37 research outputs found

    Knowledge organization as research area of brazilian’s Information Science

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    Evento realizado pela Associação Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ANCIB) e organizado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal da Bahia (PPGCI/UFPB).Este texto objetiva descrever e analisar como a organização do conhecimento, enquanto área de pesquisa e ensino, está apresentada nos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu brasileiros em Ciência da Informação. Para tanto, utilizou-se de pesquisa documental de cunho descritivo e analítico, por meio da identificação das áreas de concentração dos programas de pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação nacionais autorizados pela Coordenação de Pessoal de Ensino Superior. A compreensão da organização do conhecimento enquanto área de ensino e pesquisa em nível de pós-graduação no Brasil estabelece-se por meio de processos que especificam o que o termo organização pode significar, bem como a finalidade pela qual se estuda e se operacionaliza a organização do conhecimento.This paper aims to describe and analyse how knowledge organization, as a research and teaching area, is presented in Brazilians Information Science post graduate programs (stricto senso). For this, we used a qualitative methodology of descriptive and analytical nature, through the identification of areas of concentration of Information Science pos-graduate programs authorized by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. The comprehension of the knowledge organization as a research and teaching area in post graduate level in Brazil is established through processes that describe what the term might mean the organization as well as the purpose for which is studied and operates the knowledge organization

    Preserving Bibliographic Relationships in Mappings from FRBR to BIBFRAME 2.0

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    In the environment of the World Wide Web large volumes of library data have been pub-lished following different conceptual models. The navigation through these volumes and the data interlinking require the development of mappings between the conceptual models. Library conceptual models provide constructs for the representation of bibliographic families and the relationships between Works. A key requirement for successful map-pings between different conceptual models is to preserve such content relationships. This paper studies a set of cases (Work with single Expression, Work with multiple Expres-sions, translation, adaptation) to examine if and how bibliographic content relationships and families could be preserved in mappings from FRBR to BIBFRAME 2.0. Even though, relationships between Works of the same bibliographic family may be preserved, the progenitor Work is not always represented in BIBFRAME after mappings

    The intangible index in bank management

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    Purpose: Our research objective is to perform a descriptive analysis of the information on intangible assets disclosed by Spanish banks indexed on the IBEX 35 as a step prior to the creation of which allows us to eventually create a specific disclosure index for this type of content during 2010-2012, the most critical years of the crisis in Spain. Design/methodology: In a first section of the methodology, it has been carried out a content analysis using five categories that cover all the terms that were considered the most relevant in the literature on intangible assets: concepts of intellectual capital, human capital, structural capital, relational capital and usefulness of information. This information has been the basis for the design of an index by categories and global as a second part of the methodological design. Findings: Our results found that the disclosure level of Spanish financial entities in terms of intangibles is reduced with an aggregate index of intangible assets of 0.2698 (between 0 and 1). Although, within the categories proposed it can be highlighted the priority role of the usefulness information index followed by the relational and human capital indexes. Research limitations/implications: The study focuses on 2010 to 2012, which conditions and justifies the results obtained for a period of crisis such as the one analyzed. Practical implications: Our results confirm that the financial entities have not bet for the use of the disclosure of information on intangibles during the crisis despite their potential value in order to guarantee a competitive business performance. Social implications: Managers of financial institutions may have a comparative vision of the disclosure of intangibles and adopt future disclosure policies that consider the value of this information. Originality/value: As the main contribution, this paper incorporates the results of a specific index on intangibles (both globally and specifically for 5 categories) for financial institutions. Our resultsopen future lines of research that analyze why not use this information for competitive purposes and, specifically, to gain confidence in a context as difficult as that experienced in the years of crisis studied.Peer Reviewe

    Modelling the Structure and Dynamics of Science Using Books

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    Scientific research is a major driving force in a knowledge based economy. Income, health and wellbeing depend on scientific progress. The better we understand the inner workings of the scientific enterprise, the better we can prompt, manage, steer, and utilize scientific progress. Diverse indicators and approaches exist to evaluate and monitor research activities, from calculating the reputation of a researcher, institution, or country to analyzing and visualizing global brain circulation. However, there are very few predictive models of science that are used by key decision makers in academia, industry, or government interested to improve the quality and impact of scholarly efforts. We present a novel 'bibliographic bibliometric' analysis which we apply to a large collection of books relevant for the modelling of science. We explain the data collection together with the results of the data analyses and visualizations. In the final section we discuss how the analysis of books that describe different modelling approaches can inform the design of new models of science.Comment: data and large scale maps http://cns.iu.edu/2015-ModSci.html, Ginda, Michael, Andrea Scharnhorst, and Katy B\"orner. "Modelling Science". In Theories of Informetrics: A Festschrift in Honor of Blaise Cronin, edited by Sugimoto, Cassidy. Munich: De Gruyter Sau

    Некоторые аспекты "enkyklios paideia" в корреспонденции Сидония (Ep. IV. 3 и IX. 9)

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    В статье представлена коллекция писем галло-римского интеллектуала, аристократа и епископа Сидония Аполлинария (ок. 430 - ок. 485/489 гг.), чье блестящее образование и талант литератора не раз отмечались его современниками и потомкам

    Method of Information Security Risk Analysis for Virtualized System

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    The growth of usage of Information Technology (IT) in daily operations of enterprises causes the value and the vulnerability of information to be at the peak of interest. Moreover, distributed computing revolutionized the out-sourcing of computing functions, thus allowing flexible IT solutions. Since the concept of information goes beyond the traditional text documents, reaching manufacturing, machine control, and, to a certain extent – reasoning – it is a great responsibility to maintain appropriate information security. Information Security (IS) risk analysis and maintenance require extensive knowledge about the possessed assets as well as the technologies behind them, to recognize the threats and vulnerabilities the infrastructure is facing. A way of formal description of the infrastructure – the Enterprise Architecture (EA) – offers a multiperspective view of the whole enterprise, linking together business processes as well as the infrastructure. Several IS risk analysis solutions based on the EA exist. However, lack of methods of IS risk analysis for virtualization technologies complicates the procedure, thus leading to reduced availability of such analysis. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three main chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter introduces the problem of information security risk analysis and its’ automation. Moreover, state-of-the-art methodologies and their implementations for automated information security risk analysis are discussed. The second chapter proposes a novel method for risk analysis of virtualization components based on the most recent data, including threat classification and specification, control means and metrics of the impact. The third chapter presents an experimental evaluation of the proposed method, implementing it to the Cyber Security Modeling Language (CySeMoL) and comparing the analysis results to well-calibrated expert knowledge. It was concluded that the automation of virtualization solution risk analysis provides sufficient data for adjustment and implementation of security controls to maintain optimum security level

    The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance: A New Typology

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    There has been an explosion in new types of startup finance instruments. Whereas twenty years ago preferred stock dominated the field, startup companies and investors now use at least eight different instruments—six of which have only become widely used in the last decade. Legal scholars have yet to reflect upon the proliferation of instrument types in the aggregate. Notably missing is a way to organize instruments into a common framework that highlights their similarities and differences. This Article makes four contributions. First, it catalogues the variety of startup investment forms. I describe novel instruments, such as revenue-based financing, which remain understudied within law and entrepreneurship. Second, this Article shows the limitations of the debt vs. equity distinction as a classification method for startup financial contracts. Reliance on this traditional distinction obscures understanding of how instruments function. Third, the Article proposes a “new typology” to classify investment instruments based upon their economic, control, time, and regulatory dimensions. Three new broad categories— Payouts, Lock-in, and Park-n-ride—provide an insightful way to group these contracts. And fourth, the new typology explains how an expansion in instrument types creates complex capital structures which increase horizontal conflicts among startup investors. Further, new instruments increasingly place investors into a non-shareholder role that is outside the boundaries of corporate law’s protections. As early-stage investors increasingly fall outside the protections of corporate law, a greater burden shifts to contract law to resolve disputes arising from divergent investor interests

    The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance: A New Typology

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    There has been an explosion in new types of startup finance instruments. Whereas twenty years ago preferred stock dominated the field, startup companies and investors now use at least eight different instruments—six of which have only become widely used in the last decade. Legal scholars have yet to reflect upon the proliferation of instrument types in the aggregate. Notably missing is a way to organize instruments into a common framework that highlights their similarities and differences. This Article makes four contributions. First, it catalogues the variety of startup investment forms. I describe novel instruments, such as revenue-based financing, which remain understudied within law and entrepreneurship. Second, this Article shows the limitations of the debt vs. equity distinction as a classification method for startup financial contracts. Reliance on this traditional distinction obscures understanding of how instruments function. Third, the Article proposes a “new typology” to classify investment instruments based upon their economic, control, time, and regulatory dimensions. Three new broad categories— Payouts, Lock-in, and Park-n-ride—provide an insightful way to group these contracts. And fourth, the new typology explains how an expansion in instrument types creates complex capital structures which increase horizontal conflicts among startup investors. Further, new instruments increasingly place investors into a non-shareholder role that is outside the boundaries of corporate law’s protections. As early-stage investors increasingly fall outside the protections of corporate law, a greater burden shifts to contract law to resolve disputes arising from divergent investor interests

    Il documento bibliografico: alcune considerazioni sul concetto e sul termine

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    A proposal to define the concept of "bibliographic document" and a critique of the proposal to replace the term "document" with "resource"