11 research outputs found

    Co-experience Network Dynamics: Lessons from the Dance Floor.

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    Experience and socialization are key factors in determining customer commitment and renewal decisions in the service sector. To analyse the combined effect of experience and socialization, in this paper we introduce the concept of co-experience networks. A new methodological approach, originally applied in the field of social ethology, is devised to study reality-mined co-experience networks. By analysing a network of health club members over four years, we find that long-experienced clients have a lower chance to renew their contracts. On the other hand, central members in the co-experience network are stable and tend to renew their memberships. Further, since the members of the same reference group align their levels of commitment, renewal decisions are clustered in a small-world network. These findings contribute to our understanding of social dynamics and localized conformity in customer decision-making that can be used to plan marketing strategies to improve customer retention.

    Information availability at the competitive bidding stage for service contracts

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    Sustainable production and consumption have become more important internationally which has led to the transformation of market structures and competitive situations into the direction of servitisation [Baines et al., 2011; Bandinelli and Gamberi, 2011]. For a manufacturing company the shift towards being a service provider is characterised by a high level of uncertainty about the future strategic development of the company caused by e.g. inadequate knowledge and information [Song et al., 2007]. For this research, a service is defined as an activity or a process which is aimed at the change of the state of the service issue such as the repair of a machine or the supply of flying hours for an aircraft [Araujo and Spring, 2006; Gadrey, 2000]. [...continues]

    How to measure the perceived service quality of a quality analysis laboratory: Design of a tool

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    This project is about a company which is the world leader of testing, inspection, and certification company. It is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. They work with several different industries, from retail (SONAE and Jerónimo Martins being the biggest clients) to smaller but more technical clients like cosmetic companies. Although the company has a very well-established relationship with several businesses, there is no standard way of dealing with complaints or improvement suggestions from clients, and there is no instrument to measure the service quality. There is considerable research on the topic of perceived service quality and its influence on purchase and repurchase decision by customers. Actually, measuring service quality plays a crucial role in building customer loyalty, and, consequently, on customer retention. The aim of this project is to design a scale of assessment to measure the perceived service quality from their customers. Taking into account the literature review, an adaptation of the SERVQUAL instrument was developed.Este projeto debruça-se sobre uma empresa líder mundial em testes, inspeção e certificação. É reconhecida como a referência global de qualidade e integridade e trabalha com várias indústrias diferentes, desde o retalho (sendo SONAE e Jerónimo Martins os maiores clientes) a clientes mais pequenos, mas mais técnicos, como empresas de cosmética. Embora a empresa tenha uma relação muito bem estabelecida com várias empresas, não tem uma forma normalizada de lidar com as reclamações ou sugestões de melhoria dos clientes, nem procede à avaliação da qualidade do seu serviço. Existe investigação considerável sobre o tema da perceção da qualidade do serviço e a sua influência na decisão de compra e recompra por parte dos clientes. De facto, a medição da qualidade do serviço desempenha um papel crucial na fidelização dos clientes, e, consequentemente, na sua retenção. O objetivo deste projeto é desenhar uma escala de avaliação para medir a qualidade de serviço percebida pelos clientes desta empresa. Tendo por base a revisão de literatura sobre o tema, foi desenvolvida uma adaptação do instrumento SERVQUAL

    Towards a Conceptual Model of Customer Satisfaction for Manufacturing Organizations and Presenting a Three-Phases Approach

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    The purpose of this research is to deepening the conventional superficial view to the customer satisfaction, providing three-phase approach to measure customer satisfaction within the process of customer satisfaction management, and then designing a conceptual model for the manufacturing organizations. The study is of kind of mixed method research. The proposed model in this study is designed after reviewing the literature and analysis of more than 35 models and frameworks and interviews with experts and professors; then to validate and modify the model, the two-round Delphi technique and quantitative methods including scrolling is utilized. The results of this research include developing a conceptual model with 5 dimensions and 25 components for assessing customer satisfaction in manufacturing organizations. Also, the study showed that the current practices of survey (questionnaire) do not have enough efficiency to measure customer satisfaction. The proposed three-phase approach of the present research is consisted of three phase: the initial phase (questionnaire), the middle phase (expert panels), and the final phase (field visits) which complement each other and they are provided within the customer satisfaction management process. The main pillars of customer satisfaction in the final model developed in this study are consisted of 5 dimensions of quality and innovation, service and support, cost and utility, customer loyalty and corporate image. This model is applicable for manufacturing organizations (product-oriented), which are mainly placed in the group of large organizations. The research new approach towards measuring and managing customer satisfaction leads to the idea of recreating the intellectual system and the dominant notion in the field of customer satisfaction in manufacturing organizations. The proposed approach can improve the assessing style and method of customer satisfaction management from traditional paradigm of reactive and unilateral relationship (passive single-way) to the richer paradigm of bilateral and active relationship (proactive two-ways). In fact, this study is conducted to shift and change the focus from the customer satisfaction numeric index to the customer active participation in improving the quality of products

    The effect of service experiences over time on a supplier's retention of business customers

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    This paper examines the link between a supplier's marketing and service operations and its business customers' subsequent repatronage behavior. We develop a dynamic model of service contract renewal for an individual firm, at the contract level, recognizing interdependencies among service contract renewal decisions due to the firm's purchase of multiple contracts from the same supplier. The decision to renew a service contract is modeled as a function of service quality and price, where service quality is measured by the supplier's service operations metrics over time. By incorporating longitudinal data about the supplier's service operations, this study investigates how average service levels, variability in service levels (especially extreme outcomes), and timing of service delivery influence firms' service contract renewal decisions. The study context is support services for high-technology systems in business markets in Germany and the United Kingdom, where service operations metrics over time typically have skewed distributions. Firm behavior is represented by a binary choice model at the contract level, estimated as a binary response model with a complementary log-log link function incorporating random intercepts. The study shows that a firm that has a few extremely favorable experiences for a given service contract is more likely to subsequently renew that service contract, after controlling for average service levels. Firms weigh recent experiences (i.e., within the past year)-rather than earlier experiences-when deciding whether or not to renew, so the timing of service experiences may be critical to the survival of buyer-seller relationships. Overall, the study suggests that models of customer retention should incorporate the extent, variability, and timing of a supplier's service delivery over time at the contract/product level

    Determinantes que influenciam a satisfação e fidelização de clientes no setor de distribuição de produtos de higiene e limpeza profissional

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar e conhecer os determinantes que alicerçam um processo de Satisfação e Fidelização no contexto de Distribuição de Produtos de Higiene e Limpeza Profissional. Procurou-se desenvolver um modelo integrador de diversos determinantes do relacionamento e de algumas variáveis – chave do marketing de relacionamento, que permitisse medir os seus efeitos simultâneos e observar e examinar as correlações existente entre as variáveis. A metodologia para validar o modelo e respetivas hipóteses assentou na realização de inquéritos com os clientes da empresa Futurdis2- Distribuidora de Produtos de Higiene e Limpeza Profissional no Distrito de Viseu, num total de 100 clientes. Após a validação da escala de medição, optamos por uma pesquisa exploratória e confirmatória, e as hipóteses foram testadas através do Modelo de Equações Estruturais. O estudo permitiu concluir que as variáveis escolhidas para analisar os Determinantes da Satisfação e Fidelização de clientes podem ser consideradas fidedignas e consistentes. Os resultados mostraram que são vários os determinantes, quer tradicionais, quer os especificamente relacionados com o contexto em estudo, que têm efeito positivo e direto sobre a Satisfação e Fidelização de Clientes. Os determinantes tradicionais do Marketing de Relacionamento tais como: Compreensão das Necessidades, Relação com a Empresa, Marketing Interno, Marketing Interativo, Qualidade dos Serviços têm um efeito positivo e direto sobre a Satisfação. A análise estatística aponta para um efeito positivo e direto entre Satisfação e Compromisso e também revela um efeito positivo e direto entre Satisfação e Fidelização. Identificou-se os efeitos positivos e diretos entre Satisfação e Confiança. Reconheceu-se ainda que a Confiança tem efeito positivo e direto no Compromisso e também, que a Confiança tem efeito positivo e direto sobre a Satisfação. Identificou-se uma relação direta e positiva entre Compromisso e Fidelização. No contexto da validação do modelo, é possível constatar, que este pode ser utilizado e merece continuar a ser discutido como estrutura teórica para analisar a referida propensão à satisfação e fidelização de clientes.The present study aimed to investigate and understand the determinants that underpin a process of satisfaction and loyalty in the context of distribution of toiletries and cleaning professional. We sought to develop an integrative model of several determinants of relationship and some variables - key relationship marketing, allowing simultaneous measure its effects and to observe and examine the correlations between the variables. The Methodology to validate the model and respective hypotheses was based on surveys with the company's customers Futurdis2-Distributor and Hygiene Products Professional Cleaning in the District of Viseu, a total of 100 clients. After validation of the measurement scale, we chose an exploratory and confirmatory, and hypotheses were tested using the Structural Equation Model. The Study concluded that the variables chosen to analyze the determinants of satisfaction and customer loyalty can be considered reliable and consistent. The results showed that there are several determinants, whether traditional, whether specifically related to the context under study, which have positive and direct effect on satisfaction and customer loyalty. The traditional determinants of relationship marketing such as: understanding the needs, relationship with the company, internal marketing, interactive marketing, service quality has positive and direct effect on satisfaction. The statistical analysis points to a positive and direct effect between satisfaction and commitment, and also reveals a positive and direct link between satisfaction and loyalty. Identified statistically the positive and direct between satisfaction and trust. It recognized that trust has positive and direct effect on commitment and also that trust has a positive and direct effect on satisfaction. Identified a direct relationship between commitment and loyalty. In the context of model validation, it can be seen that this can be used and deserves to continue to be discussed as a theoretical framework to analyze such propensity satisfaction and customer loyalt

    Mindre komplekse selskaper og valg av revisor

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    Revisjonsbransjen i Norge er preget av høy konkurranse og høyt prispress. I dag dominerer «de fem store» aktørene markedet i stor grad, og de små og mellomstore revisjonsselskapene opplever at det er utfordrende å beholde eksisterende kunder samt tiltrekke seg nye. De små og mellomstore aktørene scorer vesentlig høyere på kundetilfredshet enn de større aktørene, men faller likevel bakpå i kampen om kundene. Mange av disse kundene er selskaper som er relativt enkle og ukompliserte, som strengt tatt ikke har behov for et større og dyrere revisjonsselskap. Denne oppgaven forsøker derfor å besvare å besvare følgende problemstilling: “Hvorfor velger mindre komplekse selskaper større revisjonsselskaper, selv om dette ofte medfører et høyere revisjonshonorar?”. Studiens formål er å kartlegge hvilke faktorer som spiller inn på valget av revisor, og i hvilken grad de har betydning for valget. På denne måten kan studien avdekke hvilke områder revisjonsselskapene bør ilegge mer oppmerksomhet for å sikre seg verdifulle kunder, samt redusere kundefrafallet. Studiens teoretiske rammeverk består av relevant teori som omhandler revisorbytte og valg av revisor, samt kundeopplevelser og kundetilfredshet. For å innhente erfaringer og få en dypere forståelse av temaet, har vi gjennomført en kvalitativ studie med et eksplorativt design. Vi har i denne sammenheng intervjuet seks selskaper som i henhold til IAASB sin definisjon er å anse som «mindre komplekse». Det var også et kriterium at selskapet hadde erfaring med både stort og lite revisjonsselskap. Oppgavens konklusjon er at noen mindre komplekse selskaper har valgt de større revisjons- selskapene grunnet et ønske om å forbedre selskapet og for å få tilgang til et større spekter av kompetanse, mens andre MKS har kun endt opp hos de større aktørene grunnet lojalitet og et ønske om å opprettholde en langvarig relasjon til sin revisor. Våre empiriske funn indikerer også at pris isolert sett har hatt liten betydning for selskapenes valg av revisor, så lenge prisen oppleves som rettferdig og gjenspeiler den verdien selskapet kan forvente av revisjonen

    Mindre komplekse selskaper og valg av revisor

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    Revisjonsbransjen i Norge er preget av høy konkurranse og høyt prispress. I dag dominerer «de fem store» aktørene markedet i stor grad, og de små og mellomstore revisjonsselskapene opplever at det er utfordrende å beholde eksisterende kunder samt tiltrekke seg nye. De små og mellomstore aktørene scorer vesentlig høyere på kundetilfredshet enn de større aktørene, men faller likevel bakpå i kampen om kundene. Mange av disse kundene er selskaper som er relativt enkle og ukompliserte, som strengt tatt ikke har behov for et større og dyrere revisjonsselskap. Denne oppgaven forsøker derfor å besvare å besvare følgende problemstilling: “Hvorfor velger mindre komplekse selskaper større revisjonsselskaper, selv om dette ofte medfører et høyere revisjonshonorar?”. Studiens formål er å kartlegge hvilke faktorer som spiller inn på valget av revisor, og i hvilken grad de har betydning for valget. På denne måten kan studien avdekke hvilke områder revisjonsselskapene bør ilegge mer oppmerksomhet for å sikre seg verdifulle kunder, samt redusere kundefrafallet. Studiens teoretiske rammeverk består av relevant teori som omhandler revisorbytte og valg av revisor, samt kundeopplevelser og kundetilfredshet. For å innhente erfaringer og få en dypere forståelse av temaet, har vi gjennomført en kvalitativ studie med et eksplorativt design. Vi har i denne sammenheng intervjuet seks selskaper som i henhold til IAASB sin definisjon er å anse som «mindre komplekse». Det var også et kriterium at selskapet hadde erfaring med både stort og lite revisjonsselskap. Oppgavens konklusjon er at noen mindre komplekse selskaper har valgt de større revisjons- selskapene grunnet et ønske om å forbedre selskapet og for å få tilgang til et større spekter av kompetanse, mens andre MKS har kun endt opp hos de større aktørene grunnet lojalitet og et ønske om å opprettholde en langvarig relasjon til sin revisor. Våre empiriske funn indikerer også at pris isolert sett har hatt liten betydning for selskapenes valg av revisor, så lenge prisen oppleves som rettferdig og gjenspeiler den verdien selskapet kan forvente av revisjonen

    Customer Service Retention – A Behavioural Perspective of the UK Mobile Market

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    Abstract Customer retention is essential for firms in the service sector and will subsequently receive a great deal of attention in the coming years. A large majority of firms are losing their current customers at a significant rate. UK operators lose over a third of their subscribers every year in spite of incurring large customer acquisition and retention expenditures. A study of customer retention from a variety of angles, including economic, behavioural and psychological perspectives, was rigorously carried out. It has been found that a majority of scholars explain customer retention from a behavioural perspective by using unrelated or indirect factors such as trust and commitment, price terms, and loyalty terms. It has also been noted that previous studies lack a clear theoretical background and a solid empirical proof to support their findings of customer operant retention behaviour. This study approaches the customer retention problem in the mobile phone sector from a behavioural perspective, applying the Behavioural Perspective Model as the main analytical framework. The model includes a set of pre-behaviour and post-behaviour factors to study consumer choice and explains its relevant drivers in a viable and comprehensive way, grounded in radical behaviourism. Many data collection methods were used to collect data from the study sample, including mobile contracts content analysis techniques, customer focus groups, and, principally, a customer survey supported by interviews with a number of managers. The data were analysed using different regression measurements to test the study model, and the propositions were constructed and tested quantitatively and discussed qualitatively. Analysis revealed that a customer will buy a mobile telecommunication package and engage in a long-term relationship with a supplier whom he or she believes will honour the relationship’s functional and emotional benefits; the consumer will be expecting to obtain such benefits when he/she buys, consumes, and has a positive experience of both the purchased object and the seller