1,257 research outputs found

    Platonic crystal with low-frequency locally resonant snail structures. Wave trapping, transmission amplification and shielding

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    We propose a new type of platonic crystal. The proposed microstructured plate includes snail resonators with low-frequency resonant vibrations. The particular dynamic effect of the resonators are highlighted by a comparative analysis of dispersion properties of homo- geneous and perforated plates. Analytical and numerical estimates of classes of standing waves are given and the analysis on a macrocell shows the possibility to obtain localization, wave trapping and edge waves. Applications include transmission amplification within two plates separated by a small ligament. Finally we proposed a design procedure to suppress low frequency flexural vibration in an elongated plate implementing a by-pass system re- routing waves within the mechanical system.Comment: 11 figures (20 files

    Simultaneous cooling of coupled mechanical oscillators using whispering gallery mode resonances

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    We demonstrate simultaneous center-of-mass cooling of two coupled oscillators, consisting of a microsphere-cantilever and a tapered optical fiber. Excitation of a whispering gallery mode (WGM) of the microsphere, via the evanescent field of the taper, provides a transduction signal that continuously monitors the relative motion between these two microgram objects with a sensitivity of 3 pm. The cavity enhanced optical dipole force is used to provide feedback damping on the motion of the micron-diameter taper, whereas a piezo stack is used to damp the motion of the much larger (up to 180 μ180\,\mum in diameter), heavier (up to 1.5×10−7 1.5\times 10^{-7}\,kg) and stiffer microsphere-cantilever. In each feedback scheme multiple mechanical modes of each oscillator can be cooled, and mode temperatures below 10 K are reached for the dominant mode, consistent with limits determined by the measurement noise of our system. This represents stabilization on the picometer level and is the first demonstration of using WGM resonances to cool the mechanical modes of both the WGM resonator and its coupling waveguide.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    A 3D translation stage for metrological AFM

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    Minimization of phonon-tunneling dissipation in mechanical resonators

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    Micro- and nanoscale mechanical resonators have recently emerged as ubiquitous devices for use in advanced technological applications, for example in mobile communications and inertial sensors, and as novel tools for fundamental scientific endeavors. Their performance is in many cases limited by the deleterious effects of mechanical damping. Here, we report a significant advancement towards understanding and controlling support-induced losses in generic mechanical resonators. We begin by introducing an efficient numerical solver, based on the "phonon-tunneling" approach, capable of predicting the design-limited damping of high-quality mechanical resonators. Further, through careful device engineering, we isolate support-induced losses and perform the first rigorous experimental test of the strong geometric dependence of this loss mechanism. Our results are in excellent agreement with theory, demonstrating the predictive power of our approach. In combination with recent progress on complementary dissipation mechanisms, our phonon-tunneling solver represents a major step towards accurate prediction of the mechanical quality factor.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Development of a 3-axis MEMS magnetometer based on Lorentz force

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Physics Engineering, (especialização em Devices, Microsystems and Nanotechnologies)Typical magnetometers found in the magnetic fields research are highly incompatible with the massive MEMS technology industry that has been the object of study in the past years. This aspect leads to the rapid increase in production costs and reliability reduction. Furthermore, most of the magnetometers that are adapted to this technology are highly complex and with little to no adaptation to outer-space research. In this work, a novel single-axis MEMS magnetometer based on the principle of the Lorentz force capable of reading fields in the X or Y direction is designed and simulated with the description of a fabrication method to be used. This magnetometer uses an innovative design for a current-carrying-bar that’s highly adaptable to a variety of scenarios with a low 100Ω current resistance in each of its paths. An amplitude-modulated method is approached through the use of a capacitive-readout system and an off-resonance frequency of operation to achieve the detection baseline of a 1aF capacitive variation at a 20nT magnetic field. This involves the use of various mechanisms to increase the quality factor and reduce the overall stiffness of the device to increase its displacement caused by the Lorentz force. The device is also to be operated at a 500Pa atmosphere to reduce the damping and, at the same time, increase the quality factor. A thermomechanical noise below 3 /√ with a frequency of operation at around 4977 Hz was deemed necessary to adapt the design to another previously designed single-axis MEMS magnetometer capable of reading fields in the Z direction. Various simulation and design tools are used to predetermine the best properties at which the magnetometer will be operated to its highest capabilities. Through these simulations, a 50Hz bandwidth magnetometer, required for spatial research, is achieved with a capacitance variation of 1.37aF at 20nT surpassing the initial requirements. A 1.77 /√ thermomechanical noise is obtained, well below the baseline that was defined for this work. A fabrication layout was developed with all lithography masks designed, and a microfabrication process flow was devised. The microfabrication process run was partially completed and it’s still ongoing.Os magnetómetros típicos encontrados na investigação de campos magnéticos são altamente incompatíveis com a enorme indústria da tecnologia MEMS que tem sido objeto de estudo nos últimos anos. Este aspeto leva ao rápido aumento dos custos de produção e à redução da fiabilidade. Para além disso a maioria dos magnetómetros adaptados a esta tecnologia são altamente complexos e com pouca ou nenhuma adaptação à investigação espacial. Neste trabalho, um novo magnetómetro MEMS de um único eixo baseado no princípio da força de Lorentz capaz de ler campos na direção X ou Y é concebido e simulado com a descrição de um método de fabrico a ser utilizado. Este magnetómetro utiliza um desenho inovador para uma barra condutora que é altamente adaptável a uma variedade de cenários com uma baixa resistência de 100Ω em cada um dos seus caminhos. Um método de modulação em amplitude é abordado através da utilização de um sistema de leitura capacitiva e uma frequência de operação com um desvio da ressonância para alcançar a linha de base de deteção de uma variação capacitiva de 1aF para um campo magnético de 20nT. Isto envolve a utilização de vários mecanismos para aumentar o fator de qualidade e reduzir a rigidez geral do dispositivo para aumentar o deslocamento causado pela força de Lorentz. O dispositivo deve também ser operado a uma atmosfera de 500Pa para reduzir o amortecimento e, ao mesmo tempo, aumentar o factor de qualidade. Um ruído termomecânico inferior a 3 /√ com uma frequência de operação de cerca de 4977 Hz foram consideradas necessárias para adaptar o desenho a outro magnetómetro MEMS de um eixo, previamente concebido, capaz de ler campos na direção Z. Várias ferramentas de simulação e desenho são utilizadas para pré-determinar as melhores propriedades em que o magnetómetro será operado até às suas capacidades mais elevadas. Através destas simulações, um magnetómetro de 50Hz de largura de banda, necessário para a investigação espacial, é alcançado com uma variação de capacidade de 1.37aF a 20nT, ultrapassando os requisitos iniciais. É obtido um ruído termomecânico de 1.77 /√, bem abaixo da linha de base que foi definida para este trabalho. Foi desenvolvido um esquema de fabricação com todas as máscaras litográficas concebidas, e foi concebido um fluxo de processo de microfabricação. A execução do processo de microfabricação foi parcialmente concluída e ainda está em curso.This work was framed in the scope of the Project (Link4S)ustainability - A new generation connectivity system for creation and integration of networks of objects for new sustainability paradigms [POCI-01- 0247-FEDER-046122 | LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-046122], financed by the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programmes COMPETE 2020 and LISBOA 2020, under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component

    Fail-safe semi-active dynamic vibration absorber design

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