217,987 research outputs found

    Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Organisational Contexts: A Motivation-Based Perspective

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    This paper develops a motivation-based perspective to explore how organisations resolve the social dilemma of knowledge sharing, and the ways in which different motivational mechanisms interact to foster knowledge sharing and creation in different organisational contexts. The core assumption is that the willingness of organisational members to engage in knowledge sharing can be viewed on a continuum from purely opportunistic behaviour regulated by extrinsic incentives to an apparently altruistic stance fostered by social norms and group identity. The analysis builds on a three-category taxonomy of motivation: adding ‘hedonic’ motivation to the traditional dichotomy of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Based on an analysis of empirical case studies in the literature, we argue that the interaction and mix of the three different motivators play a key role in regulating and translating potential into actual behaviour, and they underline the complex dynamics of knowledge sharing and creation in different organisational contexts

    Effects of Compensation Systems on Job Search Decisions: An Application of Person-Organization Fit

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    Past research has demonstrated the importance of pay level in job search and choice processes. Compensation policies other than pay level may have important effects on applicant attraction, yet there has been little research examining this possibility. The role of person-organization fit in job search and job choice decisions has also been supported. Because pay systems define an organization\u27s expectations and culture, they may be an important organizational attribute for individuals to compare with their needs and values; thus the corresponding level of fit between compensation policies and individuals\u27 dispositions may affect subsequent job search and choice decisions. Using several research methods and a sample of individuals currently involved in the interviewing process, this stugy examines both the main and interactive effects of various pay system attributes on job search. Resulting analyses primarily supported the hypotheses, suggesting that many facets of pay systems may have important effects on individuals\u27 job search and choice decisions

    The Role of Entrepreneur-Venture Fit in Online Home-based Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Home-based businesses and their founders represent an important, but under-researched facet of entrepreneurship. Far from being small, hobby-businesses with little economic impact, home-based business make significant contribution to national economies in terms of both turnover and employment. Online home-based businesses have been recognised as an important and distinct sector of the home-based business domain, offering unique opportunity for innovation and business diversity. The paper presents a systematic literature review of extant research on online home-based entrepreneurs and their businesses. The findings of the review are structured and discussed using the theoretical lens of entrepreneur-venture fit. Use of this lens allows the study to bring coherence to previously fragmented extant studies, providing a basis for future research in this domain. The study also develops a novel model of entrepreneur-venture fit in the specific case of online home-based businesses. This allows us to suggest five positive interactions between entrepreneurial and venture characteristics. It also allows us to suggest a number of previously unidentified negative interactions, which may result in entrepreneurs becoming ‘locked-in’ and suffering multiple sources of stress

    Perceived Underemployment Among The Foreign-Born: Its Outcomes And The Moderating Role Of Psychological Empowerment And Perceived Organizational Support

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    In the present study the relationship between perceived underemployment and job attitudes such as job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and turnover intentions among foreign-born employees was examined. Underemployment occurs when employee education, skills, and previous job experiences are underutilized. Perceived underemployment was used as the specific type of underemployment to examine these relationships. Additionally, psychological empowerment and perceived organizational support (POS) were examined as potential moderators of the relationship between perceived underemployment and job attitudes. Foreign-born employees perceived themselves as moderately underemployed. In addition, there was a significant and negative relationship between perceived underemployment and job satisfaction; but perceived underemployment was not related to affective organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Furthermore, psychological empowerment and POS did not moderate the relationship between perceived underemployment and job attitudes but were directly related to these outcomes. These findings suggest that, as employees feel higher levels of underemployment, they are less satisfied with their jobs and perceive themselves to be less empowered and supported by their organizations. Organizational strategies to minimize the negative impact of perceived underemployment were suggested

    Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Organisational Contexts: A Motivation-Based Perspective

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    This paper develops a motivation-based perspective to explore how organisations resolve the social dilemma of knowledge sharing, and the ways in which different motivational mechanisms interact to foster knowledge sharing and creation in different organisational contexts. The core assumption is that the willingness of organisational members to engage in knowledge sharing can be viewed on a continuum from purely opportunistic behaviour regulated by extrinsic incentives to an apparently altruistic stance fostered by social norms and group identity. The analysis builds on a three-category taxonomy of motivation: adding ‘hedonic’ motivation to the traditional dichotomy of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Based on an analysis of empirical case studies in the literature, we argue that the interaction and mix of the three different motivators play a key role in regulating and translating potential into actual behaviour, and they underline the complex dynamics of knowledge sharing and creation in different organisational contexts.Knowledge sharing; tacit knowledge; motivation; incentives; organizational learning; human resource practices

    Managerial Approaches to Telecommuting

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    The purpose of this theoretical paper is to synthesize the current knowledge on the topic of telecommuter managerial approaches by cross-analyzing certain commonalities and differences among relevant literature and scholarly sources. This paper will explore key themes such as trust management, performance-based reviews, communication, boundary management, work-life balance, and social and professional isolation. Additionally, this analysis will identify significant issues and contradictions amidst the research of flexible work arrangement management styles. Furthermore, it will outline the most significant disadvantages and repercussions of telecommuting and discuss them in relationship to the management styles best suited to alleviating these issues. Then, this paper will develop and present a theory which clearly outlines the best approaches for managing telecommuters by succinctly tying together the crucial variables embodying this literature. After, this paper will provide recommendations and methods for implementing these managerial approaches in the organization. Lastly, this paper will explain the theory’s implications on the overarching knowledge and topic of telecommuter managerial approaches and nature of the workforce

    Managerial Approaches to Telecommuting

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    The purpose of this theoretical paper is to synthesize the current knowledge on the topic of telecommuter managerial approaches by cross-analyzing certain commonalities and differences among relevant literature and scholarly sources. This paper will explore key themes such as trust management, performance-based reviews, communication, boundary management, work-life balance, and social and professional isolation. Additionally, this analysis will identify significant issues and contradictions amidst the research of flexible work arrangement management styles. Furthermore, it will outline the most significant disadvantages and repercussions of telecommuting and discuss them in relationship to the management styles best suited to alleviating these issues. Then, this paper will develop and present a theory which clearly outlines the best approaches for managing telecommuters by succinctly tying together the crucial variables embodying this literature. After, this paper will provide recommendations and methods for implementing these managerial approaches in the organization. Lastly, this paper will explain the theory’s implications on the overarching knowledge and topic of telecommuter managerial approaches and nature of the workforce

    Core self-evaluations and work-family enrichment: the mediating role of distributive justice perceptions

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue doble: analizar las relaciones entre la personalidad de los empleados (operacionalizada como núcleo de autoevaluaciones, NAE) y el enriquecimiento trabajo-familia (ETF); y examinar si las percepciones de justicia distributiva desempeñan un rol mediador en tales relaciones. Se realizó una verificación empírica de corte transversal sobre 386 empleados de organizaciones públicas y privadas localizadas en Argentina. Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales indicaros un adecuado ajuste para un modelo de mediación total (S-Bχ2 = 3.18, GFI= .99, CFI= .99, RMSEA= .03), en el que las percepciones de justicia distributiva median las relaciones del NAE con ETF (γ = .13, IC= [-.03; .27]) y con EFT (γ = .09, IC= [-.08; .25]). Se discuten los resultados a la luz de sus implicaciones prácticas. Este estudio proporciona información valiosa para que directivos organizacionales y gerentes de recursos humanos focalicen sus esfuerzos tanto en el desarrollo de los rasgos del NAE, como en la creación de ambientes de trabajo justos.The aim of this study was twofold: to analyze the possible relationships between employees' personality (as measured by core self-evaluations or CSE) and their feelings of work-family enrichment (WFE); and to examine whether distributive justice perceptions act as a mediator in such relationships. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data from 386 employees in public and private organizations located in Argentina. Structural equation modelling was used to examine two integrative models that combined CSE, distributive justice, and WFE. Results reveal a good fit of the full mediation model (S-Bχ2 = 3.18, GFI= .99, CFI= .99, RMSEA= .03), in which distributive justice perceptions fully mediated the relations between CSE and WFE (γ = .13, IC= [-.03; .27]) and between CSE and FEW (γ = .09, IC= [-.08; .25]). Findings are discussed in the light of its theoretical and practical implications. The study provides valuable information for organizational authorities and HR managers to focus their efforts on both the development of CSE traits and the creation of fair and equitable work environments.Fil: Omar, Alicia Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Salessi, Solana Magalí. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Instituto de Investigaciones; ArgentinaFil: Vaamonde, Juan Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Instituto de Investigaciones; ArgentinaFil: Urteaga Omar, Alicia Florencia. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos; Argentin

    HRM and Performance: What’s Next?

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    The last decade of empirical research on the added value of human resource management (HRM), also known as the HRM and Performance debate, demonstrates evidence that ‘HRM does matter’ (Huselid, 1995; Guest, Michie, Conway and Sheehan, 2003; Wright, Gardner and Moynihan, 2003). Unfortunately, the relationships are often (statistically) weak and the results ambiguous. This paper reviews and attempts to extend the theoretical and methodological issues in the HRM and performance debate. Our aim is to build an agenda for future research in this area. After a brief overview of achievements to date, we proceed with the theoretical and methodological issues related to what constitutes HRM, what is meant by the concept of performance and what is the nature of the link between these two. In the final section, we make a plea for research designs starting from a multidimensional concept of performance, including the perceptions of employees, and building on the premise of HRM systems as an enabling device for a whole range of strategic options. This implies a reversal of the Strategy-HRM linkage
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