed at SRI International, the CSRL approach developed at Ohio State University, the StarPlan system developed by Ford Aerospace, the IDM integrated diagnostic model, and the DRAPhys diagnostic system developed at NASA Langley Research Center


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    This final report is an overview for Final Year Project titled "Development of sensory-mode interaction in haptic system". A haptic device enables interaction between human and computer, which also give response due to the force applied by the user movements. The aim of this project is to design and develop a simple haptic device to analyze on the concept of sensory-mode interaction by using strain gauge sensor. Current application of haptic technology has been widely used in robotics, teleoperators, simulators, and video game controller. However, most of the application of existing haptic device are expensive, sophisticated, and require high level of technology. Therefore, due to the complexity of the system, a simple haptic device is designed after analyzing literature review on the related work. The device also will enable user to obtain the tactile feedback when exerting force to the interface. In order to perform the virtual measurement, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is developed using Lab View software. The hardware device will interact directly with the computer via communication board. Hence, whenever the user applies force on the device, the force value will transfer to the computer for further conversion and calculation. User can acquire data and the output value generated will be displayed on the screen of computer. The overall summary about this project is to produce a simple haptic device using the stain gauge sensor, and the amount force exerted by user can be measured and monitor via the Lab View Software

    A programmable, multichannel power supply for SiPMs with temperature compensation loop and Ethernet interface

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    Among the different techniques available, the SiPM power supply described in this paper uses output voltage and sensor temperature feedback. A high-resolution ADC digitizes both the output voltage and an analog signal proportional to the SiPM temperature for each of its 16 independent outputs. The appropriate change in the bias voltage is computed in a micro-controller and this correction is applied via a high resolution DAC to the control input of a DC/DC module that produces the output voltage. This method allows a reduction in gain variations from typically 30% to only 0.5% in a 10ºC range. The power supply is housed in a 3U-height aluminum box. A 2.8 touch screen on the front panel provides local access to the configuration and monitoring functions using a graphical interface. The unit has an Ethernet interface on its rear side to provide remote operation and integration in slow control systems using the encrypted and secure SSH protocol. A LabVIEW application with SSH interface has been designed to operate the power supply from a remote computer. The power supply has good characteristics, such as 85 V output range with 1 mV resolution and stability better than 2 mVP, excellent output load regulation and programmable rise and fall voltage ramps. Commercial power supplies from well-known manufacturers can show far better specifications though can also result in an over featured and over costly solution for typical applications.The authors acknowledge support from the following agencies and institutions: the European Research Council (ERC) under the Advanced Grant 339787-NEXT; the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain under grants CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010 CSD2008-0037 (CUP), FIS2014-53371-C04 and the Severo Ochoa Program SEV-2014-0398; the Portuguese FCT and FEDER through the program COMPETE, project PTDC/FIS/103860/2008; the U.S. Department of Energy under contracts number DE-AC02-07CH11359 (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) and DE-FG02-13ER42020 (Texas A & and the University of Texas at Arlington.Querol-Segura, M.; Rodriguez-Samaniego, J.; Toledo Alarcón, JF.; Esteve Bosch, R.; Álvarez-Puerta, V.; Herrero Bosch, V. (2016). A programmable, multichannel power supply for SiPMs with temperature compensation loop and Ethernet interface. Journal of Instrumentation. 11(C12035). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/12/C12035S11C1203


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    This project explores the potential of implementing fuzzy logic algorithm for traction control system using VHDL. Previously, the project on car traction control was done by simulation using fuzzy logic approach. The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in MATLAB software is used to create simulation for fuzzy logic system. The challenge of the project is to design the control system using hardware description language for future implementation on hardware using FPGA. Fuzzy logic controller provides optimum control according to the conditions specify. It is useful when the driving condition is uncontrolled. The core programming language which will be used as the hardware description language is VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL). VHDL is used in FPGA - based implementation. The methodology includes designing the fuzzy logic controller, development of the algorithm and codes programming. After that, the following phase includes testing and troubleshooting. Lastly, carry out the documentation. In conclusion, it is possible to develop the algorithm for fuzzy - based car traction control system using VHDL. The implementation of the control system using VHDL is viable for future implementation onto FPGA. Thus the performance of the car traction control would be enhance

    Development of Low Cost Heart Rate Monitoring Device and Classification Technique Using Fuzzy Logics Algorithm

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    Heart as one of necessary organs, has been examined profoundly by the heart rate changes. The heart rate is affected by many factors, such as age, gender, physiological conditions. Hence, better diagnosis can be made if the interpretation of heart rate signal would be automated that eliminates the human error while comprising the influential factors. Subjective readings may lead to imprecise diagnosis. In this project, proposed tool is designed for medical experts that can reliably interpret the heart signal based on age, gender and heart condition. PPG sensor was utilized to sense the heartbeats. Furthermore, the raw signal was transferred through wireless medium using RF Transceivers and Arduino Uno as a microcontroller to the remote base station. This would let end users (physicians/Caregivers) to have a real-time heart rate monitoring without a need of connecting wires from the patient ward/room to the remote station which was designed in MATLAB GUI. The classification of the signal being obtained is achieved through fuzzy logics algorithm inside the MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. The cost-effectiveness of the proposed project was another benefits that could be added to an automated heart rate monitoring device

    Virtual Laboratory: Using Electronic Workbench as Alternative Learning Physics in Covid-19 Mass Pandemic

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the use of assisted virtual laboratories of Electronic Workbench (EWB) in physics experiments learning. The method in this study used (1) calibration of the results of experiments with theory and (2) analysis of user responses to EWB in practicum activities. The study concluded that: 1) EWB is easy to use for practical learning, 2) capacitive reactance values obtained from calculations and observations following the theory (close to the same), 3) the time needed for one-time trial data retrieval until the analysis phase in this practicum activity is 10 minutes means that the experiment with EWB is very efficient. Based on the results obtained indicate that EWB is feasible to use as an alternative to physics learning in the mass pandemic COVID-19

    Diagnosing multiple faults.

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    Abstract Diagnostic tasks require determining the differences between a model of an artifact and the artifact itself. The differences between the manifested behavior of the artifact and the predicted behavior of the model guide the search for the differences between the artifact and its model. The diagnostic procedure presented in this paper is model-based, inferring the behavior of the composite device from knowledge of the structure and function of the individual components comprising the device. The system (GDE -General Diagnostic Engine) has been implemented and tested on many examples in the domain of troubleshooting digital circuits. This research makes several novel contributions: First, the system diagnoses failures due to multiple faults. Second, failure candidates are represented and manipulated in terms of minimal sets of violated assumptions, resulting in an efficient diagnostic procedure. Third, the diagnostic procedure is incremental, exploiting the iterative nature of diagnosis. Fourth, a clear separation is drawn between diagnosis and behavior prediction, resulting in a domain (and inference procedure) independent diagnostic procedure. Fifth, GDE combines modelbased prediction with sequential diagnosis to propose measurements to localize the faults. The normally required conditional probabilities are computed from the structure of the device and models of its components. This capability results from a novel way of incorporating probabilities and information theory into the context mechanism provided by AssumptionBased Truth Maintenance

    Aviation Automation and CNS/ATM-related Human-Technology Interface: ATSEP Competency Considerations

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    Abstract The aviation industry has, no doubt, undergone profound transformations ever since the first powered aircraft flight on December 17, 1903. An especially noticeable aspect of the transformations is in the area of automation. Remarkably, aviation operations are becoming increasingly automated and it is expected that the wind of change sweeping through the industry will be getting stormier as new technologies emerge especially within the context of the emerging prospects of intelligent technologies, which may ultimately enthrone complete automated or technology-based intelligent decision making. Perhaps, in no sphere of the aviation system has there been, in recent times, a much more lively and sustained exhibition of the spirit of automation than in the realm of communications, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM). This scenario, invariably, imposes far-reaching obligations on and have wide-ranging implications for air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) – the ICAO-recognized nomenclature for personnel involved and proven competent in the installation, operation, and/or maintenance of a CNS/ATM system. This paper explores, based on a systematic review of extant literature, the concept of aviation automation in the context of the broader conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of automation and with an emphasis on automated CNS/ATM systems. The primary aim is to examine the implications of an automated CNS/ATM environment on aspects relating to the roles, tasks, competence, and training of ATSEP within the framework of the safety-criticality of air traffic management. Based on arguments regarding ATSEP competency considerations in the context of an automation-rich CNS/ATM environment, a conceptual model of ATSEP competencies and a model of competency-based, human-technology ATSEP task flow are proposed