443,476 research outputs found

    Library purchasing consortia: the UK periodicals supply market

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    This article is based on surveys undertaken for a British Library Research and Innovation Centre/Library and Information Commission-funded research project. It describes the models of operation of purchasing consortia in two library sectors (health and higher education) and their expenditure patterns. Present and future savings deriving from consortial activity and the effects of consortia on periodicals suppliers are discussed. The article closes by predicting future activity

    Library Economic Metrics: Examples of the Comparison of Electronic and Print Journal Collections and Collection Services

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    published or submitted for publicatio

    Library purchasing consortia in the UK: activity, benefits and good practice.

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    Following a brief introduction in Section 1, Section 2 sets out the operational context of library purchasing consortia. A range of key factors have shaped recent developments in the four LIS sectors under consideration (FE, HE, health and public libraries); some have exerted a common influence over all (e.g. information technology, European Commission purchasing directives, new central government, decline in bookfunds); some are sector-specific (e.g. purchasing arrangements, regional administrative frameworks, collaborative partnerships). The structure and markets of the book and periodical publishing industry in the UK are reviewed, with attention paid to historical as well as more recent practice that has had an impact on library supply. Although each component of the LIS purchasing consortia jigsaw displays individual characteristics that have evolved as a response to its own environment, the thread that links them together is constant change. Section 3 presents the results of a survey of identified library purchasing consortia in the four library sectors. It treats common themes of relevance to all consortia arising from information gathered by seminar input, questionnaire and interview. These include models of consortium operation, membership and governance, ‘typical’ composition of consortia in each sector, and links to analogous practice in other library sectors. Common features of the tendering and contract management process are elicited and attention paid to any contribution of procurement professionals. Finally, levels of consortium expenditure and cost savings are estimated from the published statistical record, which readily demonstrate in financial terms the efficiency of the consortial purchase model for all types of library in the United Kingdom. Section 4 presents the results of a survey of suppliers to libraries in the United Kingdom of books and periodicals, the two sectors most commonly represented in current contracts of library purchasing consortia. It sets out in some detail the operating context governing the highly segmented activities of library booksellers, as well as that pertaining to periodicals suppliers (also known as subscription agents). Detailed responses to questions on the effects of library purchasing consortia on suppliers of both materials have been gathered by questionnaire survey and selected follow-up interviews. Results are presented and analysed according to supply sector with attention given to the tendering process, current contracts under way, cross-sectoral clientele, and advantages and inhibitors of consortia supply. Further responses are reported on issues of how consortia have affected suppliers’ volume of trade, operating margins and market stability as perceived in their own business, the library supply sector and the publishing industry. Finally, overall conclusions are drawn and projections made as to future implications for both types of library suppliers. Section 5 synthesises findings, details enabling and inhibiting factors for consortia formation and models of best practice amongst consortia. The scope for cross-sectoral collaboration is discussed and found to be limited at present. Pointers are given for future activity

    Library News and Notes

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    Newsletter of the Boston University Alumni Medical Librar

    Discovery Tools and Local Metadata Requirements in Academic Libraries

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    As the second decade of the twenty-first century commences, academic librarians who work to promote collection access must not only contend with a vast array of content available in a wide range of formats, but they must also ensure that new technologies developed to accommodate user search behaviors yield satisfactory outcomes. Next generation discovery tools are designed to streamline the search process and facilitate better search results by incorporating metadata from proprietary and local collections, then by providing relevancy-ranked results. This paper investigates the implications of discovery tool use for accessing materials housed in institutional repositories and special collections, in particular, how the discovery of these materials depends on local metadata creation practices. This paper surveys current research pertaining to metadata quality issues that may put unique local collections at risk for being overlooked in meta-search relevancy rankings, and considers ways in which academic libraries can address this issue as well as areas for future research

    Academic Gateway, Spring 2012

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    Electronic information resource use: Implications for teaching and library staff

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    Traditionally, guidance from teaching staff to students on the use of information sources has taken the form of reading lists containing a mix of books and journal articles, and the assumption is that information specialists within the library will provide whatever additional help is needed to access these resources. Given the rapidly increasing availability of electronic sources of information, and changes in the learning and teaching environment, such an approach can no longer be regarded as appropriate. This paper addresses the issue of the best way of helping students make effective use of electronic information resources, thereby developing their information‐gathering skills. Reference is made to the lessons learned from undertaking a small action research project in this field. Consideration is also given to a number of broader, more contextual issues, such as the ongoing shift towards more independent learning by students and changing relationships between teaching staff and information specialists. We conclude that more research is urgently needed if ways are to be found of ensuring that students maximize the potential of electronic information resources, and argue that there should be greater collaboration between teaching staff and information specialists, and that their roles and responsibilities in providing appropriate support and in assessing the information‐gathering skills of students need to be redefined

    SLIS Student Research Journal, Vol. 1, Iss. 1

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    AFLOW-QHA3P: Robust and automated method to compute thermodynamic properties of solids

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    Accelerating the calculations of finite-temperature thermodynamic properties is a major challenge for rational materials design. Reliable methods can be quite expensive, limiting their applicability in autonomous high-throughput workflows. Here, the three-phonon quasiharmonic approximation (QHA) method is introduced, requiring only three phonon calculations to obtain a thorough characterization of the material. Leveraging a Taylor expansion of the phonon frequencies around the equilibrium volume, the method efficiently resolves the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, specific heat at constant pressure, the enthalpy, and bulk modulus. Results from the standard QHA and experiments corroborate the procedure, and additional comparisons are made with the recently developed self-consistent QHA. The three approaches—three-phonon, standard, and self-consistent QHAs—are all included within the open-source ab initio framework aflow, allowing the automated determination of properties with various implementations within the same framework
