38,677 research outputs found

    The complexity of the equivalence problem over finite rings

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    Symbolic dynamics and the stable algebra of matrices

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    We give an introduction to the "stable algebra of matrices" as related to certain problems in symbolic dynamics. We consider this stable algebra (especially, shift equivalence and strong shift equivalence) for matrices over general rings as well as various specific rings. This algebra is of independent interest and can be followed with little attention to the symbolic dynamics. We include strong connectionsto algebraic K-theory and the inverse spectral problem for nonnegative matrices. We also review key features of the automorphism group of a shift of finite type, and the work of Kim, Roush and Wagoner giving counterexamples to Williams' Shift Equivalence Conjecture.Comment: 121 pages. Main changes from version 1: Author and subject indices were added. Various citations were added, with commentary. Bibliography items are now listed with internal references (i.e., pages of the paper on which they are cited

    On Black-Box Ring Extraction and Integer Factorization

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    The black-box extraction problem over rings has (at least) two important interpretations in cryptography: An efficient algorithm for this problem implies (i) the equivalence of computing discrete logarithms and solving the Diffie-Hellman problem and (ii) the in-existence of secure ring-homomorphic encryption schemes. In the special case of a finite field, Boneh/Lipton and Maurer/Raub showed that there exist algorithms solving the black-box extraction problem in subexponential time. It is unknown whether there exist more efficient algorithms. In this work we consider the black-box extraction problem over finite rings of characteristic nn, where nn has at least two different prime factors. We provide a polynomial-time reduction from factoring nn to the black-box extraction problem for a large class of finite commutative unitary rings. Under the factoring assumption, this implies the in-existence of certain efficient generic reductions from computing discrete logarithms to the Diffie-Hellman problem on the one side, and might be an indicator that secure ring-homomorphic encryption schemes exist on the other side

    Diophantine Sets over Polynomial Rings and Hilbert's Tenth Problem for Function Fields

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    In 1900, the German mathematician David Hilbert proposed a list of 23 unsolved mathematical problems. In his Tenth Problem, he asked to find an algorithm to decide whether or not a given diophantine equation has a solution (in integers). Hilbert's Tenth Problem has a negative solution, in the sense that such an algorithm does not exist. This was proven in 1970 by Y. Matiyasevich, building on earlier work by M. Davis, H. Putnam and J. Robinson. Actually, this result was the consequence of something much stronger: the equivalence of recursively enumerable and diophantine sets (we will refer to this result as "DPRM"). The first new result in the thesis is about Hilbert's Tenth Problem for function fields of curves over valued fields in characteristic zero. Under some conditions on the curve and the valuation, we have undecidability for diophantine equations over the function field of the curve. One interesting new case are function fields of curves over formal Laurent series. The proof relies on the method with two elliptic curves as developed by K. H. Kim and F. Roush and generalised by K. EisentrÀger. Additionally, the proof uses the theory quadratic forms and valuations. And especially for non-rational function fields there is some algebraic geometry coming in. The second type of results establishes the equivalence of recursively enumerable and diophantine sets in certain polynomial rings. The most important is the one-variable polynomial ring over a finite field. This is the first generalisation of DPRM in positive characteristic. My proof uses the structure of finite fields and in particular the properties of cyclotomic polynomials. In the last chapter, this result for polynomials over finite fields is generalised to polynomials over recursive algebraic extensions of a finite field. For these rings we don't have a good definition of "recursively enumerable" set, therefore we consider sets which are recursively enumerable for every recursive presentation. We show that these are exactly the diophantine sets. In addition to infinite extensions of finite fields, we also show the analogous result for polynomials over a ring of integers in a recursive totally real algebraic extension of the rationals. This generalises results by J. Denef and K. Zahidi

    Functorial Filtrations for Semiperfect generalisations of Gentle Algebras

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    In this thesis we introduce a class of semiperfect rings which generalise the class of finite-dimensional gentle algebras. We consider complexes of modules over these rings which have finitely generated projective homogeneous components. We then classify them up to homotopy equivalence. The method we use to solve this classification problem is called the functorial filtrations method. The said method was previously only used to classify modules

    Tilting Cohen-Macaulay representations

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    This is a survey on recent developments in Cohen-Macaulay representations via tilting and cluster tilting theory. We explain triangle equivalences between the singularity categories of Gorenstein rings and the derived (or cluster) categories of finite dimensional algebras.Comment: To appear in the ICM 2018 proceeding
