3,896 research outputs found

    Defectors cannot be detected during"small talk" with strangers.

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    To account for the widespread human tendency to cooperate in one-shot social dilemmas, some theorists have proposed that cooperators can be reliably detected based on ethological displays that are difficult to fake. Experimental findings have supported the view that cooperators can be distinguished from defectors based on "thin slices" of behavior, but the relevant cues have remained elusive, and the role of the judge's perspective remains unclear. In this study, we followed triadic conversations among unacquainted same-sex college students with unannounced dyadic one-shot prisoner's dilemmas, and asked participants to guess the PD decisions made toward them and among the other two participants. Two other sets of participants guessed the PD decisions after viewing videotape of the conversations, either with foreknowledge (informed), or without foreknowledge (naïve), of the post-conversation PD. Only naïve video viewers approached better-than-chance prediction accuracy, and they were significantly accurate at predicting the PD decisions of only opposite-sexed conversation participants. Four ethological displays recently proposed to cue defection in one-shot social dilemmas (arms crossed, lean back, hand touch, and face touch) failed to predict either actual defection or guesses of defection by any category of observer. Our results cast doubt on the role of "greenbeard" signals in the evolution of human prosociality, although they suggest that eavesdropping may be more informative about others' cooperative propensities than direct interaction

    Bonobo personality predicts friendship

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    In bonobos, strong bonds have been documented between unrelated females and between mothers and their adult sons, which can have important fitness benefits. Often age, sex or kinship similarity have been used to explain social bond strength variation. Recent studies in other species also stress the importance of personality, but this relationship remains to be investigated in bonobos. We used behavioral observations on 39 adult and adolescent bonobos housed in 5 European zoos to study the role of personality similarity in dyadic relationship quality. Dimension reduction analyses on individual and dyadic behavioral scores revealed multidimensional personality (Sociability, Openness, Boldness, Activity) and relationship quality components (value, compatibility). We show that, aside from relatedness and sex combination of the dyad, relationship quality is also associated with personality similarity of both partners. While similarity in Sociability resulted in higher relationship values, lower relationship compatibility was found between bonobos with similar Activity scores. The results of this study expand our understanding of the mechanisms underlying social bond formation in anthropoid apes. In addition, we suggest that future studies in closely related species like chimpanzees should implement identical methods for assessing bond strength to shed further light on the evolution of this phenomenon

    The Curvilinear Effects of Extroversion on Subjective and Objective Sales Outcomes

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    Recent advances in the shape of the extraversion-sales performance relationship suggests being highly introverted and highly extraverted can be detrimental to customer interactions. Using two archival data sets (Study 1: N = 574, Study 2: N = 168), the current study explored non-linear extraversion-sales performance relationships at both the factor- and facet-level for predicting objective and subjective criteria. Findings suggest significant non-linear relationships for extraversión facets with specific criteria combinations. Sales organizations should consider facets over factors for performance prediction. Implications for hiring extraverted sales professionals are discussed

    Valuing Nature For Climate Change Policy: From Discounting The Future To Truly Social Deliberation

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    The recent human impact on the environment is so unique in the geological record that the official geological body that defines the division of geological time, the International Commission on Stratigraphy, is considering designating a new geographical epoch called the Anthropocene, calling attention to the global impacts humans, and particularly the human economy, are having on the Earth’s biological, atmospheric and geological systems. Using the example of climate change, it is argued below that the magnitude, suddenness, and long-term consequences of the current human abuse of the natural world calls for a radical new approach to valuing nature, one based not on individual choice in the immediate present but rather on a socially embedded “deeper sense of time”. Such an approach would move beyond attempts to “correctly price” nature based on imputed market values and would instead rely on shared social values and a concern for future generations. These shared social values can be made concrete through discursive processes drawing upon our long evolutionary history of collectively solving the problem of intergenerational sustainability.

    Social capital, social norms and the New Institutional Economics

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    Douglass North (1990) describes institutions as the rules of the game that set limits on human behavior, now a universally-accepted definition. North and others especially underline the crucial role of informal social norms. They predict that, like all rules of the game, social norms should affect the economic prosperity enjoyed by individuals and countries – that they should have a crucial impact, for example, on economic and political development. In fact, substantial evidence demonstrates that social norms prescribing cooperative or trustworthy behavior have a significant impact on whether societies can overcome obstacles to contracting and collective action that would otherwise hinder their development. Much of this evidence comes from outside the new institutional economics, emerging instead from scholarly research in the field of “social capital.” A review of this evidence, and its implications for our understanding of the role of social norms and institutions, is therefore the focus of this chapter.social capital, norms, institutions, institutional economics

    The Same Face of the Two Smiths: Adam Smith and Vernon Smith

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    Going from personal to impersonal exchange seems to be a relevant feature that allows humans to develop complex societies and grow prosperous. Adam Smith\u27s idea of moral imagination, embodied in the impartial spectator and achieved through sympathy, may integrate and complement today\u27s evolutionary biology and experimental economic explanations, providing the missing key as to how we generate and internalize those rules of conduct that promote fair and cooperative behaviors

    Novel pathogen introduction rapidly alters the evolution of movement, restructuring animal societies

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    Animal social interactions are the outcomes of evolved strategies that integrate the costs and benefits of being sociable. Using a novel mechanistic, evolutionary, individual-based simulation model, we examine how animals balance the risk of pathogen transmission against the benefits of social information about resource patches, and how this determines the emergent structure of spatial social networks. We study a scenario in which a fitness-reducing infectious pathogen is introduced into a population which has initially evolved movement rules in its absence. Pathogen introduction leads to a rapid evolutionary shift, within only a few generations, in animal social-movement strategies. Generally, animals adopt a dynamic social distancing behaviour, trading more movement away from individuals (and less intake) for lower infection risk, but there is considerable individual variation in these social movement strategies. Pathogen-adapted populations are more widely dispersed over the landscape, and thus have lessclustered social networks than their pre-introduction, pathogen-naive ancestors. Running simple epidemiological models on these emergent social networks, we show that diseases do indeed spread more slowly through pathogen-adapted animal societies. The post-introduction, pathogen-adapted movement strategy mix is stongly influenced by a combination of landscape productivity and diseasecost. Our model suggests how the introduction of an infectious pathogen to a population rapidly changes social structure. While such events might make populations more resilient to future disease outbreaks, this is at the cost of social information benefits. Overall, we offer both a general modelling framework and initial predictions for the evolutionary consequences of wildlife pathogen spillovers

    Psychological factors affecting equine performance

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    For optimal individual performance within any equestrian discipline horses must be in peak physical condition and have the correct psychological state. This review discusses the psychological factors that affect the performance of the horse and, in turn, identifies areas within the competition horse industry where current behavioral research and established behavioral modification techniques could be applied to further enhance the performance of animals. In particular, the role of affective processes underpinning temperament, mood and emotional reaction in determining discipline-specific performance is discussed. A comparison is then made between the training and the competition environment and the review completes with a discussion on how behavioral modification techniques and general husbandry can be used advantageously from a performance perspective