40,516 research outputs found

    Framing-effects approach: A theoretical and methodological critique

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    The article deals with research on framing effects. First, I will start with classifying different approaches on framing. Subsequently, I will provide a definition of the concepts of frame, schema and framing, expand on framing research conducted so far - both theoretically and operationally. Having this equipment at hand, I will initiate a discussion on studies of framing-effects in terms of theory, methods and empirical results. This discussion leads to the conclusion that studies on framing effects are insufficiently concerned with the more recent psychological constructs and theories. In merely focusing on the activation of schemata, most studies ignore the more elaborate types of framing-effects. Therefore, several empirical questions remain unanswered and some methodical chances seem to be wasted

    인공지능 관련 뉴스 기사의 프레임, 감정 분석

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 사회과학대학 언론정보학과, 2022. 8. 이철주 .This study examines how artificial intelligence (AI) is presented in the news media by examining the frames and emotions expressed in news coverage about AI. For analysis, I used computational text analysis techniques -structural topic model (STM) to extract frames and NRC Emotion Lexicon and Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) to detect emotions. Then I examined their correlations with the political ideology of media outlets (conservative vs. liberal) and media type (newspapers vs TV news). By identifying the frames and the emotions embedded in the news media, it would be possible to predict how they influence the formation of public opinions and attitudes towards AI.본 연구는 컴퓨터 텍스트 분석 기술을 통해 인공지능 (AI)에 대한 뉴스 보도에 드러난 프레임과 감정을 분석하여 인공지능이 뉴스 미디어에서 어떻게 표현되는지를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 프레임 추출을 위해 Structural Topic Model (STM) 기법을, 감정 추출을 위해 NRC Emotion Lexicon과 Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) 프로그램을 활용했다. 언론사의 정치 성향(보수 – 진보)과 미디어 유형(신문 – 방송)을 변수로 설정해, 추출된 결과와 각 변수와의 상관관계를 분석했다. 뉴스 미디어에 내재된 프레임과 감정을 파악함으로써, 그것이 AI에 대한 여론 및 태도 형성에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 예측할 수 있을 것이다.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Literature Review and Research Aim 2 Chapter 3. Conceptual Framework 8 Chapter 4. Methods 21 Chapter 5. Results 27 Chapter 6. Discussion 45 Appendix. 49 Bibliography. 51 Abstract in Korean. 57석

    Do emotions fit the frame? A critical appraisal of visual framing research approaches

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    With the rise of a visibly more emotional public sphere, this article asks if visual framing approaches can be enriched by the integration of emotive elements. Focussing on television news, I ask in what way emotions manifest within audio-visual material, and how these representations of emotions and emotive elements can be analysed using visual framing analysis. This understanding is grounded in two recent turns: the turn to the visual and to the affective. Both turns provide the background for current framing understandings and visual framing approaches, and for a discussion of three empirical models of analysis and their varying potential to integrate emotive elements. I distinguish here between a holistic ‘emotion frame’, emotions as narrative structures, and emotion as frame element. I argue that emotions can be best conceptualized as a frame element; and three practical realizations are discussed to what extent they are helpful to analyse emotions empirically in audio-visual news material

    A clearer picture: the contribution of visuals and text to framing effects

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    Visuals in news media help define, or frame issues, but less is known about how they influence opinions and behavior. The authors use an experiment to present image and text exemplars of frames from war and conflict news in isolation and in image-text congruent and incongruent pairs. Results show that, when presented alone, images generate stronger framing effects on opinions and behavioral intentions than text. When images and text are presented together, as in a typical news report, the frame carried by the text influences opinions regardless of the accompanying image, whereas the frame carried by the image drives behavioral intentions irrespective of the linked text. These effects are explained by the salience enhancing and emotional consequences of visuals

    Multimodal news framing effects

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    Visuals in news media play a vital role in framing citizens’ political preferences. Yet, compared to the written word, visual images are undervalued in political communication research. Using framing theory, this thesis redresses the balance by studying the combined, or multimodal, effects of visual and verbal media. Three experimental studies using international affairs news – a ready source of compelling visuals – address the following questions: (a) what is the individual and combined contribution of visuals and text to framing effects? (b) what information processing mechanisms underpin multimodal framing effects? And, (c) how do multimodal framing effects differ in different media formats (i.e., news articles and videos). Findings show that visuals evoke an emotional reaction that drives political behaviour. However, visual cues can be overpowered by systematically processed verbal content, especially when presented in news articles compared to videos. By placing visuals and text on an equal footing, this thesis takes a step towards a fully multimodal news framing theory

    With Us or With the Terrorists

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    The purpose of this theisis is to merge research on the public opinion and foreign policy within political science with research from psychology on the impact of images on perceptions. The central question for this thesis asks if a political leader can shape public opinion about a country and its actions based on the image invoked in the leaders discourse. This reasearch argues that public opinion is an important factor in foreign policy decision making, specifically in the decision to use force. Political leaders use speeches to communitcate their policies to the public. In turn the speeches affect the publics' perceptions and opinions about the topic of the political leaders speech. The magnitude and direction of the resonse in public opinion is influenced by the successful invoation of images by the political leader. Not all images are created equal, specific images may resonate stronger with a population; therefore, it is important to explore the differences in image type used by leaders

    Beyond accessibility? Toward an on-line and memory-based model of framing effects

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    This theoretical article investigates the effects of media frames on individuals' judgments. In contrast to previous theorizing, we suggest that framing scholars should embrace both, on-line and memory-based judgment formation processes. Based on that premise, we propose a model that distinguishes between two phases of framing effects. Along the first phase, the media's framing contributes to the formation of an on-line or a memory-based judgment. The second phase describes six hypothetical routes for the stability or the change of these judgments: maintenance, readjustment, crystallization, inoculation, persuasion, and attenuation. At the heart of our model, we try to extract predictors for each of those routes. Finally, the implications of the proposed model for future framing research are discusse

    News Framing Effects

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    "News Framing Effects is a guide to framing effects theory, one of the most prominent theories in media and communication science. Rooted in both psychology and sociology, framing effects theory describes the ability of news media to influence people’s attitudes and behaviors by subtle changes to how they report on an issue. The book gives expert commentary on this complex theoretical notion alongside practical instruction on how to apply it to research. The book’s structure mirrors the steps a scholar might take to design a framing study. The first chapter establishes a working definition of news framing effects theory. The following chapters focus on how to identify the independent variable (i.e., the ""news frame"") and the dependent variable (i.e., the ""framing effect""). The book then considers the potential limits or enhancements of the proposed effects (i.e., the ""moderators"") and how framing effects might emerge (i.e., the ""mediators""). Finally, it asks how strong these effects are likely to be. The final chapter considers news framing research in the light of a rapidly and fundamentally changing news and information market, in which technologies, platforms, and changing consumption patterns are forcing assumptions at the core of framing effects theory to be re-evaluated.