402 research outputs found

    Improving face gender classification by adding deliberately misaligned faces to the training data

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    A novel method of face gender classifier construction is proposed and evaluated. Previously, researchers have assumed that a computationally expensive face alignment step (in which the face image is transformed so that facial landmarks such as the eyes, nose, chin, etc, are in uniform locations in the image) is required in order to maximize the accuracy of predictions on new face images. We, however, argue that this step is not necessary, and that machine learning classifiers can be made robust to face misalignments by automatically expanding the training data with examples of faces that have been deliberately misaligned (for example, translated or rotated). To test our hypothesis, we evaluate this automatic training dataset expansion method with two types of image classifier, the first based on weak features such as Local Binary Pattern histograms, and the second based on SIFT keypoints. Using a benchmark face gender classification dataset recently proposed in the literature, we obtain a state-of-the-art accuracy of 92.5%, thus validating our approach

    Stacking-based Deep Neural Network: Deep Analytic Network on Convolutional Spectral Histogram Features

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    Stacking-based deep neural network (S-DNN), in general, denotes a deep neural network (DNN) resemblance in terms of its very deep, feedforward network architecture. The typical S-DNN aggregates a variable number of individually learnable modules in series to assemble a DNN-alike alternative to the targeted object recognition tasks. This work likewise devises an S-DNN instantiation, dubbed deep analytic network (DAN), on top of the spectral histogram (SH) features. The DAN learning principle relies on ridge regression, and some key DNN constituents, specifically, rectified linear unit, fine-tuning, and normalization. The DAN aptitude is scrutinized on three repositories of varying domains, including FERET (faces), MNIST (handwritten digits), and CIFAR10 (natural objects). The empirical results unveil that DAN escalates the SH baseline performance over a sufficiently deep layer.Comment: 5 page

    Perfect Snap

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    Taking group photos during important events is a common practice. Group photos are taken to remember cheerful times when people had an opportunity to meet many other people. However, an unappealing facial expression of one person can easily ruin the entire photo. Capturing the wrong moments when a person doesn’t look attractive can leave him/ her displeased from the complete event experience. A solution is to develop a mobile app that captures the moment when everyone is smiling with eyes wide open. Our solution aims to develop an iPhone app that will preclude users from worrying about not having a great group picture

    Face recognition in different subspaces - A comparative study

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    Face recognition is one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding and has gained much attention in recent years. Among many approaches to the problem of face recognition, appearance-based subspace analysis still gives the most promising results. In this paper we study the three most popular appearance-based face recognition projection methods (PCA, LDA and ICA). All methods are tested in equal working conditions regarding preprocessing and algorithm implementation on the FERET data set with its standard tests. We also compare the ICA method with its whitening preprocess and find out that there is no significant difference between them. When we compare different projection with different metrics we found out that the LDA+COS combination is the most promising for all tasks. The L1 metric gives the best results in combination with PCA and ICA1, and COS is superior to any other metric when used with LDA and ICA2. Our results are compared to other studies and some discrepancies are pointed ou
