99 research outputs found

    The OU Linked Open Data: production and consumption

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce the current efforts toward the release and exploitation of The Open University's (OU) Linked Open Data (LOD). We introduce the work that has been done within the LUCERO project in order to select, extract and structure subsets of information contained within the OU data sources and migrate and expose this information as part of the LOD cloud. To show the potential of such exposure we also introduce three different prototypes that exploit this new educational resource: (1) the OU expert search system, a tool focused on fnding the best experts for a certain topic within the OU staff; (2) the Buddy Study system, a tool that relies on Facebook information to identify common interest among friends and recommend potential courses within the OU that `buddies' can study together, and; (3) Linked OpenLearn, an application that enables exploring linked courses, Podcasts and tags to OpenLearn units. Its aim is to enhance the browsing experience for students, by detecting relevant educational resources on fly while reading an OpenLearn unit

    LODmilla: a Linked Data Browser for All

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    Abstract. Although the Linked Data paradigm is extremely popular, and there is immense amount of Linked Open Data available worldwide, the human ex-ploration of these datasets is limited. In our work we try to evolve a generic platform called LODmilla for exploring and editing Linked Open Data. Our aim is to enable the extraction and sharing of data associations (or information) hid-den in Linked Open Data. LODmilla is an open web application supporting graph views, graph searching and many other commodity features for surfing over Linked Data

    A Typed Model for Linked Data

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    The term Linked Data is used to describe ubiquitous and emerging semi-structured data formats on the Web. URIs in Linked Data allow diverse data sources to link to each other, forming a Web of Data. A calculus which models concurrent queries and updates over Linked Data is presented. The calculus exhibits operations essential for declaring rich atomic actions. The operations recover emergent structure in the loosely structured Web of Data. The calculus is executable due to its operational semantics. A light type system ensures that URIs with a distinguished role are used consistently. The main theorem verifies that the light type system and operational semantics work at the same level of granularity, so are compatible. Examples show that a range of existing and emerging standards are captured. Data formats include RDF, named graphs and feeds. The primitives of the calculus model SPARQL Query and the Atom Publishing Protocol. The subtype system is based on RDFS, which improves interoperability. Examples focuss on the SPARQL Update proposal for which a fine grained operational semantics is developed. Further potential high level languages are outlined for exploiting Linked Data

    Auto Halal Detection Products Based on Euclidian Distance and Cosine Similarity

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    Although Indonesia is the world the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, the number of halal-certified products in Indonesia is only 20% of the products on the Indonesian market. Halal certification is voluntary as such there are many food products which are halal but are not certified as halal. In principle, these food products may have similar halal ingredients with halal-certified products.  In this study, we build a system that can compare products that have not been certified halal with halal certified products based on its ingredients.  The food products are collected from Open Food Facts, Institute  For  Foods,  Drugs,  And  Cosmetics Indonesian  Council  Of  Ulama (LPPOM MUI) and our halal system. As of this paper writing, the halal-certified products are obtained from LPPOM MUI.  The system uses the Euclidean Distance and Cosine Similarity that generate top-5 similar products. Those two similarity calculations are based on Term Frequency-Inverse Entity Frequency weighting function.  The weighting function calculates the frequency of a term on a product name and ingredients.  If a similarity value of a product with no halal certification and a halal-certified product is higher than 75%, then the former could be indicated as a halal product. In the end, the system can give a recommendation of unknown products from a related pool of halal-certified products based on similarity of product composition. Cosine similarity accuracy is higher than Euclidean Distance and MoreLikeThis accuracy. Cosine similarity gets the highest precision because the cosine similarity is based on the vector angle of the term in a product

    The IntAct molecular interaction database in 2012

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    IntAct is an open-source, open data molecular interaction database populated by data either curated from the literature or from direct data depositions. Two levels of curation are now available within the database, with both IMEx-level annotation and less detailed MIMIx-compatible entries currently supported. As from September 2011, IntAct contains approximately 275 000 curated binary interaction evidences from over 5000 publications. The IntAct website has been improved to enhance the search process and in particular the graphical display of the results. New data download formats are also available, which will facilitate the inclusion of IntAct's data in the Semantic Web. IntAct is an active contributor to the IMEx consortium (http://www.imexconsortium.org). IntAct source code and data are freely available at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/intac

    Benefits and Limitations of Web3

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    Web3 provides users and service providers several benefits not found in Web2. However, despite the benefits provided, Web3 faces several obstacles that prevent the paradigm from gaining widespread adoption. Developers should understand the benefits and limitations of the technology in order to create more accessible Web3 smart applications

    LODmilla: Shared Visualization of Linked Open Data

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